Peeping Mom

I've been snooping on my neighbors.

Well, at the house next door, no one lives there yet.

But, action has started.

Potential buyers are looming about.

Realtors are making their move.

The wooden sign has been hammered into the lawn. Like a stake to the heart of the previous owner.

Our old neighbor lost his home to foreclosure.

We knew it was coming. Six months later...and now it's here.

Now, I'm peeping out the window everytime a car drives up.

Is is a family car?

Are there kids in there? What are their ages? they have a dog that barks all night and all day when they leave for work?

Are they friendly-looking?

Will they be nice?

Will they understand if they hear the kids screeching in the backyard? ...if they hear me screeching at the kids?

Do they make drugs in their garage? *hey it happens!*

Ah, so many questions, so much to investigate.

Crap! I think one of them saw me. Great, NOW what will they think?

46 supporters in group:

  1. Unknown said...

    LOL!!!! That is why I will live in the middle of no where with no neighbors! lol

  2. Shawn said...

    hehe...surely they won't be thinking..."if we buy this house, do you think we'll be next to a crazy lady that screeches at her kids and peeks out the window at us?"

    Nah..who would think something like that? ;o)

  3. TheXMom said...

    I snoop on my neighbors all the time esp. one in particular. There's just way too much traffic at that guys house Thurs-Sun... Hmmm maybe he's making drugs in his garages. LOL!

  4. Unknown said...

    I'm the same way. I'm always so curious when someone new moves in, but I think it's our right to know about our neighbors after all we're the ones who have to put up with them!

  5. ParentingPink said...

    I'm FIRST - yipee!

    I think it's perfectly fine to long as you don't get, which it sounds like you already did.

    We just bought our home 2 years ago and I remember the neighbors "snooping" when we came to see the house. I caught them in the act, so I just walked next door and introduced myself. Better watch out, they may do the same to you :-) LOL

  6. Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

    I don't blame you! You want good neighbors! It's the potential fear of losers moving in next door . . . been there, done that!

  7. Lindsay said...

    haha I would be a peeping Mom as well!! I hope they didn't see you!

  8. Leigh said...

    LOL! I'm sorry, but I understand. My across-the-street neighbors caught my DH and MIL snooping before they moved in (while the house was still being built.) They've been kinda standoffish ever since.

  9. Ann On and On... said...

    It is good entertainment for now...and maybe for a long time to come, depending on the newbies. Keep on peeping. :D

  10. Anonymous said...

    LOL...I would be doing the same thing...

  11. Anonymous said...

    There are three houses on our street in foreclosure. UGH.

  12. Sandi said...

    I feel you! We have two vacant homes on our street. I think the exact same way when I see activity there. "please let them be normal enough to socialize, crazy enough to be my friend!"

  13. Anonymous said...

    hehe. They are thinking the same about you.


  14. Patois42 said...

    Maybe they'll think there's a great neighborhood watch captain right next door.

  15. Ali said...

    We are surrounded by several acres--all for sale. I get very nervous when I see an unfamiliar car parked nearby with people out surveying the properties. Makes me want to do something crazy to scare them off!

  16. April said...

    OOOOH....good luck with getting a good drugs in the garage is scary!!!

  17. Kim said...

    Oh man, I am totally a neighbor watcher. We have a duplex next door to us, and when people move out I watch and PRAY that we'll get a nice family in there. Hasn't happened yet, but I will keep watching and praying :)
    Here is to some good neighbors!

  18. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    I'm sure that's very scary. I wish to get rid of our neighbor's dog that barks when we are in the backyard...but I don't wish to get rid of the neighbors!

  19. Tenakim said...

    WOW- we had one a few houses down... he was a doctor and his wife was put in prison for EMBEZELING MONEY!!! I was kind of excited since we have no kids in our neighborhood and hoped for someone UNDER the age of 45 OR a family- NOPE... just another empty nester couple!

  20. Unknown said...

    I could be worst, all your neighbors could be relatives. I'm just saying.

    Hope you get some good ones.

