..and a Spool of Thread

Man, I love when the kids turn the TV off, turn off all the electronic devices (don't touch MY computer!) and get creative.

My Boy is the king of entertaining himself in our house.

All you need for fun is two trophies.
Some thread.

And, Lego Star Wars guys.

Seriously, this entertained him for 3 hours +.

Spools of thread in the stockings, I'm telling you'll they'll think you're a total Scrooge love you for it!

34 supporters in group:

  1. Deb said...

    That looks so fun!!! Now I'm wishing I had won trophies so I could play!!!

  2. Deb said...

    Love love love the header...so fun!

  3. Green said...

    It still amazes me that my childrens favorite toys were an empty oatmeal container and a wood spoon!

  4. Ann Imig said...

    That is the cutest holiday photo I've seen yet. Seriously.

  5. Anonymous said...

    Wow, you are so lucky! I wish my boys could amuse themselves with so much imagination! That is terrific that your son does!

    BTW, I meant to comment yesterday, you're still ok in my book even though you haven't watched the Wizard of Oz! LOL

    AND...you really should watch The Princess Bride, it's cute, funny, and sweet. I really think you'd like it.

  6. Anonymous said...

    Oh I forgot....it looks SOOO pretty in here! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

  7. Brittany said...

    Amen. I am givingupon buying toys, and plan to just rummage through the dumpsters after christmas to collect all the empty toy boxes...it's all my kids play with anyways.

  8. Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

    Ahhh-you have to LOVE them moments!!
    Too cute-and GREAT pictures!

    Love the new header!!!

  9. Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

    Ahhh-you have to LOVE them moments!!
    Too cute-and GREAT pictures!

    Love the new header!!!

  10. Nicole Orriƫns said...

    That's great! I applaud your son.
    It's the most beautiful thing in the world: kids who know to amuse themselves without something with a flat screen.

  11. Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

    Love the Winter header! :-)

  12. Mel said...

    I love it when the kids use their imaginations to play. It amazes me what they can find their amusements from. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Ranch Girl said...

    M is just like that, or he used to be anyway. He's lost a little of that creative imaginative play as he's gotten older (and yesterday was what I'd call a 'pre-teen' day - bleh!)

  14. A Christian Mom said...

    Isn't it amazing what will happen when they use their imagination? To cute about the spool of thread in the stocking... I'm putting a package of tape in my 6 yr olds stocking. She's always using up all of mine, so now she'll have her own! ;o)

    Merry Christmas!!!

  15. Ali said...

    My boys can play for hours with their dollar matchbox cars and yet that HUGE expensive remote control Ford truck sits untouched in their bedroom. It's always the simplest things!

  16. Annie said...

    Good job, kiddo! I love the inventiveness!

  17. Tenakim said...

    wow- I'm so jealous! He's amazing! Have a great Christmas, Jen!!!

  18. Anonymous said...

    LOL...that's great!! MY ds likes to pose his characters and take a bazillion pictures...yeah for digital cameras!!

  19. Andrea Frederick said...

    my uncle and i used to hang thread all over my grandma's house and send g.i.joes like they were zip lines! it was awesome!

  20. Joanna said...

    Aw, how cool! Plus, I love the new header... good thing you were up for it! ;-)

  21. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    My brother used to do stuff like that. We had String all over the house!

  22. Swirl Girl said...

    Oh my god! I was just telling Hubby that our little one only needs a slinky and the Barrel of Monkeys to entertain herself for hours, too!

  23. Anonymous said...

    You are getting good with that camera!!!

  24. Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

    My kids are getting cardboard boxes. nothing in them just the boxes. Oh and some bubble wrap. Nice new header.

  25. Merrie said...

    Great header!
    And I love it when they do things like this. We sometimes turn everything off and it's amazing what they'll find to do. C hasn't even watched tv today -- Pokemon cards, Shrek Operation, and now at a friend's house. I love it.

  26. Paul Eilers said...

    I tell our soon to be 16 year old on a regular basis, turn off the X-Box and go read!

    By the way, your new header looks maaarvelous!

  27. Clare said...

    i love how creative he is!! so fun!

  28. Tena said...

    YAY for a quiet house! It's wonderful when they can be content for a small chunk of time!!

  29. jill jill bo bill said...

    It's never the expensive crap they love. never. Have a merry one Jenn! Love ya girl!

  30. Rachel said...

    We had to be creative before all this electronic stimulation.

    Lego Star Wars are soo cool; does he have the video game? My son does!!

    Merry Christmas! Happy New Year

  31. Aracely said...

    Great now I need to buy my boys trophies! He's so cute! Merry Christmas Jen!

  32. Mrs4444 said...

    Awesome idea. I think I put a ball of yarn in one year. Loved this. BTW, I'm giving you an award on the 30th :)

  33. Jenners said...


    I'm visiting as part of Mission Monday but I can tell I'll be back! Of all the posts I've read so far, this was my favorite -- because we are a Lego household and this seems fun! I'm sure we'll be adapting this to our own devices!

    And I love your husband's comment: Blog Like No One Is Reading. I do think that is the key -- it has to be for you or it won't ring true.

    Great blog!

  34. Debby said...

    That's neat...my son used to do stuff like that when he was young (31 now!). Always making something!

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