Halloween, Skinny Friends, and the Comedian

Hello There!! My name is Amy and my home is at Life of a Nguyener (Win-ner). Jen did a guest post for me last month and asked if I could repay the favor while she went away on her girl's trip. I said sure but it wasn't without some hesitation and cold sweats. I have stage fright and tend to over think and over analyze. Jen has a SUPER following and I am just a small time unknown blogger with my mom pretty much being my only reader LOL any other comments are from people I have paid. I have to boost my blogger self esteem somehow! I told Jen I would happily repay the favor but warned her she could lose some readers after I guest post, so here it goes.

With Halloween just around the corner I was going to blog about all the slutty costumes for the gals but then I realized I can't relate. I have never once dressed up in a slutty costume whether it be for Stud Muffin's eyes only or for Halloween. Pillsbury Doughboy is more up my alley because the rolls are all natural and it makes for a easy costume. Seriously though have you ever taken a gander at what is out there? Holy crappola there are some barely there costumes. In fact in my circle of girl friends there is one that has a good cute little body and she has had 3 kids Pfffft Whatever no jealousy there. My other friend and I always joke if we looked like skinny friend we would dress like slutty street walkers just cause we could. LOL

A bit off topic but how is it that little skinny friend can pop out 3 babies without any stretch marks battle wounds and she pops them out in a hour with barely any labor. Easy Pregnancy, Easy Delivery and all 3 without medication. How is it that I chubby with plenty of room to grow a elephant baby was blessed by the damn stretch mark fairy enough for both skinny friend and myself and was in labor over 17 hours then had a c-section. Life is just not fair sometimes. It is okay skinny friend I still love ya I'm just a bit bitter!!

Then I was going to talk politics but I have seen many get their panties in a bunch when that topic is brought up. Who am I kidding politics is pretty much a foreign language to me and I should really care about it because well it is our future but I am just not that into it. I really couldn't talk politics if I tried, I would sound like a blubbering fool.

Well as you can see my over thinking gave Jen this completely crappy post but HEY I will leave you with a Killer joke! One that my Hubby was so proud of he proceeded to tell just about anybody and everybody. I am so lucky HUH!!

HIM: Knock Knock
ME: Who's There?
HIM: I Eat Mop
ME: I Eat Mop Who?
HIM: Ewwwww You Eat Your Poo!!

He will be performing at the Comedy Club on Saturday night but I am sorry to tell you tickets are already SOLD OUT!! It's a shame, I know! He is a natural with comedy!

Jen, Thank You for letting me ruin your blog guest post. It was a complete honor, as you have quite a following and I look up to you. You are a Blog Goddess, keep it up!! I would like to say it was fun but I would be lying because I am sweaty and have a headache from over thinking about this crappy post.

22 supporters in group:

  1. jill jill bo bill said...

    Amybo! That was hilarious! And I dressed up like Pillsbury Doughboy REALLY! Long handles and hat and the all the catcalls that went with it!!!
    Great post! Now go wipe off. You did great!

  2. Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

    Not a crappy post at all! Good job!

  3. Jo-Jo said...

    You need to quit downing yourself! That was a fabulous blog! And you gave me a great idea or a Halloween costume! A sluty Pillsbury Doughboy!

  4. Diva Ma @ Mommy Fabulous said...

    great post. I'll have to stp by and say hi! How much do you pay???? LOL!

  5. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Great guest posting!

    And, last year, I had a student come as a "sexy ladybug" to school. She looked like people should pay her. Spaghetti strapped top, thigh high leggings, and slutty sandals.

  6. scargosun said...

    P can never hear that joke. It will be the death of me.

  7. Ali said...

    Great post! I get sweaty and headachey over my own posts on my own blog, I think I would have a heart attack if I had to do it on someone elses blog! I've thought about dressing up as a sexy nurse just for hubby but his mom is a nurse and that would just be weird.

  8. Anonymous said...

    I think you did a great job...I too would dress like a slutter something or other if i had the body for it...

    BTW we have the same comedian in our house...where do they get this stuff...I guess it's their father...LOL

  9. Annie said...

    I'm still waiting for my check.....
    You're awesome....don't kid yourself, doughboy.

  10. Debz said...

    I'm with Tiff. Don't tell me the checks in the mail either, I won't buy that story twice.

    Great post. I once (back in my skinny bartending days) dressed in a Harem costme. I was super sext and reaked in about 400 in tips that night. No small feat when it was a cheesy little college town bar. I used to love Halloween. But no more little ones = not as much fun...

  11. Tenakim said...

    Great job! I always LOVE the sexy costumes too, but can't pull them off! Just at Walmart yesterday- I saw a sexy Dorothy (Wizard of Oz) and asked me husband if I should buy it and he said he wanted it so he could stare at the picture of HER!!!Thanks!!!

    I have to tell my kids that joke- they'll love it!

    I expect my check in the mail!

  12. Unknown said...

    Yep...I am here to collect my comment payment!

    great post Amybo! and you do have a following! now about that offr to help me with the SSS I NEED YOU!

  13. Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

    Oh my. What a joke. PLEASE don't share it with MY hubby or I'll hear it another 100 times! ;-)

  14. Jamey said...

    Amy Amy Bo Bamey. That was a great post! you are too funny. I totally over think my posts too. I can't even imagine guest posting! Good Job.

  15. Tena said...

    Amy, stop it... now!! You did great, I loved this post! Is now not a good time to tell you I had very easy child births as well????
    But in my defense the monkey's left me a road map of stretch marks on my thighs! I will pay them back for this when they are older and dating!! LOL!

  16. Darcie said...

    I thought it was a great post! I couldn't imagine guest posting for anyone...I'd have a nervous twitch when all was said and done! Bravo!

  17. Anonymous said...

    Great post! Melissa

  18. Jenni said...

    My boys are going to LOVE that joke...

  19. Wendi said...

    Great post!
    No need to sweat over it!
    And the joke... I am scared to share it with my kids...they would have a hay day with it!

  20. amelia bedelia said...

    good job, amybo!! Funny stuff. and byw, I haven't recieved your check for this month.....

  21. Patrice said...

    I never know where to comment on guest posts.. do you post on the guest post or do you go to the guest posters blog and comment there? Anyway... great post! I loved it, I'll definitely have to check out your blog!
    I totally relate with the whole slutty halloween costume's thing, it's crazy, and I definitely would not look even decent in one of those things! I can't talk politics, either. We have so much in common already! lol

  22. Desiree said...

    Bahaha, I had to try out that joke on my partner... it went like this:

    Me: Knock Knock
    Ryan: Who's There?
    Me: I Eat Mop.
    Ryan: No.


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