Baby K is a Finalist!!

OMG i'm so excited! I just found out that K is a finalist in the 5 Minutes for Mom-Fun With Food photo contest! The prize is a $500 grocery store card from Prego!

If you haven't offered your vote elsewhere, we'd appreciate your support!!

VOTE HERE-We're Entry #6


Can you imagine all the frosting we could buy with $500 bucks?!

Chocolatey K says "THANK YOU!!"

54 supporters in group:

  1. Nicole said...

    I gave you my vote, and if I can find time to stop at the library I'll give you another vote from there. I love that pic and totally hope it wins!!

  2. Dee said...

    LOL! YAY! That IS a super cute pic! I'm going to go vote..NOW!

  3. 2Shaye ♪♫ said...

    Oh how exciting! And what an awesome picture. I just voted for you. Can't wait to hear the results.

  4. Anonymous said...

    Off to vote now. Congrats to K on being a finalist!

  5. Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

    I went over from Twitter. That picture is the funniest thing ever!

  6. Anonymous said...

    Just blogged about it, too!

  7. Mozi Esme said...

    Congrats! What a cute photo!

  8. beth said...

    That's a face only a Mom could love! It's a "yes" vote for me.

  9. J'Ollie Primitives said...

    Voted! Best of luck. Cutest pic in the contest!

  10. WeaselMomma said...

    Yayyyy Baby K! Taking pictures instead of losing your mind is paying off!

  11. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    That is just too cute...

  12. Anonymous said...

    i voted! :)

  13. Dawn said...

    Hi! We are one of the finalists as well!!

    Best of luck to you!! Your picture is so cute!!

  14. Anonymous said...

    Heading over to vote right now.
    Hope she wins.

  15. M. said...

    that's a fantastic photo!!

  16. Unknown said...


    So cute--I love this pic!

    I voted for ya, hon! Good luck!

  17. Jenni said...

    I am voting!

  18. Tena said...

    Hope she wins, it looks like she is in the lead right now!
    Wit woo!

  19. Rebecca said...

    I hope you win Jen, it is an adorable photo of K!!! :)

  20. Ali said...

    Um, hello, what would you expect of a little girl? Chocolate obsession is in our genes (although in my case it is making it hard to get in my jeans).

  21. Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

    OMG she is adorable.

  22. jmt said...

    I voted for you! All of those pics are're in good company.

  23. Dee said...

    and..I left you an award on my blog!

  24. Clare said...

    going now to vote!!! go K!!

  25. Cat@3KidsandUs said...

    There were some super cuties on that list, but I happily voted for your little one. She's a doll...a messy one at that. lol

  26. Vicki said...

    You got my vote!!!! You are tied for first place right now!!! WOOHOOO!!!! (And I honestly don't think the one you're tied with is that cute) K is absolutely adorable!! Keeping my fingers crossed!!! :)

  27. Jill said...

    I just voted... and it looks like you're still ahead. Yay!

  28. Leslie said...

    Just got back from voting. Congrats on being a finalist, and I hope you win! It's a darling pic.

  29. Mrs4444 said...

    Jen, you're running away with it!!! I voted anyway.... No Starbucks here, though :( How about Target?!

  30. Lisa said...

    Just voted for that cute chocolate face :)
    And I LOVE me some Starbucks....just saying!

  31. Kristy said...

    I just voted. Hope you win!!

  32. Anonymous said...

    Got my vote! She is adorable! A winner!

  33. ♥ Braja said...

    Well you got my vote. That photo made me wish you were my mummy :)

  34. Deb said...

    What a great photo. I placed my vote!

  35. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    I voted for you! And, it looks like you are winning.

    Do we all get a cut of that $500?

  36. Ali said...

    She's got my vote!

  37. Brittany said...

    You totally have my vote, and I pass onto you my Prego good luck vibes from my Prego winnings!

  38. Stephanie said...

    Too, Cute!! I voted for you! You can buy LOTS more frosting if you win!

  39. Tasha said...

    I voted! GL!

  40. A Christian Mom said...

    Great picture! You got my vote! ;o)

  41. Wendi said...

    How could I not vote for that face?
    Seriously if that messy face wins you $500 in is worth the messy!
    Good luck!

  42. Felicia said...

    Wow! Good luck!

  43. Abbi said... cute!! i love it!

  44. Wendy said...

    Just voted for your little cutie! You are currently in the lead and I hope you win. Good luck!

  45. Terri said...

    I voted; it looks really close, I think 9 votes separate you and blueberry eyes, good luck!

  46. Anonymous said...

    What a great picture! I went over and voted. I have to say, Baby K's picture is better than the one's that are in the lead. You've gotta get more people to vote for her!

    I hope you win!

  47. Felicia said...

    You are SO winning this! I voted for you and you have the most so far! You go girl! Break out the frosting!

  48. Mariah said...

    I voted for you and twittered about it!! :)

  49. Jane Anne said...

    Congrats! I love it! I just voted for you.

  50. Tammy said...

    Voted! Good luck..hope you win! :)

  51. Mrs. Schmitty said...

    That is an adorable picture! I voted for you!!!

  52. MOMMY-MOMO said...

    Awesome picture!!!

  53. flickrlovr said...

    Congrats on getting finalist status! You're the 2nd in line, right? I'll try to get out some more votes for you here before the cut off. Love the shot!

  54. LazyCrazyMama said...

    Ooh I just voted and it looks like you are winning! I think yours is the best anyway! Totally the messiest! :)

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