Word Association Saturday

I'll give you a word or phrase, and you answer (in my comments) the first word (or two) that comes to mind.

1. Embarassment

2. Jealous

3. Capable

4. Upside-Down

5. Heaven

6. Mindless

7. Generation

8. Unkempt

9. Brilliant

10. Cocktail

27 supporters in group:

  1. Amy said...

    First off, I love the new layout :)

    1. Embarassment ~ trip
    2. Jealous~ children
    3. Capable~ stubborn
    4. Upside down~monkey bars
    5. Heaven~MOM
    6. Mindless~ careless
    7. generation~ gap
    8. Unkempt hair
    9. brilliant ideas
    10. cocktail party

  2. Shelley said...


    Okay, are you gonna tell me what all this means after I answer?

    1. Embarrassment - Red
    2. Jealous - Waste of time
    3. Capable - mama
    4. Upside down - cake
    5. Heaven - quiet
    6. Mindless - blank
    7. Generation - X
    8. unkempt - messy
    9. Brilliant - bright
    10. Cocktail - sloe gin fizz

  3. flickrlovr said...

    1. Embarassment-daily, annoying.

    2. Jealous-money, skinny.

    3. Capable-responsible, moms.

    4. Upside-Down-my brain, rollercoasters.

    5. Heaven-calm, good.

    6. Mindless-chatter, routine.

    7. Generation-X, older.

    8. Unkempt-hair, disheveled.

    9. Brilliant-friends, Einstein.

    10. Cocktail-21, alcohol.

    Yeah, I totally suck at this. Remind me not to do it next time?

  4. Allison said...

    So hard just picking one or two words. wish I could think of better words!

    1. Embarassment: pregnant farts

    2. Jealous: skinny people

    3. Capable: of labor

    4. Upside-Down: Emma

    5. Heaven: Angels

    6. Mindless: stupid people

    7. Generation: gap

    8. Unkempt: my patio

    9. Brilliant: Angela

    10. Cocktail: vodka/cranberry

  5. TentCamper said...

    1. Embarassment - gas

    2. Jealous - man

    3. Capable - man

    4. Upside-Down - sex

    5. Heaven - sex

    6. Mindless - sex

    7. Generation - gap

    8. Unkempt - room

    9. Brilliant - mind

    10. Cocktail - buzz

  6. Jenni said...

    1. stain
    2. sister
    3. teacher
    4. Boy, you're turning me
    5. angels
    6. mistake
    7. X
    8. slob
    9. boy
    10. malibu bay breeze

  7. Cheryl Lage said...

    Here you go, Dr. Freud!
    1. Embarassment - blushing (thanks, roseacea)

    2. Jealous - green

    3. Capable - adequate

    4. Upside-Down - roller coaster

    5. Heaven - luminous

    6. Mindless - escapist

    7. Generation - The Who

    8. Unkempt - my hair

    9. Brilliant - Brits

    10. Cocktail - May I?

    You'll need to do these often. I feel somehow purged.... ;)

  8. Anonymous said...

    Oh how fun!! Here are mine!

    1. Red-faced
    2. Affair
    3. Multi-task
    4. Depressed
    5. Family
    6. Zoning out
    7. Elderly folk
    8. Frumpy
    9. Professor
    10. Dancing

  9. Ali said...

    Upside Down--Show

  10. Anonymous said...

    This is a nifty idea!

    Embarassment - pee your pants
    Jealous - of what
    Capable - Me
    Upside Down - Right side up
    Heaven - Hell
    Mindless - masses
    Generation - Gap
    Unkempt - needs a shower
    Brilliant - Harry Potter
    Cocktail - Napkin

  11. Anonymous said...

    I love this game!

    4.jungle gym (compound words count, don't they?)

  12. Linda S said...

    1 Embarassment - my Ex
    2 Jealous - daughter's boyfriend
    3 Capable - moi
    4 Upside-Down - cake
    5 Heaven - hell
    6 Mindless - Ex's Bimbo
    7 Generation - Gap
    8 Unkempt - messy
    9 Brilliant - moi
    10 Cocktail - par-tay

  13. Ms. K said...

    1. Embarrassment-Kyle
    2. Jealous-Tara
    3. Capable-MiSon
    4. Upside Down-my closet!
    5. Heaven-Chocolate!
    6. Mindless-husband (I know it's not nice, but it's the first thing that popped in my head)
    7. Generation-X
    8. Unkempt-Val or Gail
    9. Brilliant-Kyle
    10. Cocktail-Shelley

    Is it bad that most of the words remind me of a person in my life?

