Will Work for Internet

Like many unemployed people do in a recession, I started looking for a job.

A real job that doesn't require an internet connection and won't give me butt-numb.

A job that is outside of the home and with a boss who won't call me mommy.

It's tough, especially in this town. The only jobs available is driving a pizza-shaped car or standing on the corner in a pig suit waving a Porky's BBQ sign.

I did fill out an application with our favorite grocery store, since I'm there enough as it is, may as well get paid for it.

I had to answer a 100 question personality test to go with it.

I'm a happy person...strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree.
Strongly agree.

I anger quickly...strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree.

Things annoy me...strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree.
Um, they didn't have a box for THIS TEST IS REALLY ANNOYING!



Hmm...Twittering while making breakfast count as multi-tasking?

HTML/Photoshop, self taught.


Yeah, that's it.

I'm not surprised they haven't called.

40 supporters in group:

  1. Martha said...

    I'm going to be job hunting in my home town in a few months, after being steadily employed for 29 years.... YIKES, it is scary, but I felt like I really needed a change and chose to retire. Maybe driving a pizza shaped car wouldn't be so bad... it would be ALONE time!

  2. SavvySuzie said...

    Augh...that wretched "personality" test...you think they'd realize by now how easy it is to fudge the answers! And how desperately I want to visit the creator with a bludgeon when I'm done with it.

  3. Anonymous said...

    if I can drop my .02$, take what you can do and expand on it. You're on the computer, you understand html, start doing more.

    I know you have this site and it's all templated, but why not try to find a place like geocities or some free site that will host it and allow you to practice. That's how I got started :) Now I'm a fulltime developer.

    Granted, it's not easy, but at least you can increase your skillset and maybe start picking up work at elance.com or something like that.

  4. Keyona said...

    Oh, they'll call! Multi-tasking is something people I work with have never heard of so you're already ahead of the game! :o)

  5. Unknown said...

    Oh boy. I'm right there with you....although I haven't started looking for a job. I sure wish we could really get paid for all of this computer stuff! ;)
    And, yes, twittering and blogging and taking care of the house and the kids certainly IS a skill!

  6. Sass said...

    I think they should recognize and respect those skills. ;)

    Although, I wonder if they're worried about twittering while ringing up someone's groceries?


  7. Sarah said...

    I keep telling myself that I'm saving us money in childcare by not working. Wonder how much longer that is going to hold up?

  8. Heather of the EO said...

    I can't imagine looking for work right now. You're a brave woman. And I'm sure there's someone out there that will see your awesome-ness. Even beyond the twitter skills :)

  9. Tenakim said...

    I filled out an app for our grocery, too. Apparently, their not impressed with sitemeter stats and my 3000 Twitter updates in the Midwest either!

  10. jen aka mommay said...

    You should get a job at a clothing store you shop at most often...then you'd get a discount! =))

  11. wife.mom.nurse said...

    hmmm, what job would be perfect with your...assets?

    Happy, quick to anger, easily annoyed...

    Secret Shopper
    Psych Nurse
    Secret Service Officer at the White House(OH MY Gosh, we met one last year that was exactly that!!!)

    Oh well, somehow I don't think I was helpful!

  12. Lynn C Mama to 3 said...

    I once took a personality test and was told it came back negative. I don't know if that meant negative as in unsuitable for the job or negative as in no personality found.

  13. 4 Lettre Words said...

    Nothing wrong with being honest...and I would be right there with you!

    Sure hope it all works out for the best!

  14. Jenni said...

    They don't ask teachers to fill out those tests...they don't want to know the answers...

  15. Aracely said...

    Helloooooooooooo, I can place thought bubbles over anything that stands still can a girl get some minimum wage around here?!?

  16. Mrs4444 said...

    To think that you work so hard to here and are not getting paid!! Doesn't that stink?!

    Good luck!!

  17. Anonymous said...

    Get one quick before the teens get out of school and the college students come home.

    Don't know why, but I still believe anyone who really wants to work can find something. I must be glass-half-full - of it. lol.

    You do a nice job here, Mom Jen. I hope you are able to keep this up after you become gainfully employed. Barbara

  18. Lorie said...

    I hope you find something soon. The pig outfit sounds appealing! ;D

  19. April said...

    Good luck with the job search!

  20. Nicole said...

    You'd think they could just talk to you and figure out whether you have a personality or not! Good luck in your job search. I'm in the same boat!!!!

  21. beth said...

    It's a hard time to job hunt, but if they are smart, they'll grab you quickly.

  22. Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

    Maybe they're looking for someone to twitter their sales????

    Just saying. . .

  23. Nicole S. said...

    Are they kidding?? A personality test? What is the world coming to... :)

    PS - Found your blog from Amelia Bedelia

  24. Erica said...

    I bet your best is working online =)! I've applied for numerous jobs, but I ChaCha part time for very little money!

  25. Sue Wilkey said...

    I know you want to get OFF the computer, but you should totally be a website designer!!!! We'd all pimp your badge on our sites....you're so good at it! We could tweet it too!

  26. ummmhello said...

    *sigh* I'm right there with you. I just want to say, "I'm competent and I've never been convicted of a crime. Hire me already!"

  27. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    I'm sure they'll call. Patience is a virtue, right?

    I'm wanting to use those same skills in a job as well...we need to find somebody to hire us.

  28. Caffeine Court said...

    My husband is begging me to get a "job." I think I've been at home so long I'd be a pretty surly employee. I kind of like being the boss.

  29. Linda S said...

    I'm right there with you *holds hand*. good luck!

  30. Claire said...

    You stopped following me on Twitter, just wanted to make sure it was on purpose before I unfollow you as I know twitter has been dropping followers lately. Just let me know!

  31. Mel Fraase said...

    Is Round Table hiring? At least then you'd have the right pizza to take home at the end of the day ;) Good luck!

  32. CJ said...

    I have a friend who would always add creative answers to those tests. Of course one had to fill in the little circles and not make any other marks on the paper. But when they asked a question like "Do you always follow directions?" He would write the word "YES" on the answer sheet.

    Good luck on the job search.

  33. The Back Ali said...

    I got a job Substitute teaching at a private school. I feel like i've got the best of both worlds because If i don't want to go to work I just don't! It's pretty much up to me how much I want to work. I've needed the money lately so i've been working alot! At least 3 or 4 days a week. But I like the option to not go if I don't want to!

  34. Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

    I'm doing the job hunt now as well...let's just say, it's NOT going well. But I'm catching up on my ingestion of Cheetos, so that's something!

  35. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    I've been thinking about getting a job too but my availability is pretty small because of my daughter, hubby's job and watching a friends daughter. For the mean time I'll just keep clickin' for people and hopefully it helps, (and clickin' karma will com my way). ;)

  36. Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

    You could put those skills to work Mom wife nurse has the answers!!! Get to it!!!

  37. Christie said...

    I was turned down for Target. The store full of sad, mopey teenagers who could care less about the customers. How pathetic am I?

  38. Anonymous said...

    They could still call.... after Ellen put the big Twitter thing in motion today, those Twitter skills you have are going to be in demand!!

  39. Anonymous said...

    Wow! A personality test? I am an expert at not letting my crazy show through in tests. I can help you out next time! ;)

    I am just stopping by from MBC to fave you on Technorati and show a little comment love. Nice to see your blog!

  40. I Am Boymom said...

    Been looking for a job too, after 10 years of staying/working from home. Apparently 80 year olds and teenagers are in more demand than an educated 44 year old mother with customer service/writing/clerical/marketing and creative skills. They seem to be the ones getting the jobs in my neck of the woods.

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