Quick Get Me My Claritin!

What is on her head and WHY, oh WHY?


Photo courtesy of THIS site.

13 supporters in group:

  1. The Buntens said...

    That is so wrong.

    Really, wrong.
    Why why why?

  2. The Mom Jen said...

    Isn't it?? Thank you!

    Although it does match my blog...lol! ;)

  3. Angie McCullagh said...

    I'd wear it. But only if it came in pink.

  4. Heather said...


  5. Anonymous said...

    I almost always find her adorable....even with a potted bulb on her head.

  6. Merrie said...

    It's Fabulous!


    You just wanted to hurt her feelings.

    Now, name that episode!

  7. The Mom Jen said...

    Can't name the episode but I must admit, the thing sprouting from her head is growing on me.....like a FUNGUS.


  8. BookMamma said...

    OOO! I know that episode! That's the one where Berger and she are having (more) problems because he's an insecure ass. Isn't it the one about the scrunchy?? Or an extension of the one about the scrunchy??

    Looking forward to the movie in a few weeks and a girl's night out...

    Here for the first time by way of McMommy - hope to stop by more often!

  9. The Mom Jen said...

    Merrie knows for sure, but that sounds about right!

    Welcome BookMomma, looking forward to checking your site out!

  10. Merrie said...

    You got it, Bookmama! I love how she says, "A Scrunchy!" in that ep. And the line was from when he mocked her hat at the end of the night. hehe

  11. Sue Wilkey said...

    Woah. That's the thing my kids are always bugging me to get - the butterfly habitat kit from TV.

  12. Anonymous said...

    Oh my. Now why can't I find something like that at Target? Oh yeah, I can. I just have to look in the garden section. Yikes!

  13. Susie said...

    she wouldn't be carrie without it--I LOVE IT!!!!

    God bless you!

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