  21. Unknown said...

    I could be worst, all your neighbors could be relatives. I'm just saying.

    Hope you get some good ones.

  22. Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

    I think there should be a vote when a potential neighbour is coming into the neighbourhood. All neighbours should have the right to vote them on or off the island. We all know how awful a bad neighbour can be...I know, I am one! ha

  23. Michelle said...

    Don't worry you aren't the only one! Our neighborhood has undegone some transition in the past couple years. 4 of the 6 houses on our cul-de-sac have changed owners/renters, and we had one short sale and one foreclosure. I am happy to say we ended up with friendly neighbors in both houses next door, one family has one boy in kindergarten, a single man who keeps to himself but bought popcorn from my son, and one for rent house that is still empty. Considering the possibility that is a pretty good turn out.

  24. Swirl Girl said...

    realtors should add a clause stating that neighbor aprroval is a contingency before the sold sign makes the front lawn!

  25. Coffee with Cathy said...

    Spying on neighbors is an honorable pastime -- until you become the spyee instead of the spy. You'll know you hit the jackpot when one of them smiles and waves back at you -- that's the one you want to move in!

  26. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    I would be nosy too. I would want a glimpse of my future next door neighbor too. Sorry to hear you may have gotten caught LOL

  27. Minxy Mimi said...

    LOL, I am super nosy and Ive done the same thing...and got caught!!! HAHAHA

  28. McMommy said...

    I TOTALLY get it!! The house next door to us is for rent....I'm praying for a nice family with kids my boys' age!

  29. Mariah said...

    I'd be snooping too, getting good neighbors is important

  30. Mariah said...

    I'd be snooping too, getting good neighbors is important

  31. Aria said...

    You sneaky little peeper you! LOLOLOL And a huge great-big thanks for adding me to the blogroll ~ How much money/a** kissing would you like in return? ;-) That really made my day, thanks Jen!

  32. Anonymous said...

    All I can say is I thank god that I live surrounded by woods.

    I could never live in the city, a community or subdivision - because of that right there!

  33. Kristen Andrews said...

    glad I am not the only one that does that, I am a nosy neighbor but would die if they saw me peeping

  34. Unknown said...

    Oh, yes. The house next to us is also a foreclosure property. Back in the early summer, a lot of people were looking at the house, and I would go out and chat whenever I could. I wanted to win over a nice family, you know. Alas, the house did not sell, it is still vacant, and is beyond an eye sore now. :(

  35. Anonymous said...

    *lol* sounds like me this summer when we had new neighbors moving in!

  36. Heather B. said...

    The drug thing does happen. Our OLD neighbors got busted and went to jail! That was some crazy action on our street. Almost everyone is elderly except for us and one other house! The elderly neighbors were APPALLED to say the least!!! So, I don't blame you for keeping a close eye out! It certainly doesn't hurt!

  37. Unknown said...

    This was me a couple of months ago and TWO houses across the street from us were for sale at the same time. I've met everyone now though and I think we lucked out, they all seem normal and nice! Thank God! : ) Hope the same happens for you!

  38. Shannon said...

    LOL! I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to know who might be moving in next door!

  39. Tara R. said...

    How funny! Busted. Good luck with the new neighbors.

  40. Clare said...

    oh, i hope they are good neighbors. i can just picture you now peeping in on them:) hehe!

  41. Brittany said...

    I am so nosey about this kind of stuff! I would be watching the house like a hawk. I should buy it!

  42. jill jill bo bill said...

    Just change your name to Gladys Kravitz. I am the same way.

  43. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    Oh yes, we are in the same boat too. The four people around the house really want to choose the new occupants, the last one's did have drug problems... I had to laugh when you said that...

  44. Tara Bennett said...

    Ugh getting caught is the worst!

    Oh, uh, I mean peeping - how dare you! ;o)

  45. Sarah said...

    Welcome to the Kravitz club! I did that the whole time the guy on our left was trying to find a renter and I did it again when our firends on the right were trying to sell.

  46. said...

    Police took the PLUNGER!

    sent from:

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