  14. Anonymous said...

    1. Embarassment: High School
    2. Jealous: Wealth
    3. Capable: Not me
    4. Upside down: house
    5. Heaven: good book; hot bath
    6. Mindless: Ratanga Junction (you have to be South African to understand that one)
    7. generation: kids
    8. Unkempt: James
    9. brilliant: James
    10. cocktail: yay!

  15. Deb said...

    1. Embarassment - fart
    2. Jealous - insecure
    3. Capable -
    4. Upside-Down - life at times
    5. Heaven - want to go there
    6. Mindless - eating
    7. Generation - X
    8. Unkempt - hair
    9. Brilliant - hubby
    10. Cocktail - where/when?

  16. Jo-Jo said...

    1. Embarassment~bathing suit

    2. Jealous~skinny

    3. Capable~moms

    4. Upside-Down~life

    5. Heaven~sweet

    6. Mindless~Paper Work

    7. Generation~X

    8. Unkempt~bedroom

    9. Brilliant~children

    10. Cocktail~now

  17. Jenny said...

    1. Embarassment - Always

    2. Jealous - Boyfriend

    3. Capable - Hands

    4. Upside-Down - Cartwheel

    5. Heaven - Chocolate

    6. Mindless - Clueless

    7. Generation - X

    8. Unkempt - Hair

    9. Brilliant - Glowing

    10. Cocktail - Hour

  18. Messy Mommy said...

    1. Embarassment- underwear

    2. Jealous- women

    3. Capable- strong

    4. Upside-Down- blood rush

    5. Heaven- home

    6. Mindless- me

    7. Generation- 3rd living

    8. Unkempt- dictionary

    9. Brilliant- amazing

    10. Cocktail- dress

  19. Tena said...

    1. Embarassment- punky monkey's

    2. Jealous- not good

    3. Capable- me!

    4. Upside-Down- rollercoaster

    5. Heaven- home

    6. Mindless-reality tv

    7. Generation- hope

    8. Unkempt- hair

    9. Brilliant- love

    10. Cocktail- PLEASE?????!!!

    What a great and fun idea! How did you come up with the idea

  20. Ann(ie) said...


    1. Embarassment ~ bathing suit

    2. Jealous ~ girls

    3. Capable ~ my mom

    4. Upside-Down ~ uh-oh

    5. Heaven ~ peace

    6. Mindless ~ big brother

    7. Generation ~ x

    8. Unkempt ~ hair

    9. Brilliant ~ brother

    10. Cocktail ~ YES

  21. Elizabeth Channel said...

    1. Embarassment: my period

    2. Jealous: why?

    3. Capable: tired person

    4. Upside-Down: me

    5. Heaven: God

    6. Mindless: HGTV

    7. Generation: last

    8. Unkempt: my daughter's hair

    9. Brilliant: children

    10. Cocktail: NOW!

  22. Over Coffee said...

    1. Embarassment: Falling

    2. Jealous: Yucky

    3. Capable: Daughter

    4. Upside-Down: Cake

    5. Heaven: Help me

    6. Mindless: Job

    7. Generation: X

    8. Unkempt: Hair/house

    9. Brilliant: minds

    10. Cocktail: Now Please

  23. Kim said...

    Embarassment - red
    Jealous - rarely
    Capable - me
    Upside-Down - my son
    Heaven - Home
    Mindless - me
    Generation - parents
    Unkempt - my son
    Brilliant - God
    Cocktail - NOW

  24. Anonymous said...

    I love this game.

    1.Embarassment: Wilt
    2. Jealous: Envy
    3. Capable: Can
    4. Upside-Down: Cake
    5. Heaven: Help
    6. Mindless: Chatter
    7. Generation: X
    8. Unkept: Wallet
    9. Brilliant: Bright
    10. Cocktail: Party

  25. Spencer Froerer said...

    1.Embarassment: naked
    2. Jealous: stay home moms
    3. Capable: me
    4. Upside-Down: monkey bars
    5. Heaven: sent
    6. Mindless: mom
    7. Generation: gap
    8. Unkept: house
    9. Brilliant: 3.88
    10. Cocktail: no thanks

  26. Spencer Froerer said...

    1.Embarassment: naked
    2. Jealous: stay home moms
    3. Capable: me
    4. Upside-Down: monkey bars
    5. Heaven: sent
    6. Mindless: mom
    7. Generation: gap
    8. Unkept: house
    9. Brilliant: 3.88
    10. Cocktail: no thanks

  27. Wendi said...

    1. Embarassment -bathing suit
    2. Jealous- skinny people
    3. Capable-my mom
    4. Upside down- show
    5. Heaven-hell
    6. Mindless-chatter
    7. generation-X
    8. Unkempt- me!
    9. brilliant-you with a camera!
    10. cocktail- party

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