Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Oh hold the phone, it was for a Nemo plush, not a chicken dinner!

We have a winner everyone. I'm so excited.

I used Random.Org as you can see by my screen shots!

Congratulations Toni!! My girl from Carman Family News. Nemo will make his way to your pond this week!! YAY!

14 supporters in group:

  1. Mrs4444 said...

    Congrats, Toni!!! Off to read your blog now...

  2. Pam said...

    congrats to toni! i'll have to pop over now. :)

  3. Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

    Yay for Toni, boo for me!
    Not that I needed another Nemo around here, I just wanted to win somethin'!!!

    So, did Santa forget about anything else he hid in your house?

  4. Tena said...

    Congratulations Toni!!

    P.S. My volume is on right now, and I am digging the song being played! It's a first that my volume is actually on, but now I am going to stay around until the song is over! LOL

  5. Tenakim said...

    Yeah Toni- and you can never go wrong with some Van Morrison!!!

  6. Jill said...

    Oh darnit, I'm so mad at myself for forgetting to enter my favorite song. This is one of those times that I kept trying to think of my perfectly favorite song... and come back and leave it here.

    Of course, I didn't. And then you go and remind us - and I still forget.

    Rock on Toni for winning!

  7. Toni said...

    Wow! Cool. I never win anything!


  8. Ann(ie) said...

    shoooooot. I missed the fun. *snif* Nicely done Toni!!!! 8)

  9. Brittany said...

    That was OUR wedding song too! Good choice!

  10. Merrie said...

    Congrats on Nemo, Toni! :)

    I never did enter because my current goal at home these days is getting RID of stuffed animals. If I don't, our home is going to be taken over soon.

  11. Jenny said...

    Good job, Toni! Thought for sure I'd win...cause I didn't need the prize!

  12. flickrlovr said...

    Congrats Toni! Enjoy Mister Nemo!

  13. Bob and Jenn Peacock said...

    Congratulations Toni!

  14. Rebecca said...

    Yay congrats Toni, I am sure your boys will love Nemo!! :)

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