Premiere Night Fabulousness
**SPOILERS, you have been warned.**photos courtesy of Ro-thank you!
Picture this. Friday night. Flowy top, black skirt, heeled boots. Okay lets call them slutty boots. I kept referrring to them as such. They're not the typical me, so I feel out of place wearing them. I'm normally comfortable in my Uggs or my flip-flops. I sacrificed my poor toes, it was Sex and the City after all!

I get to Merrie's house and I line the counter with my supplies. I have given myself the chore of bartender for the evening. Smirnoff, triple sec, white cranberry juice, cranberry twist and appletini mix-ins. Ice, check. Drink shaker, check. Martini glasses, check-check-check-check-check.

K2 joins us and we order chinese (delivery to boot) and get started on our first drink of the night. Wedding White Cosmos. YUM! I went a little hard on the vodka the first round, but that's okay, after a few more, who'll notice? We turn on the last 3 episodes of SATC. Ro and LP join us to complete our intimate gathering and round 2 on the drink front. Cranberry Twist Martinis this time. DOUBLE YUM. We eat, we drink, we talk. We're so giddy with our advanced tickets.

9:15pm, time to go!!!
Bummer, our advanced tickets still make us wait in a line outside, but luckily it's not for long. Sodas and popcorn hobbling around in these HEELS that curse my poor toes. We practically run into the theater and get fabulous seats. We anxiously watch all of our town's moms, java baristas, hairdressers, and teachers flood the theater oozing with anticipation.
The lights go out and the movie begins.
O.M.G. This 2.5 hour-long episode is everything a SATC lover wants. needs. expected. The girls, the outfits, the stories, all were true to the 6 seasons that never failed to disappoint. I was crying (Steve/Miranda) (Big/Carrie), I was cheering (Charlotte/baby) (Samantha/Loyal to Smith), I cried some more (Samantha/leaving CA) (Carrie/moving on). Then ultimately I left the theater with the biggest grin on my face (Miranda/Steve) and (Carrie/Big).
Oh and how about Char yelling at Big after Carrie nailed him with her bouquet?? That was vicious, the pain was palpable. I don't want it to be over. Perez Hilton swears he heard sequel-talk is already happening. We can only hope right?

I had been reading all the reviews from magazines and internet spots alike. Anyone who wasn't a true fan would call it mediocre. Picking on silly things like a mic was spotting in certain shots. WHA? What viewer is looking for that, I was so into the story I can hardly remember the clothes they were wearing. I can't wait to go back to see it again!
So.....questions for YOU. Things I've thought about since Friday....
*what was your favorite of Carrie's wedding gowns she modeled?
*how do you feel about the Steve/Miranda plot? were you happy with the outcome?
*were you hoping Berger or Aiden would show up in the film?
*was Big's reason for not showing up at his wedding valid? would you rather he'd died?
*was Jennifer Hudson an important character in the movie?
*was Samantha true to herself?
*how about that outdoor shower scene? WOW.
*did you want more of a storyline or less of something else? Discuss!! ;)
Catch me guest-posting at Mommy Confessions... today. Thanks Michelle for the opportunity!
June 2, 2008 at 7:28 AM
Still haven't seen it - but what is a Wedding White cosmo??? White cran, vodka, triple sec? Yummmm.
June 2, 2008 at 8:23 AM
I loved the Oscar De La Renta dress (when she was standing on the ladder). I also liked the one she ended up with minus the *bird* on her head.
I was so upset when Steve confessed....I always feel like Miranda is sabotaging her relationships (6 months??) and it seemed in the end she finally was vulnerable and real! I heart Steve and Miranda together!
I was never a fan of Berger. I rooted for Aiden but felt that was squashed in the series. I really wanted Carrie and Big together finally. However, in the beginning of the series, I really couldn't stand Big.
NOT VALID AT ALL. I understand that it was his 3rd marriage but it was Carrie's 1st wedding...compromise!!! And communicate. And shame on Miranda for saying that to him!
Jennifer Hudson's character had a huge impact on Carrie but I felt she wasn't developed enough for the audience. I would have liked to see that.
I don't know what I really think about Samantha's storyline. I thought when the show ended she had finally found love and let someone else love her (unlike with Richard - one way street). I guess I thought she and Smith would have still been happy together. And her always waiting around for him to come home and such just didn't seem like Samantha at all. Her "losing" herself isn't the Samantha we watched on the show...I just wasn't that thrilled about that part of the story.
Shower scene = YUM!!!!!
I think all the guys should have been more involved in the storyline. Not much of Harry or Stanford. Steve and Smith had their plots but not much screen time...kinda one sided....I missed their interaction with the ladies. And don't you think Stanford would have been helping Carrie after the wedding fiasco? I missed them together.
Just my thoughts! I loved the movie!! I would love to see another movie.....really they should just bring it back to HBO!!!!
