Caffeine is the New Crack

Some of you are saying, DUH have you been living under a rock.

I know it isn't new news. I drink Pepsi, tea, and coffee. A lot. Every day. Sometimes twice.

Now for reasons beyond my control, Dr. Pepper is running through my veins. I think I may need caffeine rehab.

Anyone know of a Caff Cleanse? Possibly drinking nothing but milk and diet seltzer water or something?

It took one barbeque, or was it a party, or did I wake up with a hangover and a twelve pack of empty DP cans strewn about my bedroom? See. I can't even remember, it's totally the result of caffeine-amnesia.

Oh and go read the "nutrition facts" and discover FORTY grams of sugar in EACH can. Can't that put you in an actual sugar coma? 2 cans at a time and you can possibly drink yourself into a coffin. It should read, "Lack of Any Sort of Nutrition Facts."

My dad who's diabetic is probably wincing and cringing right now if he's reading this.

If anyone is going to invite me to a BBQ this summer, please hide the Dr. Pepper, oh and what's that? Mountain Dew? Ohh, that sounds refreshing, let me try some.......

54 supporters in group:

  1. Chandra said...

    I'll tell you what did it for me. We watched "King Corn" on PBS. It is a documentary all about the corn that goes into SO MUCH of what we eat. In that documentary, they did a bit on the process of making high fructose corn syrup. It is disgusting and FULL of chemicals.

    If you can get your hands on that footage, it will scare you straight!

  2. Brittany said...

    Hmmm...maybe you need a caffine intervention...

    "Listen hun, we're all your friends here, you're in a safe place, we want to help..."

  3. Lori said...

    I too love my caffine. In the past when I have tried to get "off" of caffine I felt terrible...horrible headache and sick to my stomach for about a week but then I would feel better.

    Honestly, I felt really good...same thing happens when I stop eating junk. But, then I get to missing the caffine or get lax about what I eat and before I know it I am back hooked on it again. I write this as I am drinking my 3rd cup of coffee...oh well!

  4. Texasholly said...

    I think it is something in Dr. Pepper. I can pass up almost any soda except for that. I even went as far as importing the "caffeine-free" Dr. Pepper from a neighboring town while I was pregnant. It is soooo true! And it totally sucks to get off caffeine. I have done it several times and it is 2 weeks of serious rehab without the whole institutionalization thing.

  5. Ali said...

    My husband came from a strictly Coke family. Then he met me. He's been drinking Dr. Pepper happily for over 10 years now!

  6. Jenny said...

    Oh YUM. Dr. P & Mountain Dew! I try not to drink regular sodas very often, but when I do it's usually one of those!!!
    FYI...Diet Dr. P is one of the few diet sodas I drink because it tastes JUST like regular. Then you can kick those sugar grams to the curb.

  7. A Crafty Mom said...

    oh yum - I used to be addicted to that stuff, it is sooooooo good and give you a nice good jolt when you need it. I haven't had it in years, but I find myself drooling a bit on my laptop right now as I type :-)

  8. Anonymous said...

    I get free pop at work and my husband likes to buy himself gas station pop, which pisses me off, so he'll buy me some as a peace offering. Due to all the pop drinking for the past month and a half, I look about five months pregnant. It someone sticks a pin in me, I'll pop like an over-filled balloon.

  9. Author said...

    Loved your weekly winners pics!

    Hmmm... the only thing I know of that cures the pepsi/dr. pepper/mountain dew addiction are Monster Energy drinks. Those did me in, and now I'll never return to regular caffiene again!

    Thanks for you post about The List. I played along on my own blog (after giving you a crediting link, of course).

  10. Tami said...

    I need to join you in caffeine rehab :)

  11. Anonymous said...

    Whew girl! That's a LOT of soda.

    I gave up sodas/caffeine about 2 years ago. I had a RAGING headache for about 2 days, then I was fine.

    My intake for caffeine now is in chocolate and my once/3x a week Coke Icee. The Icee's are totally optional though. The chocolate, I'm so not giving that up anytime soon!

    Have a great week!

  12. Heather said...

    O.M.G!!!! I don't do soda that much, but diet Dr. Pepper is my downfall. If it is around, it will be consumed in mass quantities. And the coffee - well you know how I feel about it.

    Caffeine is the wonder drug of super moms, didn't you know?

  13. ** said...

