The Wizard of What-Now?

I am that person.

That un-American, un-cultured woman who must have lived under a rock all these years.

I haven't seen The Wizard of Oz.


*wow all that gasping, I could totally hear you!*

Last night I tried to watch the 15-hour TBS version.

I got to the monkeys and had to leave the room. For good.

I am not sure why I never wanted to see the movie although it's a rite of passage for most children.

It kinda freaked my shit out.

It still does.

I was chatting with a friend on Twitter and she asked if it was the Wicked Witch? the munchkins? the scarecrow? the monkeys? no, none of that. All those things in one movie is SO NORMAL right?!

I know, it was the sepia-tone in the beginning of the movie. Or that crazy Dun Dun Nun Nuh Nuh Nah Dun Dun Nun Nuh Nuh Nah music with the witch/neighbor on the bike.

Whatever it was, I STILL have yet to see the whole movie and don't know if I ever will.

Now, give me The Breakfast Club, 16 Candles, Grease, Urban Cowboy, Steel Magnolias, Shawshank Redemption...all those movies I've seen about 100 times each and will sit through another viewing in a heartbeat.

And, as far as "kid related," bring on the Gene Wilder version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and i'll go all Veruca Salt on you "...don't care how, I want it NOW!"

So there you have it.

For the record I haven't seen the Princess Bride, Rocky Horror Picture Show, OR Twilight either.

66 supporters in group:

  1. Pam said...

    that crazy witch on bike music is a little freaky. wanna hear something funny? my mom had this album that had wizard of oz music in disco/dance form. all instrumental...can't remember what that person was called lol

    in some ways it is kind of creepy, but i never associated it w creepy til my older years lol

    all the movies you've mentioned you'll watch over & over? i have seen them all. not sure if you'd like rocky horror if ya don't like wizard of oz. princess bride is tame and twilight? i'm a freak...saw it three times already (and i'm the 'tame' one compared to some ppl i know lol)

  2. Pam said...

    p.s. lmfreakinao @ 15 hour version

  3. angi_b72 said...

    I have never seen Sound of Musis. Alot of people find that weird. And just watched Titanic for the first time last year, but I LOVED it!

  4. Candy said...

    My 29 year old daughter is still terrified by the Wizard of Oz. I think it scarred her as a child - she simply can't watch it! I'm with you on the chick flicks, but anything with violence, gore, or crying children is not entertainment to me. Give me a sappy love story - like "Hope Floats." And popcorn.

  5. Green said...

    I haven't seen Rocky horrow or Twilight either...
    Monkeys, yikes :)

  6. shutter girl said...

    I used to have to leave the room when the flying monkeys came in, too. They creeped me out...still do!

  7. kel said...

    I have only seen the first half of Wizard of Oz... up to the tinman and then I am bored!

  8. Anonymous said...

    Wizard of OZ, was and is one of my favs...BUT as a public service,let me tell you that if THAT freaked you out, DO NOT see Return to Oz. Creepy!

    PS our fav movies read eerily similar. Except, RUN don't walk to get your hands on The Princess Bride. Your kids and YOU will give a million thanks!! It is the best family movie. Merry Christmas!

  9. Shannon said...

    Well, you have seen Footloose... so there is hope for you yet...

    But I cannot believe you have not seen the Princess Bride, either! This HAS to be the next movie you watch... it is one of my faves and my kids love it, too!

    I am so with you on Steel Magnolias and Shawshank Redemption... two of the best movies ever!!!

  10. Erica said...

    I just recently saw The Princess Bride (well most of it) for the first time with my daughter (we DVR'ed and she watched it 2 more times), she begged me to watch it with her! I'm not sure I've seen the whole Wizard of Oz, as I don't remember monkeys! Never have seen Urban Cowboy but I guess I oughta check it out!

  11. Anonymous said...

    LOL...I'm like that too...I've never seen Space's a classic, I get it.

    You are not alone in bing the "only one" to not see what the world sees as "must see classics". I didn't see Revenge ofthe Nerds for at least 5 years after it came out!!

