A Thousand Birthday Wishes

Eight years ago you brought us joy.

You have always had a michevious side.

But, just one look and you make my heart melt.

Tough exterior, tender soul.

I love you my little man.

Cheaper Than Therapy

Want to join me in A Thousand Words Thursday, read and grab my button from HERE. Then write in your name and blog addy in Mr. Linky below.

Please link only to "A Thousand Words Thursday" posts, and visit the other participants as well, thanks!

78 supporters in group:

  1. Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

    He's beautiful. Happy birthday lil guy! :)

  2. Pam said...

    happy birthday to your boy! :)

  3. Mel Fraase said...

    Aw! Happy Birthday!!!

  4. Jill said...

    Happy, Happy birthday to such a beautiful boy!!

  5. A Christian Mom said...

    Happy Birthday to your son! Great Pictures!

  6. Mrs4444 said...

    Happy Birthday, Little Man! :)

  7. A Crafty Mom said...

    Awww, what a little cutie, Jen!!! Great pics, of course. I have a little birthday guy today too :-)

  8. Sarah said...

    great pictures!! He sure is handsome!

  9. Unknown said...

    Happy birthday to him!! He's a doll. I'll be back later with my ATWT.

  10. Kristen Andrews said...

    oh goodness how the grow up so fast. Hope you have a lot of fun celebrating his B-Day!

  11. Stacy Uncorked said...

    Awwwww! Happy Birthday to your adorable son! Loved the pictures! :)

  12. Erin said...

    Oh so sweet! My first awe moment of the day :-).

    Love the last photo.

    Happy Birthday!

  13. Abby said...

    Great pictures! Happy Birthday to your little guy!

  14. Anonymous said...

    Adorable as a baby, and turning into quite the handsome guy!

  15. Anonymous said...

    What a total cutie!!!!! Happy Birthday!

  16. Halftime Lessons said...

    Happy birthday to your boy...he sure is a good lookin kid!!


  17. Sarah said...

    What an awesome photo story! Great pics!

  18. Proud Mommy said...

    OMG!!!! Sooo cute!!! :o)

  19. 4 Lettre Words said...

    So sweet and such beautiful photos!

    Hope it's a fantastic birthday!

  20. annies home said...

    happy birthday to him it seems like they grow faster than the speed of light the many changes that they go through

  21. Unknown said...

    I love the one in the dryer!

  22. Clare said...

    oh, such sweet pictures jen!! he is a cutie! I love the picture in the dyer:)

  23. Dee said...

    Oh how time flies!! Great pictures!

  24. ninja said...

    Hi Jen, it's my first entry in Your memo. Hope to come back every week.

  25. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    There is just something about a mother and her son, isn't there?

    What a handsome man.

  26. Keyona said...

    Happy Birthday to him!

  27. Sandi said...

    Your pictures are amazing and beautiful. ALWAYS! Can you tell me how you get those words across the bottom to prevent people from hijacking them off your pages? I would love a tip or two.

  28. Sass said...

    Beautiful, beautiful post.

    What a handsome little man.

    Happy birthday to him!

  29. Anonymous said...

    My son pointed out that last time I did this I used my daughter's pic, so this time I used one of him.

    great idea, sorry I missed the last two weeks.

  30. Ranch Girl said...

    Happy Birthday to my birthday twin - well, plus or minus 37 years!

  31. April said...

    Happy Birthday Handsome Boy!

  32. Bree Shaw said...

    happy birthday! he has grown so much. and man is he going to have the girls waiting in line for him!

  33. Tenakim said...

    Today is my daughter's 10th birthday , too! Happy Birthday to him!

  34. jo@blog-diggidy said...

    what a handsome guy, you must be so proud!!

  35. Ali said...

    Make that 1001! Happy Birthday!

  36. Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

    Happy Birthday!!
    Hope he has a wonderful birthday!!

  37. Heather B. said...

    Happy Birthday sweet boy! Hope your day is wonderful!!!

  38. Unknown said...

    Happy Birthday to your boy! Hope he has a great day! : )

  39. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    Oh, Happy Birthday to your boy! What a cutie. He is going to be a heart breaker with a smile like that.