June 2, 2008 at 8:31 AM
Ok, I must confess, I am/was/will always be super excited, but I don't get to the movies. I will live vicareously through your review and await the dvd unless, by some movement in the heavens, I am able to get away for 2.5 hours!
So cute to see your girls night out pics!
June 2, 2008 at 8:54 AM
I'm so jealous of your fabulous girls night out. I *so* need to do a themed girls night like that. Martinis, slut boots and all!
June 2, 2008 at 9:38 AM
Great questions! Thanks for tending bar, and also for leaving me the leftovers. ;)
Wedding gown -- I can't quite remember all of the others, but I do remember that I loved the one she ended up in. Only Carrie could carry that off.
Steve & Miranda -- I'm happy with the way it ended, and it wouldn't have been Miranda if there hadn't been relationship conflict. She seems to have trouble being happy.
Fine with no Berger or Aiden. I liked the way they finished out with Aiden - he and Tate on the street. Good closure there. Not so much with the post-it.
I agree on it being his 3rd wedding but her first. They both needed to find a happy medium. And you could see from the start that all she'd wanted was simple. It went out of control on both of them. If he'd just talked to her, it all might have been okay, but he was freaking out. If you've had an anxiety attack, you get it.
Enjoyed Jen Hudson - adorable and a fun new character. Just what Carrie needed.
Samantha was true to herself in the END. And good for her.
The shower scene = epitomy of a S&TC shot.
My fave character of the movie really was Charlotte. I've always liked her, but especially loved her passion in the movie. And I appreciated how happy and content she was in her life. What a gift.
June 2, 2008 at 10:50 AM
I don't have any idea what you're talking about with the movie as I have never seen 2 seconds of SATC. BUT, I do love a martini and those look fabulous!
June 2, 2008 at 12:33 PM
Ahhhh... I had to scroll down fast and not peek.
I can't wait to see it. Sadly, I think I will go alone. Everyone else saw it this weekend. ;(
June 2, 2008 at 12:49 PM
Love your boots! Sounds like y'all had a great time--makes me wish I had started watching SATC when it was on!
June 2, 2008 at 12:50 PM
Well, you ladies look gorgeous and the drinks look colourfully yummy. I haven't seen it either but hope to one night in the near future, soon as daddy is able to give our babe a bottle so mommy can leave for a bit!
June 2, 2008 at 3:33 PM
I'm totally out of the loop on SATC, but I had to say that I love your drinks and your fabulous shoes. You all look fantastic!
June 2, 2008 at 3:37 PM
Hey now, miss "slutty boots!" I have some that are higher heeled and longer up the calf - and I wear 'em all the time - what's that make me???? ;) Just givin ya crap - lol, I LOVE SATC, but alas didn't get to see the movie yet.
June 2, 2008 at 3:38 PM
Great post! It's as if I had your blog in mind when I took those pictures - ha ha.
Even though I had never been a fan of the show, I had a great time and really liked the movie. I am not qualified to answer your questions - my answers would pale in comparison to M the expert SATC fan!
June 2, 2008 at 6:27 PM
Not a fan of the show/movie but I'm definitely a fan of alcohol. Being a bartender I have some ideas of what's in the wedding cosmo but would love to know for sure.
June 2, 2008 at 6:42 PM
You gals are SO STINKIN CUTE!!! When I go, I'll most likely be in shorts and flip flops. Oh well. Glad you had an awesome girls night! And your boots ARE so naughty...
June 2, 2008 at 7:57 PM
Loved the movie - even though I sat next to a man who burped and snarfed the whole way through. It just made us laugh harder!
So glad Steve ended up with Miranda. He is such a good guy.
I was sure Aiden was coming to the door in one scene!
Had no real love for Jennifer in this film.
It was all good.
June 2, 2008 at 8:43 PM
cute picture of your shoes. Didn't read it all because I want to see that movie ;)
June 2, 2008 at 9:28 PM
Love the boots girl, you were stylin that night!! :)
OK I have not ever watched an episode of SATC...but with all this talk of it I have just put ALL of the SATC dvd's on my Netfix list, including the new movie.
It will probably take me that long to watch the rest of the show that by the time I am done the movie will be on DVD for me to watch. lol
Glad you had such a fun night Jen, I am totally jealous of your girls night(s) out!
June 2, 2008 at 9:41 PM
You are SO my people!
Thanks for posting the SITS button on this fabulous blog!
And, if you want to be featured, please send us links to 3 of YOUR posts that you think others would love.
June 3, 2008 at 6:49 AM
You ladies look beautiful!
June 3, 2008 at 10:59 AM
OMG, THANK YOU for this outlet!!! I've been dying to chat.
The wedding gowns...I don't know, I really liked the first one, where she was sitting on the couch. I didn't much care for the one she wore for her wedding that didn't happen. And the bird??!! Ugh.
LOVE that Steve and Miranda got back together. LOVE.