  12. A Christian Mom said...

    Wow, I don't think I know anyone who's never seen the Wizard of OZ! For the record, my husband doesn't like it. He won't watch it & wishes I wouldn't let the girls watch it, lol. But they love it & so do I. The tribe has spoken! ;o)

    I love Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, as well... but NOT the one with Johnny Depp! That one is creepy!

    I have seen the Twilight Zone, but have never seen The Princess Bride or Rocky Horror Picture Show.

  13. Diane said...

    Don't announce this too loudly, you'll have every gay man in America in absolute horror!

  14. Cathie said...

    Add me to your list. I have never seen any of the movies you mentioned. Oh well, I will survive!

  15. Anonymous said...

    One of my best friends is terrified of The Wizard of Oz, and all she's ever seen is the previews. The monkeys are what freak her out, too.

  16. Tiffany said...

    I've never seen Princess Bride, Rocky Horror, or Shawshank. But I HAVE seen Twilight. LOL

  17. Mel said...

    I have seen Wizard of Oz, but it is NOT my favorite and I could totally live without it. I really don't understand what people see in it. Now Princess Bride you have to see. That is one of my all time faves! Happy Monday.

  18. Amy W said...

    Oh my gosh... Well, I'm glad you finally saw it. Now for a REALLY good time, watch The Princess Bride, your two older kids will probably like it, too. It is so much fun and one of my favorites.

    I love the Wizard of Oz, too, but not so much since my hubby confided in me that he always kinda had the hots for Dorothy. Eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww.

  19. Smoochiefrog said...

    I've never seen Rocky Horror Picture Show either, and Mr. Smoochiefrog is scared to death of the flying monkeys.

    Me thinks we have more in common than originally thought. :)

  20. Michelle said...

    The Wizard of Oz is my all time favorite movie. My mom said I used to watch it twice a day for years as a kid. I have heard of kids being really scared of it but I still love it, always will.

  21. Joanna said...

    I saw your tweet about watching it for the first time! It's all about make believe... There's more to the story than most kids get from it, I love that movie but I can only watch it about once every 10 years or so... I also love Rocky Horror Picture Show - especially if you go to a live version... I haven't seen Twilight either and I don't really care that much for Princess Bride. At least you can say you've seen the beginning now!

  22. Unknown said...

    well i was gonna suggest watching the wizard of oz to the music of pink floyd but that would TOTALLY freak your freak out...LOL

    This is one of lilest beans very favorite movies

    Oh and I LOVE me some Urban Cowboy and Grease!

  23. Cat@3KidsandUs said...

    *Gasp* I thought EVERYONE had seen The Wizard of Oz. I could watch that movie a million times, in fact, I probably already have. lol

  24. Ann On and On... said...

    Too funny. It was my first night of t.v. in three months. After the wrestling match for the remote (I lost) I saw that it was on as my husband was flipping. Maybe, I should be glad that he went right on by. I haven't seen it in soooo long.
    Great post. I needed a good laugh this morning.

  25. April said...

    That pretty funny. Except for the Wizard of Oz, I haven't seen the others that you havent either.

  26. derfina said...

    Good God, woman! I'm surprised they didn't come round you up for the OJ trial!

  27. Annie said...

    I lurve the Princess Bride, but avoid most "award winning films". The last one I saw, aside from Lord of the Rings, was Sophie's Choice. I stayed up util 2:00 in the morning to find out that everyone died. What a downer! Uggh!

  28. Ellen Seidman said...

    Hi. You seem reasonably well-adjusted for someone who didn't grow up seeing The Wizard of Oz.

    Only read The Princess Bride, and that was so great never bothered to see the movie. Rocky Horror I've seen, like, 40 times because I used to spend my summers at some bungalow colony in rural New York (like in A Walk On The Moon, a movie which maybe nobody except me saw) and seeing Rocky Horror was the only thing to do Saturday nights.

    Glad I found your blog! I saw you were featured on The Ultimate Role Mommy Blogroll, too, and wanted to reach out. I put up a post today about two kids vs. three, and was hoping you could join the discussion over at

  29. Jamey said...

    I grew up watching the Wizard of OZ, so it has never freaked me out. I think it is a wonderful film. Princess bride is a classic, and a must see! I have it if you want to borrow it. Rocky Horror, Um different and not my taste, But Twilight, Loved it! seen it twice.

