Header, Header, What Do You See?

The other day Hubby and I were chatting about my recent blog post and he said, "are there pictures under that bracelet on your header?"

WHAT the...


I had no idea what he meant.

"Did you put pictures under the little gems of the kids?"

Come again.

I went to load up my blog and looked.

"Look at the center grey one. Well, all of them."

I looked.

I concentrated.

I crossed my eyes a little.

Well I guess I see an eye in the top right.

"No, a baby face, eyes, nose, that eye you see is the baby's headband!"

Did he just say a baby's headband?!

Are you feeling okay honey?

(Looking at my imaginary watch that wouldn't have the date on it anyway) Is it time for you next eye exam?

"Pfft." (stomps off)

I looked again.

I covered one eye.

I began seeing the Gerber baby.

Or a kewpie doll.

It's not a headband, it's a beret.

Okay, he's not crazy.

Do you see it?

92 supporters in group:

  1. Anonymous said...


  2. angi_b72 said...

    i see it!!

  3. Unknown said...

    Looks like the face of the odd race of characters from the old Popeye cartoons. Can't remember the name of the race for the life of me.

    If you stare long enough, it could be a pretty chubby baby wearing an old man's hat with a finger up the nose, but ...

  4. Diane said...

    actually, yes i do see it.

  5. WeaselMomma said...

    I see the baby faces, but I've been known to drink.

  6. Perksofbeingme said...

    Creepy! Now that you mention it, I can see it too. It's like playing "find the hidden baby" on your blog.

  7. Terri said...

    yep I see somethin', hate to even put it in words but a child with elephantistis issues? (in other words, I see two beady eyes with a gigantic hanging nose). I need to go see the eye doctor too.

  8. Anonymous said...

    yeah, and truthfully, it's a little creepy :)

  9. Anonymous said...

    yes I see it...kinda creepy!

  10. Sarah said...

    Oh yeah,,,I see it now. Interesting!

  11. Sarah said...

    Oh yeah,,,I see it now. Interesting!

  12. Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

    I saw it the instant I got here!

  13. Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

    BTW, definitely more in the "kewpie" doll category. :)

  14. That Janie Girl said...

    Yup, I see it. I wondered the same thing.

  15. Amy Clary said...

    I see a baby ghost. :) Your poor hubs. lol

  16. Anonymous said...

    No, I see a woman in a really huge floppy beach hat crouching with her left arm reaching down for something.

    wow, you could do a personality test on the answers to this one!

  17. Lindsay said...

    oo I totally see the baby! So did you put them there? hehe

  18. lmt1073 said...

    i see fat baby cheeks.... lol... but yea, there is def. something...

  19. Erin said...

    I totally see it and have been seeing it wondering if YOU put the picture in there. It looks like the same picture, just some clearer than others (and none of them are clear).

    :-) I see a beret too LOL!

  20. Linda S said...

    oh, this is like hidden Mickeys, or those pictures where you have to look crosseyed and move away until you see an image...yup, there's a baby in there!

  21. Planet Mom said...

    Looks like someone in a white sunhat on a summer day to me--sort of Claude Monet-ish doncha think?

    Just tell hubby whatever it is--it's "added value" and it will make people infinitely happier upon purchasing said bracelet-with-the-mysterious-picture-of-whateverness-on-it.

  22. Jen said...

    I see a baby looking at me. (And it is kind of creepy.) :)

  23. Sass said...

    I see an owl.

    Or my uncle Bob.

    I'm not sure which.

  24. Not Just Any Jen said...

    Jen, it has been awhile since I have visit. I was at once admiring your new look-you always have such great designs! But, yes I do see the baby, but don't think I would have paid much attention if you hadn't pointed it out.

  25. Cajoh said...

    Now that you mention it it does look like a baby picture in the glass portion of whatever you want to call it. If that is unintentional, perhaps you can just smile and say that it was.

  26. Former Fat Chick said...

    OH SHIT! It's like a gohst in a picture...freaky, a spooky dolly!

  27. Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

    I definitely see it. It's actually kind of scary. Fix it, ok?

  28. Tiffany said...

    LMAO I DO see a baby.

  29. Sandi said...

    I see it! very easily without crossing my eyes!

  30. Anonymous said...

    Yes, I see it. It's almost like a sonogram picture!

  31. Ann Harrison said...

    Good morning Jen!
    Guess what, I do see a baby's face. Really.

  32. Anonymous said...

    weird, but yup I see it.

  33. A Christian Mom said...

    Ha! I didn't notice it until now! Funny!

  34. Vanessa said...

    Yeah, actually I do see it. Strange. :)

  35. Kim said...

    I totally don't see it. You're both crazy ;)

  36. Tenakim said...

    Yeah, I was kind of thinking an underdeveloped Gerber babay- maybe one of those 3D ultrasonic images of a baby!

  37. goodbye said...

    No I don't see it.....what did you two have to drink that night? LOL

  38. Melissa said...

    I'm looking....

    sorry, not seeing anything even loaded up on prescription pain killers and muscle relaxers.....

  39. SavvySuzie said...

    Freaky ghostly baby heads...but yeah they are totally there. Kinda look like Kewpie dolls to me...

