Not Your Box of Chocolates

I wonder if people with February birthdays get jipped for Valentine's Day?

You know like boxes of chocolate, because you know after the 14th, it's all half-off.

Or roses with that little tube of water at the end. The kind you can buy at Quickie Mart?

Chalky Conversation Hearts, don't even go there.

Luckily last weekend, Hubby and I spent some time away without the kids. --birthday gift

Ate some of my favorite food in the world. --Valentine's treat

I'm covered.

But, while browsing the university campus bookstore, I did come across some very unique gifts....

For your honey that goes, "huh?"...

For the couple who wished they were in the circus...

For the gambler who wants to get lucky in a different way...

For those with a competitive edge... I wonder if "Play Doctor" is in there?

Of everything I saw, I'd prefer the book of love letters from famous men in history. Having seen the Sex and the City movie a handful of times, I immediately looked up Ludwig's infamous letter..

Romantic, no?!

Which reminds me, hubby used to be a great letter writer in our dating days...I'll have to go dig some up.

Who am I kidding, bring on the SCRATCHERS!

Have a happy Valentine's day with your loved ones!

30 supporters in group:

  1. Unknown said...

    I can answer at least part of the question - my birthday is the 17th. I think it is a lot better than those whose birthday is real close to Christmas. {*grin*}

  2. Barbara said...

    Ha! Gotta love it.

    Happy Valentine's Day

  3. Martha said...

    I'm a Feb birthday, and when I got married, it was on Feb 18th.. so within a week I had Valentine's Day, Anniversary (that only lasted 2 years), and my birthday (2/22). Then Tara was born on 3/4 and "his" birthday was 3/7... some how I got lost in all that! Now I make it my own celebration for about a week! Starting today - IT'S ALL ABOUT ME! But alas, no one to use Scratchies with.... kewl idea!

  4. John Deere Mom said...

    Yeah, Sex Scratchers sounds like some STD you get after a one night stand in a seedy motel. Just sayin.

  5. Unknown said...

    LOL!!! I like the scratch offs to!!

  6. WeaselMomma said...

    Happy V-Day! I hope you get three Cherries (in the scratch off game, of course).

  7. Halftime Lessons said...

    Oh yeah buddy.

    Headed to the bookstore.

  8. Courtney said...

    My birthday is Feb. 9th and i never really felt like i got cut short on anything. My hubby especially always makes sure to separate the 2 but my sister on the other hand. Her birthday is today. She is the lucky girl who gets her Birthday and Valentines day on the same day. She hates it and always has. My husband and I took her our for dinner Monday for her and my birthday and we always try to separate it for her cause we are the only ones who do.

    Great gift ideas for grown ups!!! I think i would like the love letters as well.

  9. Unknown said...

    We had fun in the section like this at Barnes & Noble one day (sans kids!) : )

  10. Anonymous said...

    LOL...I used to LOVE getting Chocolate...but now, I could go with those pretty fruit bouques...I mean really...I'm now 39!!
    Valentines day IS my no matter what, I get a box of Chocolates...from just about everyone...ugh. I've been telling people for YEARS, that I don't need that much chocolate, especially since I don't have a problem buying chocolate for myself...LOL..

    Love the books and did you manage to take all those pictures...I'm laughing.

  11. Ann On and On... said...

    I tried to find something like that here, but it everything is in French...I was to scared to commit to words I do not know. :D Happy Valentine's Day!

  12. Merrie said...

    I don't know what's up this year, but I just don't even care that it's Vday. Planning to get a little something for the kiddos later, but that's about it. Dinner in...dessert. I think it's the lack o' funds to do anything romantic, like going out or getting flowers. Ah least there's family time and chocolate!

  13. Anonymous said...

    "the university campus bookstore" !!!!
    That was a cruel revelation to a mother of a college freshman. Just cruel, Mom Jen.

  14. beth said...

    Well there's a choice, you either re-gift a Christmas gift or buy old Valentine's Day stuff.

  15. Swirl Girl said...

    this made me smile.

  16. Aracely said...

    Happy Valentines Day Jen.

  17. Stacy Uncorked said...

    Hilarious! Bring on the Scratchers! :)

    My birthday inevitably gets lost in the shuffle - since it's smack dab in the middle between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I think I'd rather have my birthday near Valentine's Day...but then again, the grass is always greener on the other side of that fence, isn't it? ;)

  18. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    I never really thought about holidays besides Christmas stealing the spotlight from birthdays in that same month. My birthday is in August...not a holiday in for weeks in either direction and somehow it still manages to get lost in the shuffle. Happy Vday!

  19. SweetPeaSurry said...

    I'm the only one in my family that has a birthday month all to myself. I get kind of screwed, because every other month we have a day where we all hang out at my mother's for the month's birthday peeps. I don't get a party. Or a conversation heart.

  20. Mrs4444 said...

    Happy Valentines Day. I'm guessing it was, since you probably got all "hot and bothered" by this stuff, right? heehee

  21. Brittany said... got romantic letters!? I am so jealous. I think the most I got was an email or two.

  22. Tim said...

    Happy Valentine's Day to you too my friend, and that was Hilarious!

    Love and Prayers,


  23. Jenni said...

    I hope you WON BIG on those scratch tickets! Wink wink nudge nudge!

  24. Anonymous said...

    I bet they are all fun but I think the love letters are much more my speed.

  25. Mariel said...

    How do you know my husband so well? How did you know he loves these kinds of books?? You're amazing.

  26. Whiney Momma said...

    OMG, some of them sound freakin' hilarious. Love it.
    Hope you had a great V-day!

  27. Erin said...

    Sob for the people who have birthdays close to Vday. Try being born 12/22. LOL That scratchoff is perfect for the sex/gambling addict demographic. :-)

  28. Noob Mommy said...

    Those scratchers look fun :) Ludwig's letter! I gotta read that one more carefully too. Happy Belated Vday

  29. SpittingLimaBeans said...

    The scratch offs are'd think by now, we'd all just know how to do "it", after all, it's one of the few things that have been around almost as long as people!

  30. Liz said...

    Hey, did you buy those books? I wanna buy them from you on when you're done.


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