  30. Mel Fraase said...

    I feel the same way about Wizard of Oz - wasn't even really sure I wanted the kids to watch it. It's weird and freaky. BUT I totally recommend the Princess Bride!!

  31. Merrie said...

    Okay, don't bother with Rocky Horror. Nothing lost there. However, when in a wistful mood, see the Princess Bride. That's a must.
    I pretty much avoid Oz these days because I think I've seen it enough in my life to never have to again. If you need a fun classic for your kids, get "Chitty Chitty, Bang Bang." That's the one for us.

  32. ParentingPink said...

    To be honest, the Wizard of Oz kinda freaks me out too. Wasn't a big fan as a kid - and for me, it was those creepy flying monkeys that scared the beejeebers outta me! LOL

    Thank God someone else out there hasn't seen Twilight. I'm not alone in this universe :-)

  33. Clare said...

    oh jen, you crack me up! we watched it on saturday night after the wedding. i was telling chris how many times i had watched it as a kid, but i didn't realize how scary and creapy it is! i totally see where you are coming from!

  34. Anonymous said...

    Too funny - I like Wizard of Oz well enough - not something I watch over and over but I have seen it more then once - as for the last three you added I haven't seen any of them and to make it EVEN worse I haven't watched the Indiana Jones movies either!!!

  35. Heather said...

    I never got into the Princess Bride. I got all those gasps too when I told people I'd never seen it. I finally watched it because everyone told me it was "the best movie ever made" and afterward I was all, "huh? really?" haha.

  36. Unknown said...

    LMAO!!! I can't believe that the Wizard of OZ freaked you out. That is an insanely good movie.. although I havent seen it since I was a kid and probably wouldnt watch it now if you paid me! lol Don't worry I haven't seen twilight either.. doesn't look appealing to me.. I only have two movies that I would watch over and over again and they WOULDN'T get annoying.. Forrest gump and A Christmas Story lol

  37. Lianne said...

    For the record, I also haven't seen the The Wizard of Oz all the way through, any of Rocky Horror Picture Show, not one minute of Twilight, and my eyes have not beheld one second of Gone With the Wind. And I'm okay with all that. :)

  38. Swirl Girl said...

    I've seen them all about 1000 times - (except Twilight)

    i've never seen Citizen Kane - know it's about a sled...

  39. Leigh said...

    LOL! Does this mean you're not on board with "Wicked" either? Because I'm DYING to see that. And, BTW, the movies that you "BTW'd" are all MUST SEES! But watch Rocky Horror with someone who knows the audience responses. It's hilarious. :)

  40. Dennis and Leslie said...

    I told you, freaky witches, flying rabbit-monkeys, and oompa loompas high on lollipops....and they market that movie to kids....hmmph. Don't EVEN get me started on Willy Wonka....

  41. Happy Campers said...

    As a kid, I stopped watching at the flying monkeys part in the castle...all the parts of WoO that I remember are from the beginning parts. Those are the magical parts of the story to me...a kid can only pay attention for so long! Glad you tried it :)

  42. jill jill bo bill said...

    I am with you on Rocky Horror. But really Jenn, Oz is a good place and you will be whole once you see it.

  43. Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

    I grew up watching the Wizard of Oz...the whole someone hung themselves thing & you can see it in a scene freaked me out-done.
    PRINCESS BRIDE is a classic and all time favorite, you must get it. Love, Twoooo the weason we are gaffered her today! Love the movie!! haha

  44. Heather of the EO said...

    I've never seen the Wiz in it's entirety either. Go figure. And DO NOT see Twilight. Stupidness. Just so you know :)

  45. Kristen Andrews said...

    I have seen it a million times and do like it, love the munchkins. also love urban cowboy!

  46. mollybloom said...

    You need to watch it w/ the sound muted & Dark Side of the Moon playing---then it all makes sense---


  47. KatBouska said...

    For me it IS the monkeys and the witch and the creepy music. I've seen the movie...but I'm not a huge fan.

