Go Walk the Fish

DQ (dancing queen, daughter, age 9.75) abhors dogs, just about as much as I do, but we saw the most darling golden retriever puppy when we were in Tahoe. "OOh, I would love THIS dog if we could get one!" Yeah, but they don't stay that small, and cute, and cleanish-smelling, and ankle biting.
Kinda like the cell phone at age 9.75, no way, no how.
We already have outside kitty, Maggie. She's cool, she'll hang around for about 5 minutes once fed and then she disappears into cat world, we only know she's near by the stench of cat poop and the occasional midnight cat-fight.
She's low maintenance, we can handle that. The five of us are enough to maintain.
My Boy(son, age 7.5)--What about a fish like the red one we had?
DQ--You can't walk a fish! It doesn't fetch either, just swims in circles, and eats it's poop.
Ooh we're on to something. No walking necessary. No ruined shoes. No poop stench. Self-cleaning?! Genius.
We're heading to the pet store this week.
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