  40. Jo-Jo said...

    Happy Birthday Jen's boy! Weird...my Thousand Word Thursday is about my 1st boy's b-day too!

  41. Finding Joy in the Journey said...

    what a sweetie! must time go so quickly?

  42. Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

    That is so sweet..have I mentioned how much I love your photos!!! And his big brown eyes...just adorable!!! Happy Birthday!!!

  43. Sarah said...

    Such a handsome guy! Happy Birthday!

  44. Robin said...

    Handsome boy, love the one of him in the dryer. I joined in today, hope you enjoy.

  45. Former Fat Chick said...

    Happy Birthday ya little stinker!

    I did mine about my B-day, 37 :(

  46. Unknown said...

    Great post, what cute pics :)

  47. Kate said...

    What a handsome little man! We had a birthday in our house this week too. Our youngest turned 2.

  48. Courtney said...

    such a beautiful birthday tribute!

    you have a beautiful son!

  49. Martha said...

    Happy Birthday to your son!
    I have posted mine....

  50. The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said...

    Happy Birthday!!! 8 is such a fun year for the kiddos and the whole family! Congrats all around :)

  51. Anonymous said...

    Happy Birthday! hes such a cutie pie!

  52. Lynn C Mama to 3 said...

    He is gorgeous! I cannot imagine my boy (who is 2 and a half) that grown up. It happens too fast!

  53. Brittany said...

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  54. Leanna said...

    OMG! He's gorgeous!!

    Happy Birthday! and awesome pics MOM!

  55. Erica said...

    Happy Birthday, I love the close up! I think linked wrong this morning and you took it down or maybe I didn't even do it and I can't remember!

  56. Anonymous said...

    Awww! Happy Birthday! They grow up so fast!

    It's our Mom's birthday today too!

  57. Erin said...

    Jen you have such great looking kiddos!! Happy Birthday little man!!

  58. Heather of the EO said...

    Happy Birthday!!!!!

  59. Minxy Mimi said...

    Happy Birthday!
    That last pic is just awesome!

  60. Unknown said...

    Tell him Happy Birthday! Great pics

  61. Jenni said...

    Happy Birthday handsome boy!

  62. wife.mom.nurse said...

    Happy Birthday. The big 8! Wow, how fast they grow, huh?

    I think I shall join your Thousand Word Thursday... next week. My hubby thinks that I will really need to write 1000 words...ok, if it was him, he probably would!

  63. Anonymous said...

    How Birthday Big West! I remember the day you were born! Wow, time flies! H in ID

  64. Shannon said...

    Best Birthday Wishes to your boy!

  65. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    Awww, how special is that. Happy Birthday, loved the photos. That last one I really loved.

  66. Aracely said...

    I'm loving all the Pisces blog babies!

    He has beautiful eyes! Hope the family enjoyed the festivities.

  67. Aracely said...

    Word on the street is you're the blog button maker;-) let me know if you have time to make me one for my Wednesday dealie.

  68. Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

    How sweet... I LOVE the dryer picture!

  69. Tim said...

    Happy Birthday!!!

    Have a great weekend and dont miss my first Monthly Miracles post if you havent read it already!

    Love and Prayers,


  70. ParentingPink said...

    Happy Birthday to your son! Its amazing how quickly they grow!

  71. Swirl Girl said...

    what a cutie pie!!

  72. ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

    first time to play along....

  73. Unknown said...

    holy smokes what a handsome little man

  74. Unknown said...

    What a handsome little guy! :) Happy birthday! I hope he has the best birthday ever! :)

  75. The Buntens said...

    He is a handsome guy! Happy Birthday!

  76. Ann(ie) said...

    He is so handsome. I love the shot of him crawling out of the dryer!!!!

  77. Anonymous said...

    Hi MomJen, Just visited your blog and I enjoyed your posts. I wonder if you'd be interested to exchange links with me? I'm mom to a 14-month-old boy and I love blogging about my experiences as a mom. My blog is at http://www.raisingdaniel.com . You can visit it and then let me know what you think.


  78. Mrs4444 said...

    Burying this here, because I'm tattling. Lisa (#54 in today's TWT post) does not have a photo or a link back to your blog... Sheesh!

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