Dare I Get Political?

So many times I've wanted to post this...and so many times I didn't, but we're all entititled to our opinion.[nervous giggle].

I LOVE watching Ellen.

She is the funniest female comedian I know.

I even loved her t.v. show until they yanked it because she came out.

Obviously her talk show is now a smashing hit, so there's a little in your face action.

Did you see the episode with the Hawaii Chair?! Pee your pants funny!

And, of course her wedding to Portia DeRossi this summer was brilliantly captured!

No, I have nothing wrong with their marriage being recognized by the state of California, more power to them, and how can you deny happiness?? Who's business it of anyone else who you marry and what sexual orientation they are? Just sayin'.

Ellen with John McCain...

Oh and there's this from Jen at the Daily Mish Mash....hee hee!

No need for a brawl, just my view with a hint of humor. I'll respect yours if you respect mine.

58 supporters in group:

  1. Belle (from Life of a...) said...

    Respect is what it's all about, isn't it? Love the line "no need for a brawl"...

  2. Diva Ma @ Mommy Fabulous said...

    Okay, that chair is too funny! Couldn't you just put a machanical bull in the office and get the same effect?

    And bravo on your bit of polical views. I tend to post a little politics sometimes simply because I believe that this election is historical and everyone is entitled to an opinion without the bashing, right?

    This was funny!

  3. Anonymous said...

    Just discovered your blog. loving it...am adding it to the blogroll so i can come here more often!

  4. Molly said...

    Thanks for sharing both of those! That chair is a scream.

    RE: McCain, we all know that he is a brave man for surviving the whole POW thing...but dude, he didn't dodge this bullet at all. I am probably not going to vote for the man (or the other main dude either) but, you HAVE GOT to respect that he didn't avoid the issue and he said "respectfully disagree"...good stuff.


  5. Unknown said...

    I LOVED the Hawaii chair OMGosh I had tears rollin! I saw 2 videos were there 3?

  6. Brittany said...


    I balwed my eyes out during their wedding video, if that isn't love, then what the heck is. I agree with Ellen, people are the same. THE. SAME. EQUAL.

    The last video didn't work for me, but I can't wait to see it.

  7. Jay @halftime lessons said...

    Ok, you have inspired me...

    I have been deliberately avoiding the topic of politics, but MAYBE it is time for just one post...


  8. because I said so said...


  9. Lisa said...

    Dare away, girl! I may not agree with you about football, but this is an area where we're right on!!! GO OBAMA, GO!!! Man, did John McCain look uncomfortable there, or what?

  10. April said...

    i love love love ellen. and 100% support gay marriage, adoption, etc. and think all rights and privileges between two consenting adults should be the same. that being said, i don't think this clip is *entirely* fair, insofar as the democratic ticket doesn't support gay marriage either. just my 2 cents ;-)

  11. April said...

    oh, and i can't see the third video :-(

  12. Anonymous said...

    So many comments come to mind, however, in the spirit of a cease fire I will only say this.

    I loved her T.V. show too she has always cracked me up!

  13. Ali said...

    Great clips Jen! (3rd one wasn't working for me) I wish Ellen (the sitcom) hadn't been cancelled, I loved that show!

  14. Darcie said...

    Gah, I was hoping you stood on my side of the ballot! Ah well. For what it's worth, I'm in favor of gay marriage, too, despite my political affiliation. I think Ellen and McCain handled thatr exchange quite well. :)

  15. Khadra said...

    I love Ellen!
    Your third video isnt showing though :(

  16. derfina said...

    I gotta get one of those Hawaii chairs! That was hilarious. Thanks for the laugh!

  17. Deb said...

    I'm with ya sister!! Love Ellen, and totally think that whoever wants to get married should be allowed to get married. Isn't there something called Prop. 8 in California trying to oppose gay marriage? If so, I hope it gets thwarted on voting day.

    I'm totally getting one of those chairs.

  18. JYNX'd said...

    hey! i found your blog and bookmarked it last week--i love it! and i agree, i LOVE ellen, but i dont get to see the show much. that clip was HILARIOUS! thx for the morning laugh!

  19. Annie said...

    You know what? To each their own! Getting off your rump and voting instead of complaining is what is important. That said, I'm a Obama supporter!

  20. Annie said...

    That chair is too darn funny! I'd wet myself laughing in it!
    I think McCain handled that well.
    I think teh most important part is that people get off their rumps and quit complaining & get out and vote no matter who they support. Nothing worse than doing nothing!

    That said, this one will be voting for "that one!"

