Friend or Freak?

Okay so I haven't ignored the dozens of tags I've gotten for more random/quirky/unknown facts about me. I just haven't come to grips that they really aren't normal. I think to myself, everyone must do that, right?

Then I mention something to someone and they look at me strange. The lightbulb goes on and I go HEY, THAT'S ONE FOR MY LIST!

I have posted twice before about the odd things that make me, ME.

But, yes, there are actually even more oddities that can be mentioned.

1. I actually throw pennies away when I see them. Well 90% of the time I do. I don't know what piggy bank of little Lincolns exploded in my house but there are pennies everywhere! I hate those things, aren't they obsolete yet? Plus I still have one child left who hasn't ingested a coin and then forced me to search their poop for it. I'm tossing them.

2. I really dislike watching cartoons. I get asked, didn't you watch Open Season, or Madagascar, or that mouse in the French kitchen movie. Nope. Hate 'em. They make my brain hurt. I like 3 movies of the Disney/Pixar variety. Finding Nemo, Aladdin, and Shark Tale.

3. I'm a picker. A zit picker. Yes, on my own, BUT also hubbies. It's a digusting, disgusting habit, but nothing more tempting than a whitey just glaring at you just asking to be popped. *don't act like you've never done it!

4. We all go places together, all the time. The grocery store, Target, taxi-driving to activities. It's weird, sure. But, sometimes our best conversations are in the car. Life's too short to not spend time with the ones you love!

5. I pluck my grey hair. In the bathroom, in the entry mirror, in the car (Hubby loves this!). Gross huh? If you see me in real life, don't go searching for my bald spots, i'm not that far gone yet, but i'm getting there. Note to self: Make appointment to dye hair!

6. Christmas isn't my favorite holiday. It actually stresses me to no end and I often want to glaze right over it. (details may come in a later post!)

7. I spend way too much time trying to figure out other people's motives. Just that damn 'people-person' in me. I obsess trying to figure out why people's agendas are so abnormal sometimes. I guess I expect more from people....well some people.

59 supporters in group:

  1. Anonymous said...

    Christmas also stresses me out, which is why I love Thanksgiving. No presents.

    Never picked any of hubby's zits. Don't think I ever plan to...

    Yes, you are weird. We all are! So you're actually part of the in crowd! Woo hoo!

  2. Deb said...

    I love love love to pop zits. I also have grown to hate Christmas because of all the stress it brings.

  3. kel said...

    I also over analyze other people's agendas. I spend way too much time thinking about what other people are thinking.

    great post!

  4. Tami said...

    I do several of those - lol!

    I ALWAYS throw away random pennies - they drive me insane....then I feel kinda guilty about it but not guilty enough to stop ;)

  5. Stephanie said...

    Oh my...I can't stand cartoons either...they just bother me in a way I can't explain!

  6. Tracey said...


  7. jen aka mommay said...

    Yea, I pick dh's zits too. I especially like if they're really big and will give a big pop and make him wince in pain. lol

    I also pick the big crusty boogas out of the kids noses. I'll even get tweezers to get them if I have to.


  8. Brooks said...

    I am right there with you on numbers 3,4 and 7. I have not decided what to do with my grey hair yet.....

  9. ParentingPink said...

    Oh, I'm with ya on trying to figure out people's "motives" and throwing away pennies. Thank goodness I'm not the only weirdo out there :-) LOL

    Love your new design layout! Very classy! Happy Friday!

  10. J'Ollie Primitives said...

    Cartoon movies ~ meh. The songs get stuck in your head and they don't.go.away.

  11. WeaselMomma said...

    I vote freak, but in a good way.

  12. Jo-Jo said...

    My mom hates cartoons...and I am a zit picker myself. Maybe there is a group for us?

  13. derfina said...

    Friend, for sure. (But I may make you wash your hands afore we shake-don't wanna get ZITJUICE on me, don'tcha know)

  14. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    Too funny, thank you for sharing. I am with you on at least half of them.

    Thanks for stopping by my first Thousand Words Thursday. It sure is a black mail picture for later on. My hubby can stand the photo. At least he doesn't check out the blog....

  15. jill jill bo bill said...

    OOOOH I am a popper, too. I would have made a great monkey...always picking at my lids faces/backs/etc. (The only good thing about puberty). I can't get excited about Christmas either! It's so not fun for me. Thanksgiving is much and no required decorating and gift buying....

  16. Tiffany said...

    *Hugs* You are SOO like me. LOL You are definately friend material. Weird but so am I. haha

  17. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    Hmm, I am having second thoughts about you...okay, really I am not because you sound normal to me.

