A Blog Tour

Just in case you are new to the Blogging "thing" I wanted to give you a quick tour of mine just so you know how it works.

That's the thing that has my title in it, Cheaper than Therapy. I'll be making many. I'm like that, I like changing things up a bit. If you come back and notice a different layout, just know that I'll do it often and you're not in the wrong place!

Working my way to the top right is Jango Jukebox Just a fun music add-on I found. Double click on an artist. It'll play a few songs by that artist and then skip to another in the group. Yeah, Hannah Montana's on there...saw her and the Jonas Brothers in concert with DQ, what can I say, they're pretty good!

Another thing I do, just because. Gives me an idea about my readers, what you like, how many are reading, etc. I change these often.

My 4 close friends and I have a standing trip planned each year. This is how long until our next one. We all live in different parts of the US now, and this is how we connect. This will be our 5th trip and we're looking into Arizona as a possible destination this year. We've stayed in Santa Barbara twice, Lake Tahoe, and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

Design Sites
I design custom signatures on two different sites, these are the links. Each week our requestors vote on Signature of the week. Once in a while, I win with my design, so I give myself props, I deserve them! ;)

Just a list of links that I enjoy, and maybe you will too if you peruse them. Some are general, some are personal friends' blogs, if you'd like me to add your site, business link, or blog, let me know!

Books I'm reading
Self-explanitory. The first 3 there, i've just finished, the last one I'm going to start. If you click on the books, they'll take you to Amazon.com

My profile
Just a mini-blurb about me.

Site Hits
How many people have visited my site.

Header Credit
I often use digiscrap (scrapbooking stuff for online design) to create my blog header. Proper credit for use of a designer's work is good etiquette.

All the info going on in my life. There is a comment section at the end of each post. If you'd like, leave me some love! Scroll all the way down to the bottom and click on "older posts" to see posts from dates you've missed reading. Also, search for specific topics such as Recipes or posts about Me from the topic list, beneath my counter.

Okay, now that you're acquainted with my site, bookmark me and come back and see what we're up to!

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