A Thousand Words Thursday

Two days ago! A beautiful spring day, a cutie pie, and bubbles. A girl with a camera's dream!

Cheaper Than Therapy

Want to join me in A Thousand Words Thursday, read and grab my button from HERE. Then write in your name and blog addy in Mr. Linky below.

Please link only to "A Thousand Words Thursday" posts, and visit the other participants as well, thanks!

59 supporters in group:

  1. Unknown said...

    What a beautiful pic! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Shawn said...

    First time doing this so I thought I'd jump in!

  3. TuTu's Bliss said...

    I love this. the colors are amazing. Did you add a slight vignette too? It is just a magical moment and everything about it is perfect.

  4. Ambrosia @ The Purple Booker said...

    This picture is stunning.

  5. Martha said...

    As always, ADORABLE.
    My entry is up too!

  6. Anonymous said...

    i always love your photos!

  7. Anonymous said...

    What a great pic of a spring day .. I love playing with bubbles!

  8. Unknown said...

    You've captured the essence of Spring. I'm envious it is warm enough for your daughter to wear short sleeves. I LOVE bubbles!

  9. 4 Lettre Words said...

    Amazingly, sweet capture!!

  10. Andrea Frederick said...

    You catch the most beautiful moments!

  11. Anonymous said...

    Such a cute photo of K blowing bubbles!

  12. Dee said...

    YAY for warm weather!

  13. Kristen Andrews said...

    too cute Jen! I love bubble pics send some of that good weather our way.

  14. Anonymous said...

    Awesome picture! I also linked to a picture of my baby's first experience with Bubbles...Isn't the camera a wonderful invention!? Your pic is SO frameworthy!

  15. Proud Mommy said...

    THAT is a gorgeous pic!!!

  16. Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

    Ahhh-how sweet!!
    I cant wait till its nice enough to get back outdoors!

  17. Amy W said...

    Looks like someone is having fun in Photoshop!! ;-) Love the photo, Jen!!

  18. Stacy Uncorked said...

    Breathtakingly Beautiful! :)

  19. Anonymous said...

    I think I have been here before, but I'm not sure. But I know I've seen your photography before and can I just say...GORGEOUS!

    I'll definitely be back!

  20. Anonymous said...


    I am such an idiot!

    You're on my blogroll and I know exactly who you are. I feel like such a nob! This is what happens when we have one emotional crisis after another at the Barking Mad Asylum. I totally forget who my favs are.

    Now that things are calming down around here, I should be back more often to catch up with my favs!

  21. Laura Marchant said...

    I love the shot! Beautiful.

  22. Bree Shaw said...

    great picture! you always amaze me with the great pictures you take.

  23. Becca said...

    nothing like a perfect photo!

  24. Mel Fraase said...

    Aw, that's so sweet. I wish it looked like that here!!

  25. He & Me + 3 said...

    I totally agree...What a great picture you got. Love the natural light! Gorgeous!

  26. The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said...

    Beautiful picture, Beautiful little one :)

  27. Abby said...

    How sweet! My little guy loves his bubbles too-I have to hide them!

  28. MamaJoss said...

    Beautiful Photo Jen! This would look awesome as a wrapped-canvas print.

  29. April said...

    I love bubble pics! Happy ATWT!

  30. Mrs. Heck said...

    HI! I'm back! (sort of.) Cute picture! I love bubbles! (sometimes I dont' share the bubble wand with the kids! HAHA!)

    Happy ATWT!

  31. Juliana said...

    Love that picture!! Cannot wait for green grass, bubbles and beautiful spring flowers!

  32. Finding Joy in the Journey said...

    so focused on getting those bubbles to come out perfectly! what a sweetheart!

  33. Anonymous said...

    Absolutely, amazingly beautiful.
    Great picture, Jen!!

  34. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    Ah, to be three again. Bubbles and sunshine do have a way making a happy day even better.

  35. Molly said...

    love love love this, wish I could learn PS well enough to create such stunning photos!

  36. Kimmie said...

    Wow, beautiful pic...and child! :)


  37. Diane said...

    really REALLY good photo! magical!

  38. Sarah said...

    Bubbles are great, one of life's simple pleasures.

  39. Erica said...

    Love your picture today, beautiful!

  40. Swirl Girl said...

    nothing beats bubbles.
    except maybe balloon hats.

  41. jill jill bo bill said...

    You really need to do this professionally. Come here and take pictures for me!!

  42. TentCamper said...

    Great picture. Do you give lessons? We ahve a great camera, but I can never seem to get the pics to come out that good.

  43. Amber said...

    What a beautiful picture! I love Spring and kids with bubbles.

  44. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    Gorgeous Pic!

    I love bubbles! She looks like she is concentrating so hard to get that bubble! The green in the pictures makes her face just stand out, love it!

  45. Unknown said...

    I didn't participate in a thousand words Thursday but I had to tell you the picture is stunning.

  46. Jennifer said...

    Amazing picture! The grass is so green, it's wonderful!

  47. Amy Clary said...

    beautiful, as always. I'll try and join in again next week. :)

  48. Anonymous said...

    That picture is great.

  49. Gena said...

    That is a GREAT Pic! I want summer! LOL

    Living in someplace white. @@

  50. Clare said...

    so sweet, and making me ready for some spring weather!!

  51. Anonymous said...

    What a WONDERFUL (did I mention gorgeous?!!) photo. What kind of camera do you have? You take exceptional pics!

  52. John Deere Mom said...

    Oh how I love this picture!!

  53. Ann Harrison said...

    That picture is a dream! Great job :->

  54. Nicole said...

    What a sweet picture! Me and my kids love bubbles. It's so much fun until they spill the stinkin bottle!

  55. Unknown said...

    What a great picture :)

  56. Angela said...

    This would have been great for my bubble photo contest!! Too too cute!

  57. pink and green mama MaryLea said...

    Jen, you always take gorgeous photos and this one is fantastic!

  58. Unknown said...

    What a sweet moment in time to capture!

  59. Kate said...

    Precious shot....LOVE that cute face and the BUBBLE!! Fab girl!! :) Have a great weekened!!!

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