    I am also a zit picker, but just my own. I it is a bad habit but I can't help myself. I really am not a christmas fan in the slightest. It stresses me out...maybe its the perfectionist in me.

  18. Jamey said...

    Good title, And I absolutly LOVE your new header! Ok if you hate cartoons I am the opposite of you! I LOVE Them!!! I won't hold that aginst you though! :0)

  19. Khadra said...

    we do everything together too. All 6 of us lol!

  20. Sass said...

    Further proof that we may have been separated at birth.

    I, too, throw pennies away. They actually gross me out.

    I fall asleep everytime my kids suggest a cartoon movie. Hey mom, wanna watch The Incredibles? And I'm out. Like a light.

    I am a picker. No one else, just mine. Blackheads, zits, and stray eyebrows. Yeah. I'm really sexy to you now, aren't I.

    I do not love Halloween.

    And this is why I just love your blog. ;)

  21. Tyne said...

    As always, you crack me up with your quirks. But popping other's zits is so nasty to me... Please don't touch my face! We love to go places together as a family, you are so right about conversations in the car- sometimes it is the only grown-up conversation Caleb and I can get in!

  22. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    We can definitely be friends!

    I am a popper too, especially when it comes to the hubs!!

    I analyze people as well, so do you only comment on my blog only out of blog etiquette or because you like me Hmmmmm? LOL

    Really I think we could be great friends!

  23. Unknown said...

    zits...omgosh yuck i have weak stomach i could never...

    BUT I am so with ya on the Holidays-I stress easily and Holiday season=stress=zits which i do not pop! ;-)

  24. Anonymous said...

    Great list! I am also a zit picker, but just on my own face. picking someone else's zits just grosses me out.
    I love Christmas, just the shopping stresses me out. I just wish what I imagine what i want, and they will magically appear in my bedroom closet.
    Shark Tale is also my favorite Disney movie. The girls just may get it for Christmas this year.

  25. Ranch Girl said...

    I love to peel other people's sunburn skin - I think that's on part with zit picking (I only pick my own).

    But, the pennies ... yikes - if everyone who threw away pennies would donate them to a worthy cause - I know it wouldn't be billions of dollars, but it couldn't hurt (sorry, I just had to get that off my chest).

    As for plucking grey hair - well, if I did that, I'd only have half a head of hair left - not a pretty sight no matter how you look at it!

  26. Ranch Girl said...

    I forgot to add that I just rolled a bunch of my pennies, came up with about $15, and donated it to the American Cancer Society. Couldn't tell you how long I'd been collecting, but it wasn't long. Okay, I can stop obsessing about this now (maybe).

  27. Sue Wilkey said...

    SISTER CHRISTIAN!!!!! (we have the same exact music taste)

    I'm a penny/nickle and occasional dime thrower-outer. The only coin safe is the quarter.

    During Ratatouille, I had to get up and go walk around the lobby. It was like torture.

    As for the zits, whenever my husband asks me to do his I'm like "NO WOMAN would ever do that!!" Apparently I was wrong.

  28. Heidi said...

    So what is your favorite holiday? And I have actually held a penny over the trash thinking that it would just be so much easier if I threw it away, but not having the nerve.

  29. Merrie said...

    We missed the end of Ratatouille when N suddenly threw up all over us and we had to exit quickly. Good times. I still haven't seen all of it.

    FYI My motive with you is to see as much of you as possible. :)

    Love the new header.

  30. beth said...

    Anyone know who started the very FIRST meme in the blogosphere?

  31. Linda S said...

    wow, the whole motives thing is deep...guess that's the doctor in you...hmmm?

  32. Mrs. Heck said...

    #7 made me laugh. Really hard...b/c I do that too. I think I have trust issues b/c for some reason I have a hard time trying to take people's word for things.

    As for my Disney post, I think it's only for Disney WORLD, but if you go to they should have whatever deals for Disneyland for you. :) (I'm a big DISer.) :)

  33. Anonymous said...

    I've been checking out your blog and now finally leaving a comment! I love your varied site and I love hearing that Christmas stresses you out. Moms in my 'hood feel the same way...I'm thinking no gifts this year. For the kids from Santa - yes. Everyone else - simply everyone else - NO. I'm going for sanity this year.

  34. Brittany said... are a weirdo, but I totally adore ya. And FYI....I LOVE YOUR NEW HEADER!

  35. mom3crazygirls said...

    I continue to learn things about you and I love you anyway!!! I admire your willingness to put it out there and be vulnerable - I certainly will remember this info for further toetat5 outings!!