    Oh yes, been there done that!! I don't know of any caff cleanse just will power :(

    It blows... good luck with that. I can't do mornings without coffee or SOMETHING

  14. Sarah McBride said...

    I had to quit drinking pop. I was a rabid coke and mountain dew drinker. I drank so much it actually gave me ulcers.
    so I quit cold turkey and drink ZERO pop. I drink nothing but water or milk. It has helped immenseley with some health issues as well (migraines, swelling feet, insomnia)
    My husband drinks a ton of Dr Pepper.

  15. Rochelle said...

    You need serious help girlfriend! I can't talk ... I recently increased my coffee from 4 cups to 6 cups to get me going in the morning!

  16. Merrie said...

    Wait, are you saying my addiction to iced raspberry mochas is bad for me? What are you trying to tell me? That I shouldn't be shaky before I have one? I CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!

  17. Rebecca said...

    Phew that is alot of sodas wonder you have the headache from hell today!!
    I only drink diet vanilla pepsi, no coffee or tea or other soda's.
    Of course I get a nice amount of caffeine from my copious chocolate consumption....but that is just the way it is, wont be stopping that habit in the near future. lol

  18. Pam said...

    caffeine is definitely my crack...but only in the form of Coke (see a connection here? lol) i have tried, in vain, to cut back or stop drinking it with no luck. i'm getting ready to try again as caffeine is NOT good for those who suffer thyroid issues. why is it that we always like the things that are no good for us?? wish me luck :)

  19. Pam said...

    btw mountain dew has more caffeine than sodas like coke, pepsi, dr. pepper

  20. scargosun said...

    I likie my caffiene but not crazy about the sugar so it's coffee, tea and diet soda (although I don't drink much soda).

  21. Anonymous said...

    My wife love Dr. Pepper, just switched to Diet..."not to shabby tasting." :)

  22. Anonymous said...

    I do like my Dr. Pepper but have not had it in a while (trying to be a good girl and only drink water) but I feel like a drug addict in rehab. I gotta get my hands on one!!!

  23. Anonymous said...

    I think I need to watch that King Corn and get scared straight. I went from being addicted to Pepsi to being addicted to diet Coke. Sigh...caffeine is definitely an addiction.

  24. Wendy said...

    You sound like me, only my vice is Diet Coke. I think it will take shock therapy to get me to stop! lol Either that or some sort of Diet Coke induced coma.

  25. Anti-Supermom said...

    My nervous tummy can't handle the caffeine, it keeps me up for hours upon hours, but I'm totally addicted to CF diet coke. I do feel your pain and promise I'm laughing 'with' you.

  26. Tena said...

    I will not throw stones, because I live in a glass house as well, but for me it is diet coke.... I drink one immediately after my morning cup of joe and don't stop till bed time. Maybe we can find a rehab joint and get a special discount if we both go in at once... I can picture my body shaking now from withdrawals!

  27. Tenakim said...

    I am with the diet Dp... but you got a lot of support with your rehab here!

  28. Tenakim said...

    I am with the diet Dp... but you got a lot of support with your rehab here!

  29. Tracey said...

    I'm not a rehabber I'm a coconspirator!

  30. Keys to the Magic Travel said...

    Many moons ago when I made the switch to diet colas...Diet Dr. Pepper was the only one I could tolerate. It really does taste like the real thing. But now, I have this coke zero addiction...

  31. Kaza said...

    Actually, caffeine free diet Dr. Pepper is amazing. Now, it took me a couple of weeks to get used to diet, but I did it, and now the corn syrupy taste of regular makes me ill, so it can be done! I used to think it was better to drink the regular rather than artificial sweeteners, but HCF actually is artificial itself, so I figured I'd save myself the sugar calories anyway. ;)

  32. Ann Harrison said...

    So how was the Middle Sister-Wicked White?

  33. Sheila said...

    It's so funny because I have not drinked soda in like 3 years. Our trip to Malibu changed that. Anna wanted coke & I thought, fine. Next thing you know we had went through a 12 pack of coke, cherry coke & pepsi. WHAT THE HECK! Now that we are home I am trying to detox.

  34. John Deere Mom said...

    Caffeine. Yummy. Must have coffee, Diet Dr. Pepper, and on occasion Diet Pepsi or Diet Mt. Dew. I do have to stop all caffeine consumption around 3, 4 p.m. though if I care to sleep. Man, does that make me sound old...

  35. Anonymous said...

    More of a coke person here, but haven't had one in awhile. I am definitely having some issues with that! But, to take off the edge, I'll have a glass of wine. That will make my week look up!

  36. Anonymous said...

    I was amazed that I managed to lose 12 lbs when I gave up my 11-cokes-a-day habit.