  48. Scary Mommy said...

    The Wizard of Oz is some freaky shit. I'm with you.

  49. Unknown said...

    The Princess Bride is better. See that one instead. : )

  50. Jenni said...

    You really should see The Princess Bride!

    I've never seen Gone With The Wind.

  51. Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

    To be honest, I never understood the principal of Wizard of Oz. If you think about it, I am pretty sure that the academy would snub something like that these days...Just a little too "Movie on Acid" for me. And also...the There is no place like home thing? What is that....does she like laundry and cooking? Sheesh...

  52. Aracely said...

    WORD! I've never seen it either, don't want to... and I resisted watching The Godfather FOREVER, because I liked the way people reacted when I said I've never seen it.

  53. Anonymous said...

    The Wizard of Oz was always a big thing in our house growing up. My mom had seen it in the theatre when it came out and she had great memories of that, so whenever it was on we would watch it. The weird thing was that it always aired around Easter! And we didn't have a color tv, so the switch from b/w to color never meant much until one year the neighbors invited us over to watch it on their new color tv.

  54. Sue Wilkey said...

    I completely forgot what I was going to say about The Wizard of oz because You HAVE TO SEE TWILIGHT!!!!!! (hold on....Edward moment...**sigh***)

    But read the book first- come on, you have a whole week off.

    Oh yeah- hourglasses still freak me out. (where the sand running out is the end of her life) Yikes.

  55. Annie said...

    I was Dorothy in the play version once! :)
    I've never seen Rocky Horror or the other 2 either!

  56. Regina Bertrand said...

    Growing up I loved the wizard of oz, now that I have kids....I tried to sit and watch it and could not. As far as the 16 candles, grease and you said it Urban Cowboy, etc. You are right on the money. Great movies that you can get something out of each time. :)

    Merry Christmas.


  57. Tena said...

    okay while it is odd, I am not going to worry about you. Had you told us you had never seen the movies you did list, than I would shed a tear for you and think you needed to be committed!

    P.S. Trying to play catch up in the blogging world

  58. Unknown said...

    Yeah. Wiz of Oz is pretty scary, especially for a "kid" movie. I don't think we've ever watched the whole thing in completion. Those Narnia movies creep me out too!!!

  59. Maritez said...

    I'm right there with you...I haven't seen any of those movies either. I keep trying to sit through Wizard of Oz, but I've never seen it from start to end...same with Princess Bride. I haven't even attempted to see Rocky Horror or Twilight.

  60. artfuldelight said...

    I watched Wizard of Oz when I was a kid. I hated it. I still will not watch it. Even if I hear the songs they play, I get creeped out. It is not allowed to play on any tv in my house.

  61. Linda S said...

    it takes years of therapy to get past the monkeys...I just saw the ending a few years was a dream...who knew?

  62. Mrs4444 said...

    It's definitely creepy, I'll admit. You'll probably survive missing it.

  63. Christie said...

    I loved most of those movies, but I have yet to sit through all of The Princess Bride. I did read all of the Twilight series (in less than 4 days. I wished for Edward for Christmas, I swear!) and watched the movie (I changed it to ask for Robert Pattinson for Christmas).

  64. WeaselMomma said...

    I never could stand the Wizard of Oz. You're not missing anything. Princess Bride is fairly amusing.

  65. Mom's Sewing Vault said...

    I was totally traumatized by the Wizard of Oz as a child. I think the books are just as bizarre, and there are like a dozen of them. Baum had to have been a drug addict.

    The Rocky Horror Picture Show is not sensational all by itself, but to see the crown act it all out is either amusing or a little scary. My Dad took me when I was 15. Looking back, I wonder, "what was he thinkin!"

    And Twilight is a totally "go to make fun of the Twilight fans" movie. ;)

    Just found your blog - love it!

  66. Cajoh said...

    I grew up on a black and white television and watched Wizard of Oz a lot. It wasn't until I came home one year from school and my parents had a new color TV and we watched the movie that I realized that Oz was in color… what was I missing.

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