  40. Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

    OK-thanks for making me go crazy this morning, I was like huh...what...where...oh I see something...no im losing my mind...ughhh!!

  41. kel said...

    I see it.. is it a ghost??

  42. Smoochiefrog said...

    Yup, sure do! It's a little doll face in the first, fourth, fifth, and last 2 circles. :)

  43. Sous Chef Mom said...

    Hummmm... I see something...

  44. Pam said...

    yessss...and it's actually starting to creep me out. lol jk :)

  45. Tena said...

    now that you mention it, yes I do see it

  46. Fun Things Kids said...

    I see it, I saw it the first time I visited, I thought it was very creative that you had a child's reflection in there.

  47. Mrs. M said...

    I see it too.

  48. Merrie said...

    I didn't see it until A pointed it out. Yes, it looks like a baby doll's head. A little disturbing, but unique! :)

  49. Dennis and Leslie said...

    All I see in them is the smoke from your funny leaves....puff, puff, give.

  50. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    I totally see it!

    **cue the scary music**

  51. Tara R. said...

    I saw it first time, thought it was a cute idea. It's even better now that I find out it was a fun quirk.

  52. Anonymous said...

    I saw it from the first day too. Thought you'd done it deliberately.
    Fun redesign, btw. :)

  53. Wendi said...

    Yup, I see it!
    You are not crazy.
    That or we both are.;)

  54. Candy Graber said...

    I totally see it, but I am a little high on cold meds!

  55. Rachel said...

    I see it too!

  56. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Yep, totally see them. Sort of creepy-ghost babies!

  57. Robin said...

    I was beginning to think you were all crazy or maybe it was just me, then I went back and looked again and yep I see something...creepy!!

  58. Unknown said...

    I see it (them?!)!

    It looks like they may have a hat on? Maybe?

    Now I feel like I am going crazy...

  59. SweetPeaSurry said...

    HAH ... I saw the baby faces. I did, and I didn't have to cover one eye either.

    Uh oh ... I guess that means tis time for me to go get my eyeballs checked!!!

    lol ... that was funny!

  60. Anonymous said...

    I see a baby. Looks like an ultrasound to me.

  61. Lori said...

    I noticed it from the very first day, I thought they were your children!

  62. Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

    never noticed until now and now I am a bit freaked out. Poltergeist. weird, call ghost busters right away.

  63. Mom! Dude! said...

    Um, I see the profile of an old woman wearing a big floppy hat...am I insane or just going blind?

  64. The Mathews Family said...

    I see babies! YES MA'AM! Funny...

  65. Deb said...

    Yes, I do see something that resembles a baby!

  66. Heather of the EO said...

    Momma Moe cracked me up because I saw all sorts of weird things too. And no. I'm not drunk.

  67. Susan said...

    I see them!

  68. Beth said...

    Yeah, baby!

  69. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    Sure do, how funny is that. I did not see it the first time. I came back from your big girl twitter and boom there were the babies wearing a beret.... =)

  70. Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

    I see an upside down baby. Or the gerber baby with a spoon on its nose.

  71. Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

    Love the new blog design, BTW!

  72. Unknown said...

    I totally saw it as soon as you mentioned it. Now I'm thinking it's kinda creepy.

  73. Anonymous said...

    I can kind of see something.

  74. Minxy Mimi said...

    I see something, not sure what, and its a little odd to be sure! LOL

  75. Unknown said...

    It took me a minute, but I totally see it. Looks like a baby doll's face. Too funny!

  76. Paige said...

    Whatever it is, it scares me a little

  77. Shannon said...


    I see it! Beret and all!

  78. Tim said...

    I saw it before I read the post believe it or not.

    I love the new header,however I do miss you pic on it.

    Love and Prayers,


  79. AUDREY {LIL' BOOGER BLOG} said...

    I thought they were pictures of your babies! I miss your picture too!

  80. Anonymous said...

    I do see it. Didn't notice it until now though. Hmm.

  81. Haasiegirl said...

    I see it!

  82. Shawn said...

    Eww..thanks Jen, now I'll see it everytime I'm here! You'll have to change it to 'musings of the creepy baby'.

  83. Heather said...

    I'm a little creeped out now. I totally see it, and now I feel like your blog may be haunted. Great.

  84. Aracely said...

    Yup a beret, I see it, a little baby Monica Lewinski.

  85. Ace said...

    I saw the stay puft marshmallow man from ghostbusters.

  86. ... said...

    i do i do :]

  87. Jenny said...

    I saw it right away and it's a bit creepy! LOL!

  88. Liz said...

    Umm...so if it's not a bracelet, what is it? And yeah, I see the baby in the charm things.

  89. Stacy Uncorked said...

    Yes, I see it - I noticed it before reading this post since I'm behind in playing catch up and hadn't been by since you changed your header... :)

  90. Mrs4444 said...

    Um...I clearly see the face of that famous National Geographic photo of the weird looking arctic baboon. Do you remember that one?

  91. Our Crooked Tree said...

    I see ghosts!:)

  92. wife.mom.nurse said...

    Thank you to your hubby for bringing it up...

    I have spent way to much time staring...wondering...just trying to make sense of it... "What could it be?"

    (Actually just`once thought about how I would like to see that baby better")

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