Flippin' Friday

Friday Fragments?

Oh I feel so domestic.

We have this iced tea spoon that I stole accidentally found in my purse after a restaurant visit. You know the ones with the long handles.

Other than have it be just a 'fun' spoon for the kids to use, I found a better use for it.

When jelly, jam, peanut butter, or any other jarred item gets low and you're tired of your fingers/hand/wrist getting all goopy, use the iced tea spoons!!

You're welcome!
Visit MOMDOT today and see my Ask The Mom column! See if your question was answered this week. Also continue sending your questions to me at themomjen@gmail.com thanks!

Is it me or does every single item at the grocery store cost $5 and up? You can't even pinch pennies anymore! DANG!

We're going to Costco this weekend, we get coupons in the mail...score!

Fine print....sucks, coupons start October 9th. GRR

Check back tomorrow for a giveaway! This one is for kids...my next one (next week) will be for moms!

For more Fragmented posts, check out Mrs.4444's place!

28 supporters in group:

  1. Anonymous said...

    Love the spoon use...My DH grandmother gave all of her grandkids a set of silverwear for their 21st birthday...followed by service set, and a set of ice tea spoons...so I have a whole set. Of course we do not drink tall glasses of ice tea with sugar (which is what the spoons are for) but I too use them to get the last of stuff out of the bottom of jars...they are great...they are also used for rootbeer floats!

  2. A Christian Mom said...

    Great tip on the iced tea spoon! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Jo-Jo said...

    We don't have a Costco here...I know GASP! We have a Sam's Club, and they don't give nor except coupons! I am so jealous!

  4. Diva Ma @ Mommy Fabulous said...

    Yeah cause turning the jar upside down and trying to scrape the bottom, getting gooey stuff all over your hands is not a good thing!

  5. Anonymous said...

    I'm all over that spoon idea! So something I must try NOW!! :)

  6. Linda S said...

    I'd like to leave the grocery store with less than $200. But then I'd have to go 3 times a week! It's crazy!

    ps. I'm emailing you...I haz question!

  7. Jamey said...

    I got the same coupons! Going to Costco sat. thought the same thing, why can't they make them a little more convenient to use!

  8. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Thanks for the spoon hint...does that mean we should all accidentally get spoons in our purses?

    That does stink about the coupons. I hate the fine print.

  9. Rachel said...

    Good idea - I need to remember to steal some utensils the next time I go out to eat!

  10. Tenakim said...

    I also have a collection of restaurant spoons and forks from when my kids were little (they're nicer than mine). Tell me about inflation!!!

  11. Brittany said...

    Finally a reason to justify my restaurant theft problem!

  12. Deb said...

    Ooooh, a giveaway!!!

  13. jill jill bo bill said...

    Cleptos R Us is on the phone for you.

    I used to stick things in my mom's purse every place we ate. We had a entire serving of silverware and a glass pitcher from Pizza Hut. (She should've known something was up when I offered to carry her purse to the car)

  14. Such The Spot said...

    I hate it when they do that with the Costco coupons.

    And, yaaaaay! So glad to hear I'm not the only one who accidentally finds things like ice tea spoons and pizza spatulas carefully wrapped in paper napkins and tucked into my purse after a trip to a restaurant!

  15. Kristen Andrews said...

    yes everything is $5 and up and those darn kid toys are expensive.

  16. Tyne said...

    Very insightful and domestic. I am going to check out mom.dot

  17. Rachel said...

    Hey -- I know I've asked this before but I've lost the link; can you tell me what site you used to find your vector girl?

  18. Jenni said...

    Our grocery bill is OUT of control.

  19. The Mom said...

    Oh you bad Momma! But, what a great way to make it so useful. It's hard with kids when you go out. A few days ago my 2 year-old almost left the store with a toy. It was so small, I almost missed that he had it craddled in his arms. We took it back, after we had already got out to the parking lot. Have to be so careful.

  20. The Mom said...

    Oh you bad Momma! But, what a great way to make it so useful. It's hard with kids when you go out. A few days ago my 2 year-old almost left the store with a toy. It was so small, I almost missed that he had it craddled in his arms. We took it back, after we had already got out to the parking lot. Have to be so careful.

  21. Rebecca said...

    I have one of those spoons, they are faboo....great for a tall glass of milk and chocolate quick too, you can stir it easily without your fingers being in it. hehe

    I got the Costco coupons too, I hate that they make them so far in the future from when you get them.

    I will be back to see your comps, how exciting!!

    Thanks for voting for my photo too girl.

    HUGS! :)

  22. Not Just Any Jen said...

    Love the long spoon idea. I need to find one in my purse ; )

  23. amelia bedelia said...

    wow, martha, good trick for the spoon!

  24. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for the tip on the spoon. We got our Costco coupons today, too. I just love that store. My kids love going on the weekends because of all the "free" food samples.

  25. Unknown said...

    The tea spoon tip... Right on! Thanks! I don't think we own a single solitary tea spoon however. As a kid, I remember my grandma having dozens upon dozens of them.

  26. Barbara said...

    Yep. Food prices are crazy. Grocery shopping now takes a very sharp eye, lol.

  27. Ann Harrison said...

    Hey, ya' know about those Costco coupons, not everyone gets those.
    My mom will receive hers than call me to set-up a Costco run but I never get them in the mail!
    We went to the Service Desk and they told us that they aren't sent out to every member. So not fair!
    And I agree about everything costing $5. Generic is becoming expensive too!
    ARGH! & GRR!

  28. Mrs4444 said...

    Um...okay, but I think Dairy Queen has long spoons like that, too. They're plastic, but you'll have less guilt. (You do have guilt, right? :)

    We don't have a Costco; sounds like I'm missing out!

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