...And an 8oz Foffee in Her Sippy Cup, Please

Now, no, I don't allow her to drink my 24 oz. 1/2 regular, 1/2 decaf with 2 Splenda, piping hot. She knows better. I tell her that it's HOT and she understands and proceeds to blow spit on the lid to mimic cooling it down. She gets distracted after that for a while. But, for some reason she has this uncanny sense exactly the moment the drink has cooled to a no-burn level, that's when she swoops in for her pips.
Since the weather has warmed up, I've moved to 20 oz. Iced English Teatime with one Splenda, her favorite. The drama that builds within her 30 lb. frame if I deny her repeatedly is rather scary. She's been known to go into full-boar tantrum mode for caffeine, I think i'm in trouble.
Before you tsk tsk me, her overall intake in any given experience is probably 1oz of liquid. Not much, but the taste for the liquid gold is there. Even if mixed with back-wash.
May 22, 2008 at 1:32 PM
That picture could SOOO win an award! LOVE IT!
Let the judgemental people talk to her hand.......WHATEVER!
However, I must say I cannot allow any of my children to share any drinks with me as I can't take the backwash. I am know to suck down half the amount of whatever I have and then willingly let them fight over the rest, 'cause once their lips are on it, I'm not going back!
May 22, 2008 at 1:55 PM
She so damned cute, I can see how it's hard to refuse the rush- just close your eyes while drinking after her- sure there's backwash, but you won't taste it, I think?
May 22, 2008 at 4:29 PM
(Mine drinks my coffee too. I won't turn you into the parenting police, if you don't turn me in... LOL)
But that picture is the PERFECT compliment to this story! I love the look on her face.
May 22, 2008 at 4:36 PM
I can't handle baby backwash, either. I am not a sharing mom. I shudder when I see moms pick up their children's slobbery half-eaten burgers and finish them. Yes, my children have my DNA, but still.
May 22, 2008 at 5:35 PM
I was laughing with the "proceeds to blow spit" part...my children are KNOWN for that! And the backwash in the drink is a daily occurance here!!
May 22, 2008 at 8:02 PM
My 4 year old requested a rapaferlino from Starbuks. Took me a bit to figure out he wanted a Frappuccino. i do let him have a few sips of my coffee as well, for those who critize mind your own business!
May 22, 2008 at 8:11 PM
Love the picture! My baby girl is obsessed with my drink as well. What is up with that? Drives me nutty, because once it's contaminated, I am done with it. Once I see the floaties, EWWW!
May 22, 2008 at 8:18 PM
I let my nine year old have a cup of coffee on Saturday mornings. Guess there will be a spot for me in hell.
May 22, 2008 at 8:51 PM
"Blow Spit" HA! My kiddo's have been known to use this method for blowing out candles.
May 22, 2008 at 8:55 PM
I know, isn't the new header CUTE?! This chic on my IV message board made it for me. I just told her the colors I wanted and she just did whatever. I love what she came up with. Only she doesn't know the correct size to make, so it doesn't fit perfectly, but oh well. I will live. I am still trying to figure out all this bloggy stuff myself. There is so much to learn. it's so FUN!
May 22, 2008 at 9:46 PM
This so makes me laugh, as my girl does the exact same thing. Iced tea is yummy.
And that pic is awesome!
May 22, 2008 at 10:07 PM
I have four kids: 3 boys and a girl. The child who wants to share my drink the most? The girl. The child with the most backwash? The girl. I feel your pain, Jen! :)
May 23, 2008 at 6:26 AM
Whatever you do, DO NOT let her try iced coffee with milk and sugar. My kids are addicts and it's all my fault. p.s. LOVE the Juno songs. Happy memorial Day!
May 23, 2008 at 7:44 AM
That cracked me up!!! Especially the part about blowing spit on the lid to mimic cooling - LOL!!!!
That picture is TOO STINKING CUTE!!!! I could eat her up!!! :)
May 23, 2008 at 1:59 PM
that picture is truly priceless!!
oh how i dread the day when beans learns to backwash - yumo!!
happy POW-wow friday :)
May 23, 2008 at 5:20 PM
I never really thought about backwash until I saw my water bottle compared to my daughter's water bottle. Mine was crystal clear, and hers was foggy with floaties. It so grossed me out that I now refuse to share! Yuck.
May 23, 2008 at 7:31 PM
Your Daughter is PRECIOUS!
I also love you music!
May 24, 2008 at 10:27 AM
I am all for giving them their own cups --- and I'm going to steal this idea next time I hit Starbucks - she can just have her own!
Your daughter is precious! :)
May 24, 2008 at 11:56 AM
aah yes they love our drinks don't they. My son's favorite is an Arnold Palmer he is like me prefers more lemonade than tea!