Are You?...Do You....Blog!?

I knew I should have showered today!

I was strolling through Target this morning, following K around the toy aisles.

A woman was doing the aisle dance as well, as we'd see her every few minutes.

Staring at us...

Did I remember to put K's pants on?! I kept checking her out because I thought, why the staring.

Did I remember to put MY OWN pants on?! I started getting self-conscious.

Finally, the cute girl in black came up to me.

I thought, CRAP, I didn't shower, my hair must look like a grease pit lovely.

"Are you...Do you..Blog?!"

My eyes must have bugged out of my head like they do in the cartoons.

Tucking my slimy hair behind my ear, as I do when I'm nervous, something came out of my mouth and I think it was, "Yeaaaaahhhh."

Her smile was big and beautiful and she commented that she recognized K from her pictures on my blog and how adorable she was.


I was blushing so hard and my pits started to moisten.

We had a lovely chat, she's a local, also dipped her toes in the blogging world, realized I was from Cali...and then made the final connection.

A mom, a dance teacher, we chatted a few minutes about dancing and how she taught with DQ's studio owner at one point. I probably said "I'm so embarassed" about 10 times, but hopefully she didn't notice.

MAN, I should have showered.

It was definately my first experience to have a stranger lovely local come up and mention they read my blog.

I felt a bit outed, a bit like a celeb, a bit proud.

My 15 minutes of fame.

**Hi Lisa!** Thanks for reading. Thanks for making my day! ;)

49 supporters in group:

  1. SparkleFarkel said...

    Like Dan Rather's mugger was once heard to say, "Kenneth, what is the frequency?" This is why you should always carry a Sharpee with you-- you never know when someone might ask for your autograph.

    P.S. Sweet infamy becomes you-- remember us when you get to Hollywood! LOL!

  2. Martha said...

    Great story. People have great memories. I don't know if I would recognize a TV/movie celebrity if they walked past me. I don't know that I look that closely at people in my day to day wanderings!

    Happy Friday!

  3. Tara R. said...

    I think I would have been totally freaked out. I'm glad you had such a nice experience.

  4. WeaselMomma said...

    Your famous! And now your being recognized on the street, or at least K is. Now it's all "K, put on your sunglasses and scarf" everytime you leave your house. Soon the papparatzi will be all out of control.

  5. Susan said...

    Happened to me once too! Doesn't it make you feel GREAT??

  6. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    That is too fun! Small world, isn't it?

  7. A Christian Mom said...

    Oh wow... that's pretty neat! Enjoy the "fame"!!

  8. Unknown said...

    awww jen your famous!
    I can tell you honestly that has never happened to

  9. Beth said...

    How cool!

  10. Mrs. M said...

    Congrats!! :-) I'll keep my eyes open a bit more next time I'm at Target!

  11. Anonymous said...

    awww yay that is so fun! Thanks for the drinks last night.. We will have to do it again sometime ;-)

  12. Carrie said...

    How funny! I haven't met anyone who reads my blog that I didn't already know, but I've run into other people that I hadn't seen in a long time when I'm looking my 'best'! But, I've learned to expect, if I'm going to Target, I will ALWAYS see someone I know!!! LOL! Great story ;)

  13. Laura Marchant said...

    That is awesome! You are now a blogging celeb in my eyes :-)
    Did you get a pic, lol

  14. The Mother said...

    This is EXACTLY why I blog anonymously and use pictures with big hats covering my face.

    I don't want to have to shower and put on makeup when I go out.

  15. Tiffany said...

    LOL Look at you, you big celebrity! I would have blushed til I turned purple. haha

  16. therextras said...

    Hehe. I'm not sure I'm sympathetic. I mean, a sign of your success, eh?

    And, yes, you probably should have showered. But I brave public opinion without make-up or stylish clothes all the time. 'Cause that is what I look like! lol.

  17. Unknown said...

    That is so cool! It's even fun when I find out that people that I know, but wouldn't expect, read my blog.

  18. Shawn said... have made it baby! to the bigtime! woohoo!

  19. Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

    Wow awesome I can say I know a celebrity. That was always my life's goal. LOL That is great

  20. Swirl Girl said...

    That would be so cool! I don't think anyone would recognize me so I never have to shower~


  21. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    Never fails, it is always the day we look like you know what, that we run into someone....