  21. Mommy In Pink said...

    Ok...I lean towards the more conservative side here, and my husband would die if he knew I said this...but I secretly love to watch Ellen. She is absolutely hilarious and when I can I watch her show. I loved the Hawaii chair episode, I almost peed my pants i was laughing so hard.

  22. MamaJoss said...

    Totally peeing in my pants after watching the Hawaii Chair....just shared than clip with a bunch of my girls - haha! Thanks for the morning laughter...off to pick scrambled eggs off the floor...

  23. Jo-Jo said...

    The Daily Mish Mash is missing but the rest is there! I love Ellen! I have a ton of friends that are gay and even some family members. I respect their decision because the Bible tells us not to judge. I agree with McCain, that their should be legal rights for insurance and things of that nature. My friend Keith went through that when his partner died 2 years ago. I do however, still see marriage as something between a man and a woman. I don't know what that says about me...Maybe I ride the fence on this issue but hey, I am who I am.

  24. Kate said...

    Hey - can't believe I never stopped by here before!! I love Ellen - but I rarely watch her so I have to rely on people like you to post the highlights! Talk to ya later.

  25. Jenni said...

    I love Ellen! I think she is so funny and REAL...her stand up is great, too!

  26. Cathie said...

    OMG I think I piddled with laughter at that CHAIR! I never get to watch Ellen. Thanks for sharing!

  27. t said...

    Love it! I don't watch it as much as I'd like to, but I loved that Hawaii Chair. I think I was crying laughing.


  28. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    OMG Jen, I was at the taping for that Hawaiian chair. It was so funny! She is really down to earth and mice too.

    I love Ellen!

  29. Jamey said...

    I love Ellen too, she is very funny. I have many friends that differ from my opinion politically but I have respect for them & they of me as well, I am happy to see all the comments and no brawl!

  30. Tenakim said...

    So scary bringing up even a touch of politics, isn't it? You did it well. As you know I'm all for Obama (I support gay marriage too- love is love!)

  31. Clare said...

    Jen...I just have to say that your blog is great!! It is out of control! I remember when you just got like 10 or 20 comments in the beginning of the summer! You rock:)

  32. Linda S said...

    It is always so nice when people respectfully state their opinions, but realize that 40% ish of the country will differ in many ways. The whole calling names thing makes me so frustrated. Nice post, Jen! and great videos!!

  33. A Crafty Mom said...

    I love Ellen, too, but haven't seen the show in ages. LOVE the videos :-)

  34. Barbara said...

    Oh darn, wish I could see your video Jen, but its not working. Hope you are able to re-post it later or tell us where we might be able to view it.

    That chair was definitely hilarious. I only think of ONE thing when I see that chair in action and it ain't working!! LOL.

    And lastly, I agree. I love the queer community and support gay marriage and gay rights 100%. I don't really feel like the whole marriage debate is about "woman" and "man", its more about "reproduction". But when you think about all of the possibilities of reproduction in this day & age (IVF, surrogate arrangements and of course adoption), seems kinda silly to hide behind the whole man/woman only thing.

    Just my point of view.

  35. Merrie said...

    I had seen the chair bit a while back somewhere -- hilarious all over again!

    And wow that McCain went on Ellen knowing the topic at hand. They were both polite and that's appreciated. Just a thought, though -- isn't Obama on the same page as McCain on this topic? I'll have to look into that before I can say for sure.

    Head of Skate -- very funny. I like all the SNL stuff, too. In the end, I can only vote for who scares me the least, and it ain't Obama.

  36. Barbara said...

    Oh yeah... you've been tagged!

  37. Sue Wilkey said...

    While I completely agree with Ellen, you guys should know that Obama/Biden hold the same view as McCain on this issue. In fact, I thought it was super-awkward when Michelle Obama came on Ellen, right after Ellen had been raving about her wedding and her photos, and Michelle gave her a bouquet and said "congratulations on your new studio."

  38. Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

    haha, as you know from visiting my blog, I love this video! hilarious!

    And I also love Ellen--she makes me pee my pants!

  39. Angela said...

    this is my first visit to your blog. yes, i agree everyone should respect other's choices... : ) have a savvy day.

  40. Marla said...

    thank you Jen... i needed that good laugh... holy shit is that chair thing funny...

  41. scargosun said...

    You are a better person than me. I have not posted politically because my views are so with Obama that I fear I would not be respectful of McCain (not even talking about Palin, lost cause).

    I LOVED the clips you put up!

