Chocolate Milk

What happens when you leave a McD's chocolate milk bottle in the back of the car for too long?!

Give up? go away on a mini-trip for a dance convention and competition.

Then you park at the hotel and go to the competition.

When you get back to the car and get the suitcases and go to check in to the hotel, you realize your car reeks like hot vomit.

You pull the suitcases out of the car and they're wet.

The wet-hot-vomit smell gets on your pants and you realize you've only been on your trip for 3 hours and you stink already.

You look around and see that something very stinky has exploded in your car.

It's a warm 70 degrees and your car has been brewing this stench for 3 hours.

You find a messy McD's chocolate milk bottle and curse the day you ever went to the drive-thru.

It's a fact that 2/5 of the family does NOT drink chocolate milk.

Finally coming to grips that blaming any one child isn't worth it because we'll be in that dang drive-thru again in the next week, suddenly makes ordering Coke for your kids a fabulous idea.

48 supporters in group:

  1. ... said...

    UGH! Worst.


  2. Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

    Yeah. Been there, done that. Not fun.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Chocolate Milk better than coke but weather hot I like ice coke.

  4. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    This is cracking me up. Oooh how I know that stinks.

  5. Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

    Been burned by that one myself also! Ha...glad I am not the only one...I LOVE the bath and body works car freshner...really helped!!!

  6. Martha said...

    I know that smell all too well. Ewwww

  7. Diane said...

    oh man! :(

    i remember accidentally leaving a bottle full of formula in the car once. i think it was thrown and then rolled under the seat.

    gag! it was awful!!

    how did the convention/competition go?

  8. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Oh, the grossness! And, McD's thought they were doing you a favor by offering milk of the chocolate variety!

  9. Shelley said...


  10. Dejoni said...

    I've done that before with milk in a sippy cup that fell behind the bed. I had this putrid smell in my house for weeks before I found out what it was...which totally rats out what a good housekeeper I am. People thought I had a dead body in the house. I have never since put milk in a sippy cup.

  11. Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

    Oh my God. . . I can't stand it!!!

    There's nothing worse than spoiled milk - chocolate or not!!!!

  12. Laura Marchant said...

    Oh yuck! My hubs would kill me. He already thinks our van stinks and there is nothing in it. It is clean!!

  13. Unknown said...

    Oh, yuck! I love finding sippy cups that have been forgotten for weeks.....It's best to just toss them, because the stench is that bad!

  14. Jenni said...

    Oh man....I know that smell well. Nothing quite like it!

  15. He & Me + 3 said...

    Yuck and yet still funny. My kids leave stuff in the car all the time and it drives me crazy. Sprite sounds like a perfect idea too:)

  16. Anonymous said...

    ooo yuck.. finding random things in the car that stink is never fun.. even worse milk.. and while on a trip..

  17. Annie said...


  18. Keyona said...

    I've been there. And it does indeed suck.

  19. Barb said...

    Oh, I know that smell and it's not fun! Yeah, I'd rather my kids have soda in the car. If that makes me a bad mom, sue me!

  20. Shawn said...


    We are root beer or lemonade drinkers in the car. Yeah yeah, all sugary but at least no vomit smell When (not if) it gets left in the car.

  21. April said...

    OMG.....I have had the rotten milk in my car....but never has it exploded....good luck getting that smell out.....UGH!

  22. MamaJoss said...


  23. Phat Mama said...

    Blech, horrible. It's been years since my kids were little but just reading this post brought the memories and the smell of curdled milk right back. Retch.

  24. Anonymous said...

    eew! the only thing worse is a bottle of formula that rolled under the seat and fermented the whole weekend! formula smells nasty when it's not spoiled! so it's 10 times worse when it's spoiled AND hot. ugh!!!

  25. Heather B. said...

    I have done this before but the milk was in a sippy cup! WORST smell EVER!!! Needless to say, that cup got trashed. Hope the smell is gone soon!!!

  26. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    Ewwwww that is YUCK!

    What will help the smell in the car is getting charcoal and putting it near the stinky part and it will absorb the smell.It will take some time though.

  27. Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

    I have done this many times but mostly in a sippy cup. Eww..

    I have also left orange juice. Most disgusting thing ever!!

  28. Angela said...

    Oops! I've had fermenting (sp?)apple juice leak all over my car. I think that is bound to happen when you have kids. I'm sure the sour milk smell was horrid! Like finding old bottles of milk then like an idiot opening the bottle...............NASTINESS!

  29. Rachel said...

    Uhhh . . .DEFINITELY not fun!!!! Our worst experience was a bottle of specialty formula that my husband left in our car over a weekend. OMG -- it was the MOST disgusting thing ever on Monday.

  30. Dennis and Leslie said...

    Ewwww, is this what I have to look forward to one day??? Gross!

  31. jill jill bo bill said...

    Yick. I hate non-spoiled milk. I would have to buy a new car. Or just carry clothes pins for your nose.

  32. Swirl Girl said...

    this is why the only beverage I let my kids drink in the car is water...thanks for reminding me why that has been a good plan!

  33. Lisa said...

    oh. my. gawd.

    there are no words....

  34. Michelle said...

    And if you get diet less sticky. I always start to get upset about how my kids trash my car and how I am never going to let them eat in it again and then I get back to reality and get over it :-)

  35. Mrs. Schmitty said...

    OH that's the worst!!!

  36. Merrie said...

    Ew. Not cool. We don't do a lot of in car eating, but Charlie has gotten bad about in room eating, and then leaving behind milk, apple cores, bags, crumbs, BLECH. I'm preparing for a "food in kitchen only" rule to be inforced.

  37. Heather of the EO said...

    I love it when Miles says, "my cereal tastes bad"

    uh oh, sorry kid. Bad milk.

    In the car? The worst!

  38. Kelly Strei said...

    ewwwww. How gross. Sorry you had to go through that. :(

  39. Always a Southern Girl said...

    Ughhh! That's happened to us before. Not a pretty sight or smell. Love your blog.

  40. Sarah said...

    I've found that kind of sippy cup before. Makes you curse the Chik-Fil-A cows a little for producing the stuff in the first place.

  41. Goddess said...

    I might have a better one. My ex decided to be nice and unload the groceries from the car for me - the temp was hovering around 800,000 degrees at that particular time in the summer. I had a quiet weekend at home then went to my car two and a half days later only to find that he had left a bag full of MEAT in the back......

  42. Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

    Ew. Ew. Ew.
    Ive been there done that!

    Yeah order Sprite next time, at least they wont be gettin the caf. free.

  43. Kristen Andrews said...

    been there and really it just needs a day and it starts to stink. :( feel like I can semll it through the computer.

  44. Christie said...

    I have yet to have that happen. Good advice for future drive thru events, though. I have had my husband leave soda in the freezer for too long and then it explodes. And freezes to everything. This has happened multiple times. And a few times with beer, which is worse.

  45. Leah said...

    Gross! But yeah, it happens!

  46. Hannah said...


  47. Amy-GirlinParadise said...

    Been There! Except mine was just a sippy from home and it exploded under the passenger seat. It was not fun to clean up. Once the mess was gone, I sprinkled baking soda under the seat, heavily. That baking soda hardened into a nice yellowy shell and was still there when I sold the car 4 years later. Nice, huh?

  48. Mrs4444 said...

    That STINKS!!!

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