  22. PMKU said...

    That's pretty cool! Although I bet it was weird. We keep our bloggy friends online unless we are at a conference. lol

  23. Women Who Win said...

    No waaaay, that's so awesome!!! You are famous! :) --Michelle

  24. Loukia said...

    So cool! What a neat experience that must have been... ;)

  25. Minxy Mimi said...

    Thats very cool! I would have been so proud of myself!!! YAY

  26. Jen said...

    That is such a cool story! I probably would have peed myself if someone recognized me from my blog. Freaky!

  27. Sandi said...

    I want to ran into you at Target too! Call me next time you go.

  28. said...

    That's funky, yet fun. We do think of ourselves as pretty anonymous.

    But the next person you accidentally cut off on the road may actually be one of your readers ")

  29. Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

    Uh..note to self: Wear Big Sunglasses Everywhere. Oh, and if you can find it an inconspicuos baseball hat.

    That is trick...Once (1) person recognizes you in a public is all down hill from there...can you cha ching!!!! =)

  30. mama's smitten said...

    You are so funny! You post ...... well let's just say I am still laughing!I sure hope I did not totally freak you out! I am actually surprised that I spoke up.That is not typically something I would do. But for some reason I did. It was a pleasure to meet you!

  31. He & Me + 3 said...

    That is so awesome about meeting a fellow blogger IRL. How cool. YOu are too funny.

  32. Ann On and On... said...

    That is so cool.

  33. McMommy said...

    That is.........

    SO FLIPPIN' AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are such a celebrity!!!! Did you see my friend blogged about you today, too??

  34. Jill said...

    What a fun story!! I'm sure you were absolutely adorable whether or not you showered!!

  35. Pam said...

    i'm afraid of people recognizing me, maybe that's why i'm low key & rarely tell tales of family hehe

  36. Cajoh said...

    Sometimes I wish that could happen to me… but without wondering if I had pants on or washed my hair.

    Glad to know you met one of your readers.

  37. Susan said...

    Too funny! At least she was able to recognize you. Sometimes I look so drab and haggard that I swear even my friends wouldn't recognize me...LOL!

  38. Mrs4444 said...

    That's very cool (well, mostly cool). Guess I'd better shower before I take Kendall shopping today, just in case!

  39. Michelle said...

    As my kids would say, "You're almost famous." I was in the local paper twice and they thought I was all of a sudden famous. Kids are so funny!

  40. jennykate77 said...

    Too funny. That's so cool...and probably a little surreal.

    I think you're destined to run into someone you don't want to when you look your worst. It happens to me every time.

    Hope you have a Happy Easter!

  41. kel said...

    How cool is that?? I love it! And I bet you looked adorable!!

  42. jill jill bo bill said...

    WHAT the? She didn't think you had a porn site? Why always me? why?!

  43. Dejoni said...

    Wow! You know you hit the big time when you get recognized out in public. My little blog....I'll never get noticed so no need for primping before I go to town. Praise the Lord!!!!

  44. Tasha said...

    Awwww, you're so effing FAMOUS! I love it! Eff showering! We bloggers dont have to do that!


  45. Sarah said...

    Sorry. I have to stop visiting now because I only visit no name bloggers who need traffic. I don't do Rock Stars! (kidding of course!)

  46. Beth in NC said...

    Ha! If you had showered you wouldn't have seen a soul! That is the way it always goes.

    Glad it was someone sweet who recognized your child. :o)

  47. Angela said...

    I had to head over here to see who you were that she was mentioning and check out that adorable one she spoke about. That is just so amazing though isn't it? To connect like that, from blogs...How awesome is that,,yes, you are famous..I remember walking in Walmart one day and someone was staring and I my head was all 'puffed up' thinking,,,'oh she must know me from my blog'..LOL LOL

  48. Heather of the EO said...

    I'm sure there's more to come. What fun!

    I think I'd probably totally freak you out. Not in a celeb kind of way, but just a "HI YOU!" kind of way. Since I'd feel like I know you already. THAT would be awkward :)

  49. Tammylyne said...

    That is so cool. It sort of makes a blogger feel like everything they do is appreciated. I had a similar experience but I wasn't recognized my blog was being discussed and I was like oh hey wow thats my blog :)

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