3 of Me

If there were 3 of me, I could do oh so much.

I could be at dance, baseball, and relaxing all at once.

When Saturday comes, I won't fret, which way will I go?

Is Yaya available? Will I root for DQ or My Boy.

Competition times two.

Two towns, two times, two parents, 3 kids.

Mathematically incorrect.

Try out for winter sports I say.


All fun stuff.

Sun, stands.

Auditoriums, reclining seats.

Don't make me choose.

If only there were 3 of me.

That 3rd one would eat the bon bons, drink the wine.

Get the pedicure, waste time.

Eeney Meeny Miney Mo.

Of to which activity will I go?!

30 supporters in group:

  1. Anonymous said...

    and yet you still find time to blog! you are "the everywoman"!!!

  2. Diva Ma @ Mommy Fabulous said...

    I KNOW THE FEELING! This year I can add child #3 to the mix. Last year it was between my two boys who, unfortunately are not old enough in age to play on the same team! Miss Missy wants to do ballet this year. Does that trump football practice?

  3. Ash said...

    Cloning? Might be an option for future Mamas.

    Lucky dogs.

  4. Nicole S. said...


    Yaya - Are you greek? My dad's side is greek so he will be papou to my twins.

  5. Tenakim said...

    oh , the damage I could do with several more of me- great idea!

  6. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    I'm so scared of this time coming up...how do you do it all? If you figure out out, please let me know...I really like bonbons!

  7. Gladys said...

    I remember those days when I had kids in different events and classes and there was only me. I would come help you if you weren't so far away. I wonder if I could hire out as a granny?

  8. Anonymous said...

    ooo such tough decisions!! So which one did you chose ;-)

  9. wife.mom.nurse said...

    Oh so true girl!

    Torn, nobody warned us how torn we would be. And I only have 2-but firehubby is gone so often that I am juggling!

    I think the third me and the third you would happily eat bon bons and drink a bottle of wine together ")

  10. Jill said...

    Oh I'm right there with you! I seriously need an extra set of hands, eyes, and mouths!

  11. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    I am right there with ya!

    Daughter starts 2 dance classes this week and between that and son's baseball which is about 4 days a week I am going to have decisions to make as well.

    Just wait till K starts up with stuff!

  12. CJ said...

    Hee hee, I hear you! Love the poem. Oh the possibilities of having more than one of me!!

  13. Anonymous said...

    You and I are on the same wavelength today...

  14. Swirl Girl said...

    divide and conquer I say!
    and videotape.

  15. He & Me + 3 said...

    I have 3 children & in the same boat. I have no advice for you.

  16. Mama Dawg said...

    Yaya...is that a grandmother? If so, that's awesome. That's what my daughter calls my mother.

  17. Sarah said...

    I can only imagine! Mine are all too little for sports and activities, but I already feel like there isn't enough of me to go around. What's a mom to do?

  18. Anonymous said...

    Oh I feel your pain. My oldest is 17 and luckily only does wrestling now but does body building everynight too.
    My middle child starts basketball skills today and then soccer next week.
    The youngest is doing a special class on weds nights for preschoolers.
    Throw in dinner and time for homework and I'm beat.

  19. Clare said...

    i can't imagine having three different interests/stuff to juggle! you are great mommy!

  20. jennykate77 said...

    Love this! I can only imagine how hard it is when you have 3 kiddos to get places and do things with! Kuddos to you, you seem to do a good job of it...and blog too! ☺

  21. ParentingPink said...

    Oh, I so need three arms too. Heck I need three selves! LOL. Glad I'm not alone!

  22. Anonymous said...

    I always hated when the activities conflicted with each other. I couldn't stand to miss any of their events!

  23. Unknown said...

    Oh geez, I don't look forward to those days... Good luck figuring it all out!!

  24. Anonymous said...

    Love the poetry! You've got skills!
    C. Taylor Brown
    The English Experiment

  25. Aracely said...

    Sounds like I may be the third you!

  26. Shannon said...

    There just aren't enough hours in the day, are there?

  27. Mc Allen said...

    boy, truer words have never been spoken!!! this is a cute poem! ;) LA

  28. Bum Atom said...

    I wish there was 15 of me

  29. Colleen said...

    I think we should grow an extra set of arms for everykid we have...but I guess it wouldnt help much when we need to be in 10 different places at once!

    I tagged you

  30. Martha said...

    Love it. There is only two of us, but most times there is still not enough time for me.....

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