The Balloon from Chili's
There are some days when something so small means something so big.It was a long day.
School dropoffs.
Long week prior.
PTO meeting.
Working at the student store.
Telling kids over and over...
"one line," "two people at a time," "eat lunch before shopping," "if you don't have any money, go out and play," "no, we don't take IOU's."
Typical Friday.
Out of town for brother's baseball practice.
So he can practice on artificial turf for next weekend's tournament.
Long day.
Dinner with friends, relaxing, decompressing, nice conversation, nice time.
We get ready to leave and my baby says, "mom, I want to have a balloon."
Sure, why not.
We ask.
We ask 3 or 4 times.
Our friends ask.
We wait.
and wait.
and wait.
Yeah sweets.
"I'm sorry we have to wait so long, but tonight, I really want this balloon."
I scoop up my youngest child. I hug her. I kiss her.
I know sweetheart. We will wait here until it comes.
What seems like an eternity later, a green Chili's balloon arrives.
The smile is worth it's weight in gold.
Thank you. Thank you for making the day of my baby.
We leave and I smile.
She smiles.
Like she just won a million dollars.
Except dollars don't really mean much to her.
But, this balloon, means so much.
So worth waiting for.
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