Getting There

We drove to the airport Thursday night and left our car in long-term parking. Which meant we needed to drive about a mile from the airport and shuttle in. We were kinda new at this portion of flying for a trip, so I kinda got all "Amazing Race" and tried not to stress about missing our flight.

From the car we booked it over to a shuttle waiting area and impatiently vibed for our ride. Triple checking my documents (rental car, hotel res., ELLEN TICKETS) we boarded the bus and I barked at the driver "we need to get there FAST, we're in a race!!"

Luckily I only said it in my head, so I wasn't a complete idiot for imagining this game I was playing.

Once we got to the terminal and proceeded to check my bag, I begged the lady at the desk to get me on the earliest flight to Sin City.

She looked at me funny and said, "ma'am, you are on the next available flight, gate C10." Pfft, whatever.

My hubby rolled his eyes and mumbled something to the effect of "I'm not with weirdo."

Hubby NOT playing the game with me.
Clearing from my delusions of grandeur, I sat in front of the window and pretended to look into the darkness of the runways. All the while I was spying on my potential seatmates, trying to figure out who NOT to sit near, and who has air sickness potential.
While hubby popped his Dramamine, I was fearful the puker would be him. But, I stopped worrying and dove into a book while hubs misspelled filled in the blanks on his homework.
Finally on board and ready to go. Luckily hubby kept his cookies to himself and enjoyed the lights of the cities he could name as we flew over them. He's kinda a human Atlas.
Then I saw it.

Las Vegas. Butterflies welled up in me, I felt like I would lose my peanuts and coffee.

44 supporters in group:

  1. ♥ Braja said...

    I love that second to last shot of you both on the, how DID you get that pose??!?

  2. Unknown said...

    you are too funny in your descriptions! :) I still should have gone in the suitcase I tell you! :)

  3. Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

    Oooh, remind me to pick YOU next season! Pass on the husband, though...

  4. WeaselMomma said...

    can't wait to read more. Hope your over the glug, glug flu.

  5. Amy W said...

    What a fun trip! I watched the show yesterday and was so jealous you got to see Pink!!!

  6. Terri said...

    oh I just got back from Vegas on the 15th, we had sooo much fun. That place is a awesome zoo.

  7. MAMA CEO said...

    What a great travel log! I will definitely call you to help me book a flight/vaca next time! LOL! What a great organizing folder, it has a dual purpose! One thing we moms are very good at...multi-purpose/tasking! I will definitely check out the book too!

  8. Sass said...

    Love it!!!

    Have a blast in Vegas, baby! ;)

  9. Ranch Girl said...

    You're too funny!

  10. Sue Wilkey said...

    OMG our poor husbands. You know they're thinking: "Good Christ-does EVERYTHING have to go on the blog?" and we're all "Yes. Shut up."

    LOVE the post-it's like we're there with you!

    (nice GnR BTW)

  11. Cathie said...

    It is amazing to see all the lights from in the airplane! I LOVE VEGAS!!!!

  12. 3boys247 said...

    I love Vegas baby. Have fun with Ellen. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  13. Tami said...

    Too funny! I love the Amazing Race - I would have been on your team :)

  14. Jamey said...

    I love the pic of your hubby not playing your game! classic! great pics!

  15. Tenakim said...

    looks so fun! I can feel the excitement in all the pictures!

  16. Anonymous said...

    Love the story! I miss Vegas. I lived there for 2 years. But I wont go back. Too many bad memories there. Glad you had a great time tho! and I am so jealous you saw Ellen! :)

  17. Tiffany said...

    LMAO At the Amazing Race antics.

  18. Amy said...

    Ooooooh, Vegas is sooo much! Quit while you're ahead (harder than it sounds)!

    Get out in the aisle and dance with Ellen, please!

  19. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    That's AWESOME!! Glad your Hubby kept his cookies! I love Amazing Race your references made me giggle! Let's sign up together and do a race LOL The Hubby and I always joke about it. One day we got lost going somewhere and that pretty summed up that we would really suck at Amazing Race LOL

    Can't wait to hear more. That's cool you are getting to do all these book reviews!

  20. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    P.S. I watched it yesterday and kept pausing on the audience shots trying to see if I could spot you but it was lie Where's Waldo! Did you have good seats?

  21. Merrie said...

    Great review thus far -- I love it. Looking forward to the rest. :)

  22. Unknown said...

    I was looking for you on Ellen yesterday!!! LOL

  23. April said...

    Love the Vegas pics!

    Does your husband ever get annoyed with all your picture taking? Today I tried a new recipe and broke the camera girls were like, "why are you taking pictures of food? is it for your blog or something?".

  24. Linda S said...

    Does he ever say "will you please put the camera down?" Great the one of you behind the glass..classic.

  25. Dee said...

    YAY!! Great pictures!!!

  26. Minxy Mimi said...

    WOO HOO!!!
    Hope you are having a great time and no cookie expelling!

  27. Anonymous said...

    SO much fun. You make an AIRPORT look like SO much fun! I'm flying in 2 weeks, you've made me not dread it so much. Granted, it's not to Vegas, but none the less, I can pretend it is!

  28. Mama2hre said...

    Scoping out people for air sickness potential! I love it! Oh, thanks for pointing out the drunk. Do we have video of his mutterings? Thanks for the laugh!

  29. I Am Boymom said...

    Laughing at happy Hour Sue's comment regarding husbands and blogging! Have Fun!

  30. Mariah said...

    "kept his cookies to himself" HAHA

  31. Mariah said...

    "kept his cookies to himself" HAHA

  32. Brittany said...

    Husbands. They have to know everything is fair game these days!

  33. Clare said...

    so cute jen, i love this post!! i hope you had a great time at the ellen show, and i totally get the whole amazing race thing. i love that show:)

  34. ParentingPink said...

    Oh, Glorious Vegas...and Ellen! Looks like you made it through check-in. I usually get stopped for having some shiny, sharp object in my bag. Or else they think I look "suspicious." Who me? LOL

    Looks like a fun time!

  35. Rachel said...

    Thanks for taking us on the airline trip with you...loved this post.

  36. Unknown said...

    I love how you wanted to act like you were on Amazing Race, you crack me up. Like all your pics too! : )

  37. flickrlovr said...

    Dude! Don't leave us hanging! KEEP GOING!
    Loving the Vegas trip stories and pics...glad you took so many. Fun!

  38. Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

    Glad you had so much fun. So did Sadi Hubby go to the ellen show?

  39. A Crafty Mom said...

    OMG so funny, I love the pictures, especially the airplane shot!!! Ha ha!

  40. jill jill bo bill said...

    OMG I was stuck on the plane coming home with some whacko air traffic controller dude who almost cried because he needed a pillow. FOR.FIVE.HOURS. I would have welcomed puke.

  41. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    Love Veagas, glad you had a good time. Great photos.

  42. Jennie said...

    I love going somewhere and pretending that I am doing something WAY more special than it is...

  43. Mrs4444 said...

    I feel kind of queasy looking at that last shot. When Kendall and I were there last summer, we rode that thing on top of the Stratosphere; can you say TERRIFYING?! The things a mother won't do for her kid...

  44. Unknown said...

    I'm reviewing that book too. It's too cute.

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