  42. Minxy Mimi said...

    Love Ellen and I am proud to be from California, I believe in Gay marriage!
    Regardless tho, Ellen is awesome and is sweet, kind and funny! I love her!

  43. Brooke said...

    No matter what your political views are, how can you NOT think Ellen is hilarious!?

    I'm voting for McCain, I'd vote for Prop 8 if I lived in CA, and I LOVE to watch Ellen!

  44. pink and green mama MaryLea said...

    Love this post! Great job.

  45. McMommy said...

    You and I are on the same page!!! :)

  46. Anonymous said...

    i love ellen too. have you seen her stand up special on hbo? it's called ellen: here and now. it's LOL funny!!!

  47. Tena said...

    I love me some Ellen!1 I swear she is a great dose of medicine, she can always make me smile! When I saw the show with the chair, I literally thought I might pee my pants!

    I think everyone should have to suffer through a marriage, whether it be a straight couple or gay couple!! Misery loves comapany!!! HA HA HA!! Totally kidding!

    I totally live in a glass house so I am not throwing one single brick!! Will stick to pebbles

  48. JESSICA said...

    Hilarious! I absolutely LOVE Ellen. I feel like I got an ab workout just watching that video. However, I am with McCain, I have to respectfully disagree on the marriage issue. Kuddos to you for posting what you think on such controversial topics...I am a strong believer in everyone being entitled to their own opinion!

  49. Gibby said...

    LOL, I just posted something the other day that started with the same words..."didn't mean to get political on my blog, BUT.."
    I love Ellen, too. She makes me laugh. And her show is one of the few that I don't mind if my kids see it. Not many talk shows like that around.

  50. LazyCrazyMama said...

    I LOVE Ellen! Hilarious! I wish I could get any channels other than NBC and PBS with my ancient antenna. I would so watch Ellen every day! That's almost worth forking over the dough for satellite. And I am right there with you in your thinking.

  51. Caffeine Court said...

    I absolutely love Ellen. She rocks.

    I think McCain was brave to go on her show and I respect both of them for keeping the conversation civil, even though they strongly disagree on the subject.

    Oh and by the way, I'm voting McCain Palin.

  52. Rochelle said...

    Great Post! Real people have real opinions. This race and some of the propositions on the ballot are too important to keep quiet!

    Loved all 3 clips!

  53. Rochelle said...

    And, Mere and Sue, you are right. Obama and Biden are also for legalized "partnerships" and not equal marriage rights. Of course, I totally disagree with them on that one issue but you can't have everything!

  54. Aubrey said...

    I can't stop laughing! I am kicking myself for not watching Ellen more religiously! I love her.

    I got all teary watching her wedding videos. Touching. Love is Love.

    I also can't believe I missed the McCain episode. I love to watch him squirm. LOL

  55. Casey's trio said...

    Loved watching the Ellen clips....never get to catch her show anymore. The Hawaii chair us crazy...who in the world acrually buys one of those?

  56. Jen said...

    I'm not really a big McCain supporter but I'll give him credit for being brave enough to go on Ellen. I'm not really sure I understand the logic behind that political move since it made him look ignorant. Did he even explain why he is so against gay marriage?

    Thanks for the link!! I kept thinking about Matt Damon while I was watching the VP debates. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall in his house. Well, I always wish I could be a fly on the wall in his house, but especially that night. :)

  57. Sarah McBride said...

    I LOVED the Hawaii chair episode. I laughed so hard.

    I thought McCain did a nice job.
    At least it wasnt a rehash of Rosie O'Donnell vs Tom selleck and the NRA.
    I thought it was a respectable job and kept tasteful and two parties giving their viewpoints.

    Great blog. I had forgotten what a funny clip that was.

  58. flickrlovr said...

    I'm rockin' out to your Miley Cyrus-thanks ;) Oh wait, never mind, it's the J Bros. Maybe Miley too? It sounds like her. This is sad. I recognize all the Disney channel stars now ;)

    Loved the 'Head of Skate' vid. My sentiments exactly. I haven't really gone political on my blog, but sure am thinking about it lately. I don't have a ton to say, but I definitely believe it strongly. I respect everyone's opinion, but I honestly cannot believe that people are still defending Bush, and voting for McPain/Failin' (and also the whole Prop 8 thing-I share your views on that 100%-who are we to declare what SHOULD or shouldn't make a couple happy, and who are we to say if they have to be heterosexual or not? It's not our place.)

    Anyways. Good times.
    I've watched the Ellen/Hawaii chair video a bajillion times, and it never fails to make me ROFL ;) Thanks.

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