A Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy
December, 2006--Ahh, I can just imagine heading there now. The amazing turquoise waters, the warm wind, the lush green hills. Did I say, AHHHH!?! The approach to the Hawaiian island of Kauai, breathtaking and awe inspiring. Paradise, how I pine for thee.

Want to join me in A Thousand Words Thursday, read and grab my button from HERE. Then write in your name and blog addy in Mr. Linky below.

Please link only to "A Thousand Words Thursday" posts, and visit the other participants as well, thanks!

51 supporters in group:

  1. Aracely said...

    Hawaii made me cry like a big sissy girl! I was all " Oh Lawrd, I don't deserve to see this, to be here... but thanks for bringing me man!"

  2. Unknown said...

    Man... I'm going there in my dreams right now! lol It's freezing here in Ohio!

  3. Anonymous said...

    I've never been there, and pics like these make me long for her, too! :)

  4. Amy W said...

    Arrrrgh! I so desperately want to get out of this cold weather of the midwest!! This pic is killing me! :)

  5. 4 Lettre Words said...

    Wow...what a great pic. Even better that it was taken during a flite to paradise!!

    Happy ATWT to you, Jen!

  6. Anonymous said...

    I would love to be on that plane right now!

  7. Kristen Andrews said...

    me too I long for a beach vacation!

  8. Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

    mmmmm, nice shot!

  9. Amy Clary said...

    I looked at your picture, closed my eyes, and pretended I was on my way there too. :)
    What a nice morning break.

  10. Becca said...

    ahhh...reminds me of my honeymoon. different location but same feeling of paradise!

  11. Sarah said...

    I have always wanted to go to Hawaii. My sister lived there for a few years...her hubby is in the army. Check out my ATWT... http://real-life-stuff.blogspot.com

  12. MommaSuds said...

    That is such a beautiful picture. Deffinately worth 1,000 words. Wow!

    I love your photography. I need to get me a good camera and start getting into that more. I have always wanted to. What kind of camera do you use?

  13. Martha said...

    Great photo. I have not yet visited Hawaii, would love to some day (on the way to the South Pacific!). Warm water and beaches sound good today where even in Orlando it was below freezing this morning!

  14. jill jill bo bill said...

    I so wish I had that view right this second. Beautiful.

  15. Sarah McBride said...

    I love kauai. I told my husband I would be completely OK with a transfer there...should he ever work for a company with a presence in Hawaii.

  16. Doublebanker said...

    They let you take a camera on the plane...what about the security issues? :)

    My ThousWordThurs Post

    Harrison's punching gif in the Superbowl

  17. Vicki said...

    Oh man, that made me sigh out loud. What I would give to be there (as I sit in 8 degree weather)!!!!!!

  18. Mrs. Heck said...

    I.WANT.TO.GO. SOOO.COLD. HAHAHAHA! Hawaii sounds so nice...because it's below freezing in FLORIDA! Happy ATWT! :D

  19. jo@blog-diggidy said...

    wow, that is gorgeous!! i am 33 years old and never been on a plane!! a picture like this ALMOST makes me want to fly... lol

  20. The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said...

    Your picture is so beautiful! I'm longing for a vacation too.

  21. Proud Mommy said...

    I want to go!!!!

  22. Annie said...

    I wanna go! :)

  23. Anonymous said...

    I wanna go somewhere tooo!!

  24. Bree Shaw said...

    looks beautiful! i want to go:)

  25. Finding Joy in the Journey said...

    oh my...how GORGEOUS!

  26. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Oh, that looks FAB!

  27. Rachel said...

    I would love to go to Hawaii!!!

  28. kel said...

    what a pretty shot!

  29. Anonymous said...

    WOW - absolutely breathtaking.


    PS - My blog name in Mr. Linky should be MUSINGS of a Work at Home Mom, not MUSTINGS. ;-)

  30. Unknown said...

    Great pic jen...even tho i fear flying i can appreciate the fact it is getting you to HAWAII...

    One of these days i am gonna get my act together and do 1000 word thursdays

  31. Ann Imig said...

    You're a great photographer. Please, please take me with you!

  32. Leslie said...

    GORGEOUS blues! I love Hawaii....

  33. Colleen said...

    Dont think I am getting my Valentines wish...my husband asked what I wanted...I said another trip to Hawaii! It has just been so cold this winter...I would love to just sit on a nice warm beach.

  34. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    It is beautiful around here right now but I would not mind a relaxing vacation in a warm place near beaches and beautiful sights. Thanks for sharing...and reminding me that everywhere I look I see trees without leaves and brown grass! ;)

  35. Heather B. said...

    I love this picture! It is a view that I never see when I fly. Why? Because I HATE to fly and am always asleep the entire flight thanks to Dramamine!!!

  36. Tena said...

    I could totally use a trip to Hawaii!! Aww bliss! I love it there

  37. Sarah said...

    Beautiful photo! Thanks for giving us all a little escape, I sure wish I was about to land in Hawaii too.

  38. Paul Eilers said...

    I have an aunt and uncle who travel the world, and have been to Hawaii several times.

    Meanwhile, my wife and I are here in the cold, along with our 22 month old toddler.


    Will spring get here already!

  39. Leanna said...

    OMG - I am SO jealous! I want to go to Hawaii SO BAD!! NO-I've never been! Can you believe it? Now would be the perfect time too...get away from all this cold!!

    Beautiful picture!

  40. Jo-Jo said...

    Oh how I long to go there!

  41. Cajoh said...

    Every time I fly I always try to get a seat behind the wing. Not only does it give me great vistas, but it also allows me to see how the wing works.

  42. Anonymous said...

    Awesome photo and I am determined to get our family back to Kauai in '09. Heaven.

  43. Swirl Girl said...

    Aaah - the Garden Island.
    I can smell the flora and fauna now. Almost makes airling travel worth it!

  44. Clare said...

    amazing photo!!

  45. Hera said...

    what a great picture! I've always wanted to go to Hawaii!!!

  46. Brittany said...

    Oh man....I need that right now.

  47. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    Oh How I miss Hawaii especially Maui! Can't wait to plan a trip and take the kids there.

  48. AUDREY {LIL' BOOGER BLOG} said...

    I hope my hubby takes me to Hawaii someday!

  49. Unknown said...

    This just reminded me of LOST. Yes, I'm a junkie. What can I say? ; )

  50. Anonymous said...

    It's not Thursday, but I left a 1000 words anyway. Hope that doesn't get me kicked out of the blogosphere.
    I like your blog and have visited a few times.

  51. TuTu's Bliss said...

    If you are pining for paradise you should enter my ALOHA give away. It is a sampling of all my Hawaii favorites. Jen

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