I didn't want Berger or Aidan to show up. I guess, since they weren't THE loves of Carrie's life, I don't think they would have done much for the storyline.
Jennifer Hudson's first I didn't really like her much, but then she grew on me.
Samantha and Smith had grown DULL. She was definitely true to herself and frankly I'm shocked that she didn't DO Paolo next door when she saw him in the shower! ZOWZA!
I think this movie was a perfect way to show the progression of the characters.
June 3, 2008 at 11:53 AM
OMGosh, I have been dying to get here to post, but things have been crazy. I looked all weekend for your review - lol!!!
I actually got out to see it on FRIDAY night with the HUBBY!! I couldn't believe he agreed to it!! But we used to watch it together a long time ago - so it wasn't that much of a stretch. Can you believe there were only 4 other couples (all couples) in the theater with us (10pm showing)!?!?
I LOVED IT!!! I thought it was wonderful!! I laughed, I cried - it just really did it for me!! I can't wait to see it again!! :)
You pointed out one of my favorite (is that the right word) parts - after Carrie nailed him with the flowers and she flew into Charlotte's arms - the pain and the anger that poured from her with that one word "NO" just completely wiped me out and made me bawl. EXCELLENT acting!! Charlotte has always been my favorite character - I was over the moon when she got pregnant!!! I loved how they played out her story!
Ok, my second favorite part and I still laugh thinking about it was when Montezuma's (sp) revenge hit Charlotte and she didn't make it to the bathroom!!!!! OMG Carrie laughing made me lose it!! But then (IMO) the very best line of the movie was after Charlotte was freaking out about worrying about something bad happening and Carrie said "Charlotte, you pooped in your pants this year. I think your bad happened!" (or close to that) OMG!!!!! That was classic!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!
I actually loved the gown she picked (sans the weird bird). When she tried it on at the shoot - it was perfect!!!! (How about the one with the FUR?!?! GAK!!!)
I am SOOO happy Miranda fixed things with Steve. When they met on the bridge - I cried!
LOL about "would you rather Big died", but I was SOOO pissed at him!! lol
I really liked Jennifer Hudson and I think her character was key in bringing Carrie "back".
Samantha has never been my favorite character but I liked her in the movie. I think she did stay true to herself!! And OMG, that scene where her stomach was sticking out and the wedding planner yelled POOCH or whatever he said - I busted a gut!!!!! :)
Honestly, I thought it was perfect, just the way it was.
Ok, this may have been way more than you wanted (and easily the longest comment I've ever left on a blog - lol, but I couldn't help it!!! :) I needed to share my thoughts with someone who understands. None of my friends here have seen it!)
June 3, 2008 at 2:44 PM
Looks like it was a fun night out!
June 4, 2008 at 9:51 PM
I am seeing this on Friday night (post cosmos of course!) and I cannot wait!!!!! 8)
June 6, 2008 at 7:51 PM
I guess I'm in the minority, but I didn't really think Jennifer Hudson's character was totally necessary. I agree that she helped to bring Carrie back from her depression, but I thought the writer's could have figured out another way to do it without introducing a whole new character and all the excess scenes with her in them. I thought the movie could have been a little shorter but overall I really liked it.
I love Carrie with Big, but I don't think it would have hurt anything to have an Aiden or Berger sighting.
June 8, 2008 at 7:51 PM
Okay, I'm back. I Finally saw this and here's my thoughts:
I was bummed Aiden didn't make an appearance. :( I loved the seasons with Aiden. I was never much a fan of Berger.
Jennifer Hudson's character did nothing for me. And neither did the Samantha storyline.
I LOVED the end, though. Loved it. I cried.
AND...if you haven't already tried a lavendar cosmo, please make sure you do so immediately!! xo.
June 10, 2008 at 7:43 PM
I see you posting all over town so had to stop in and check out your blog for myself :)
*Seriously loved the wedding dress she chose ... okay it would have been better minus the stupid bird on her head though - but it was such a typical Carrie thing to have that all is forgiveen.
*I'm glad that Steve came clean and even happier that Miranda finally forgave him, although I wanted to leap through the screen and slap Miranda silly for her stupid comment to Big
*Honestly I thought there would be more flashbacks to them but glad they weren't 'in' the film
*I wanted to HURT Big. I wanted to HURT him bad, however once I understood at the end I was kinda glad that it worked out that way.
*I loved Jennnifer Hudson's character, she was super cute and full of life and brought yet another type of female character to the mix.
* Samantha was totally true to herself, well in the end she was.
* We had a guy sitting in front of us and I swear I saw him hiding under the seat when the shower scene was on ... in fact everytime there was a scene with that gorgeous hunk of man.
*I was kinda hoping for some huge drama to end the movie. I'm not sure what but seeing as everything ended with all the characters being happy, in love, blah blah blah it was like a trashy romance novel.