  36. Tenakim said...

    Love the new "vector"!!! You're no freak. We also go everywhere together. Though your reasoning is way more normal, my husband doesn't like to be alone- he has issues.

  37. Mama Amber said...

    Found you through MamaJoss. LOVE your blog!

    You're totally not a freak and I can relate to almost every one of those. Oh how I hate pennies. If someone says they're not a zit picker, whether it's their's or someone elses- they're lying. Lol. And I've always thought I was weird for trying to analyze other people's lives and agendas. So you're not alone :-)

    I'll be back!

  38. Chris said...

    3,5 and 7 are all me too!

  39. Meg said...

    I love these things...we get to know all about people we love to look in on! Great post...hope you are well sweetie!

  40. Meg said...

    I love these things...we get to know all about people we love to look in on! Great post...hope you are well sweetie!

  41. Jenni said...

    I am a zit picker, too. I think my kids will hate me when they are teenagers!

  42. Clare said...

    totally a zit picker too, and hubbies of course. i don't think he even sees them half the time:)

    love that you guys go everywhere together...makes me smile. have a great weekend:)

  43. jmt said...

    The 7 facts is a nice, short way to learn some things about people...but it's always the secret that tells so much, but the thought that goes behind the secret. :) Thanks for sharing!

  44. Mc Allen said...

    I so resemble alotttt of those remarks... I agree , I think your prettyyyyy normal!& Great insight ;) LA

  45. Tena said...

    I am with you on the whole list, except the penny part! I throw them in the kids piggy bank!!

    I prefer my friends to be on the freaky side, you fit right in, lol

  46. Mrs4444 said...

    I'm going to save your financial life, my friend. Suzy Ormon says that when we disrespect money, we create bad "money kharma," for ourselves. So, if you go pick up all of those pennies and put them in a shrine, you will become filthy rich. Probably.

  47. This Mom said...

    OH I am totally with you on #6 & 7.

    I could go into it but it would just really get me rilled up before bed.

  48. Anonymous said...

    Cool new header! I always like to see how your gussying up the place.

    Your blog always makes me laugh, smile, or giggle!

  49. Unknown said...

    I am right there with you on a few of your oddities! LOL #1 I don't toss pennies (but I dont' have kids around to swallow them either) I put them in a jar that is getting increasingly fuller by the day. #2 I hate cartoons as well, but I never grew up watching them! I get such weird looks when I don't know what certain cartoons even are! lol #3 I attack the wife and almost physically hold her down to pop her zits! LOL I have even been known to do it to a complete stranger on one occassion! I just hate the site of somthing big and white just sitting there staring at me! and #6 I just hate holidays period! Never were they really celebrated growing up (but I had such a messed up childhood. Heck I didnt watch cartoons that should tell you something!)

  50. Anonymous said...

    I know I have grey hairs there somewhere, but my hair is so dyed I have no idea where they're hiding. I DO however have one wirey sucker that grows HORIZONTALLY out of the middle of my FOREHEAD. Yeah, I pick that one.

  51. Maritez said...

    I'm right there with you on #7 :)

  52. Jill said...

    Oh I SO agree with you on #7... I way over think things and really need to just sit back and relax... though I know it will never ever happen!

    I wish I could get rid of my gray hair, though plucking them would be a horrible idea as my hair is already on edge due to my thyroid. Arghhh

  53. Rachel said...

    #1 and #2...I couldn't have said it better! And so true about the car rides...the best conversations!

    My hubby pops my zits LOL

  54. Caffeine Court said...

    That is a GREAT list! I'm a zit picker too. It's so satisfying.

    My husband loves to run errands as a family. I find it to be annoying. I like to crank out my errands and as much as I love my family, they really slow me down.

  55. Dawn said...

    Oh, my! 2,3,4 and 7 we are so much alike!!

    I absolutely HATE animated shows! Blech! My husband takes my daughter to all those movies.

  56. April said...

    I hate cartoons!!!!

    I also clean my poor childrens' ears with an ear loop like they have at the doctor's office.

  57. Sheila said...

    Great list, I feel as if I know you. LOL I too take my family everywhere. I feel weird not taking them. There will be a time when they are grown with families of their own. I want to enjoy the time I do have. Car conversations are the best, I agree 100%!!!

  58. Barking Mad! said...

    I totally could have wrote number 7.

    Loved your list. And yeah, take it from me, those bald spots happen faster than you think...get thee to the salon, pronto! *lol*

    Auds at Barking Mad!

  59. Janine said...

    OH, it's so good to find someone else who hates cartoons. And yes, Nemo, Ratatouille - now that's quality.

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