    Of course, the wine isn't doing me any good now, but somethings are worth it.

  37. Not Just Any Jen said...

    You are seriously bouncing off the walls here in this post, Jen. You need some intense DP intervention.

    I could drink coffee all day-probably why I can't sleep at night.

  38. Susiewearsthepants said...

    If only I could be weened from Coke, then my life would be perfect. Well, almost.

  39. carrie said...

    Gosh! Tell me about it! I never used to drink pop, and it started so innocently when that chocolate cherry Dr. Pepper came out. Then to Diet Dr. Pepper, then regular. I've been off it for about 2 weeks now, and it's killing me. Especially in the afternoons.

    I just wasn't ever drinking water anymore and my pants were tight. Oh the inhumanity!

    thanks for visiting my blog tonight!

  40. Jill said...

    That's me with cappuccinos! I drink at least 2, sometimes 3 a day! And when I can't drink another... I switch to coke. No diet for me! Not that I couldn't use a little less fat...

    I sadly don't think I've ever read a label on a can of soda... I'd never know how much caffeine or sugar (or any other ingredient) was in one. Yikes...

  41. Wendi said...


    My name is Wendi and I am a recovering soda-a-holic.

    I gave up soda 1 year, 3 months, and 8 days ago.

    I had to have intervention.

    After reading this post...I have a sudden urge to run to the nearest store and buy the coldest Dr. Pepper I can find.

    What were those 12 steps again?

  42. Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

    MMMM, but DP tastes so yummy! I have anxiety and am supposed to stay away from caffeine. Years ago I was great at it. Even when I became a mom, I was still pretty good. Then I finally got used to sleeping again, MH slept for 12 hours at a time and life was good. Until about 8 months ago when she decided that wake up time was between 6 and 7 every day, no matter what time bedtime is the night before.

    I am usually begging for coffee before DH has opened his eyes, and he's been the only coffee addict around here for about 8 years!!!

    Now, I drink our super strong coffee at home in the morning, and almost always have a Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee or caramel latte (skim, of course) in the afternoon to keep me going!

    It's sick!

    I didn't even read all the comments because I don't want to know how bad it all is for me.

    Wish I could give you some better advice, but I'm all about keepin' on keepin' on, and I need me some caffeine for that!

  43. Cecily R said...

    Diet Pepsi Max is my crack. More caffeine AND crap that is supposed to give me more energy. Bad news, but SO TASTY.

  44. One Crazy Chick! said...

    Gurl, you need to try diet Dr Pepper.

    Seriously, the caffiene has got to stop. I swear my breastmilk isn't really milk at all it is a straight shot of diet coke.

  45. Anonymous said...

    oh, I Love Diet Dr. Pepper. Love it, love it, LOVE IT!

  46. Anonymous said...

    Just remember that it could be something worse that you could be addicted to! I say just go with it- I am addicted to Diet coke!

  47. Indy said...

    I am going to have to run off and buy some Dr. P. I love that stuff and had forgotten how much I do. I am addicted to Coke and tea.

  48. Angie McCullagh said...

    I need internet rehab myself.

  49. Megan said...

    I went caffeine free while I was pregnant and it gave me a migraine for 5 STRAIGHT MONTHS. Thumbs down. I was right back on the 4-coffe-mugs-a-day train as soon as Peanut weaned... and I'll never look back.

    Caffeine addicts unite!

  50. Paula Lynn Johnson said...

    Don't make me cry. My gyno is making me cut back on caffeine as it appears to be contributing to a few - ahem - female problems down there.

  51. Anonymous said...

    Former caffeine addict, here. Unfortunately, now I am addicted to caffeine free diet coke or pepsi. Although rather odd, I drink it "just for the taste of it."

  52. Anonymous said...

    Yes, I am cringing, that was my favorite (in my day Dr.Pepper was in a small green glass bottle)BUT...Diet Dr.Pepper is actually better for you. Equal and Splenda are perfectly safe after years of testing.............Papa Al

  53. Anonymous said...

    Yes, I am cringing, when I was young Dr Pepper was my favorite,it came in a green glass bottle and they were about 6-8 ozs. But, you should try Diet Dr Pepper. Equal and Splenda are really safe after years of testing....Papa Al

  54. Anonymous said...

    If you find a good way to kick the habit could you please let me in your secret. I'm a Coke Zero girl myself, but my husband loves Diet Dr. Pepper (he swears it tastes almost as good as the regular).

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