Notes to Self

Just a few refreshers that I need to get off my chest.

*Be grateful for what you're given, it's a gift.

*Be thankful, say, "thank you" words mean a lot

*Be appreciative, you are never 'owed' anything

*Be selfless, not selfish, others have feelings too

*Don't take advantage, generosity is a gift

*Lazy is sad, plenty of time to do that when you're dead

*Be prepared, those boy scouts sure are right.

*Live for now, lest you regret.

14 supporters in group:

  1. scargosun said...

    I am so tired I needed to read that stuff. Thanks!

  2. 4funboys said...

    great post...

  3. ** said...

    Amen sistah

  4. One Crazy Chick! said...

    Boy did I need to hear that!


  5. Kelly said...

    Good if everyone can remember these, the world would be a better place...
    p.s I added you to my blogroll, alrighty!

  6. Angie McCullagh said...

    Always great reminders. Thanks!

    P.S. I love your soundtrack.

  7. Chandra said...

    My favorite is "Lazy is sad." I have a feeling I am going to start saying that quite a bit. Thanks!

  8. Tara R. said...


  9. Soge shirts said...

    Good post but i don't trust all boys scouts. Weeblows can't be trusted.

  10. Wendi said...

    Duly noted!!!

  11. Unknown said...

    I've recently begun embracing the Lazy is sad philosophy! It's nice to kick back, but you could be doing so much more with your life!

  12. Megan said...

    Beatuiful, thanks for the reminders!

  13. Lisa said...

    So true....

    Good things to read when starting my day!

  14. Rebecca said...

    Excellent excellent and oh so true!

    Well spoken Jen! :)

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