We Think She's the One

I need your help, this is a huge decision.

We're leaning toward HER to join our family.

What do you think? Pros, Cons? Tell me about your camera.

4 supporters in group:

  1. Merrie said...

    Nice! I can tell you that we have a Canon, and we've never been unhappy with it. And it's been a part of our family since Dec 2002. Good luck!

  2. Anonymous said...

    No SLR? I like the lower megapixel as you know my struggle. Looks like a great camera!

  3. Sous Chef Mom said...

    Canon=good choice


    I have a digital SLR Canon Rebel XTi and I love it... I had an older Powershot that worked great but didn't have the options I needed as a photographer... but as for a point and shoot. This is the best there is!

  4. Anonymous said...

    Wow nice camera.
    I have a kodak something or other! (can you tell i have no clue what I am talking about?) so I wouldn't take my advice on the camera I would get it because it is pretty!

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