Plain Jane..err, Jen

It's funny when you blog about your life.

For me, it's like talking.

And someone actually listening.

I mean I tell everything to my Hubby all the time, not sure if he HEARS it...but it's all good.

And true.

You have people often ask...Does K really scooter around with snails? Does K really talk like that? Is DQ that sarcastic? Does everyone say those funny things you write about? Did someone really recognize K at Target.

Yup, yeah, yes, oh yeah, and yessiree-bob!

Can't make this stuff up.

I'm not THAT creative.

Ask anyone.

We really did take a large boulder and a snail for a car ride to the recycling plant last week too. When we stopped at the grocery store on the way home we left it in the car. Returning, we were eager to find it, it was on the car door...trying to get out.

No kidding.

Having 3 kids 10, 8, and 3 is a HOOT. A HOOT I tell ya!

What was the first thing my son said when we were left alone in the exam room at the eye dr? "I'm bored!" Are you kidding me, we had done all the prelim tests and were in there 5 seconds alone when the optician left and said, "the doctor will be right in."

5 seconds and he's already bored.

Can't. Make. This. Up.

So it's not the funniest thing around. It's not the most entertaining.

It's actually quite mundane. Dull. And, kinda boring itself.

But to me, it's hilarious. You can't please kids. Why should I be surprised?! I am, but I shouldn't be.

That's my life.

Full of the mundane.

I often crack myself up with this stuff. Typing it makes me laugh all over again.

Writing about helps me remember it.

Sharing it, well...that's up to you what you do with it.

30 supporters in group:

  1. Shawn said...

    Yep, that was one of the main reasons why I started my blog. So I could document the weird and abnormal around my house. Oddly seems I'm the weirdest and so it tends to be just me a lot. I do get some pics of the kids...I mean, my son telling me my armpits smell like roses? I can't ever forget that one! ;o)

  2. WeaselMomma said...

    I think it's usually hysterical! I loved K and the snails (and the empty jar of salted peanuts).

  3. Michelle said...

    The people asking if you are making it up must not have kids or they would realize kids really are this silly!

  4. Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

    Love your stories. And yes, all our lives are basically the same. You can call it mundane, or you can call it exciting. It's life, and for that reason, important, and important to remember.

    Keep on blogging!!

  5. Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

    I have to write this stuff down to remember friend just got her BLURB book and I love it...I have got to do that soon...and I LOVE all your stories because they make me laugh too!!!=)

  6. MamaJoss said...

    ...and you are VERY good at sharing it...cracks me up too! Thanks!

  7. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    I love your stories, too! And, they happen to us all!

    I think the things that aren't really that unusual are really the funny ones; it's all about the delivery.

  8. Anonymous said...

    oo I believe it all! Kids are funny and such a blessing! I am glad for your "mundane" stories because they totally crack me up!

  9. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    And you always make me laugh too. There certainly is nothing mundane about life with kids, it's always interesting...

  10. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    I am seriously right there with ya!

    I love your stories because I can totally relate.

  11. mama's smitten said...

    I'm so glad you share! I'm so glad I met you! I almost quit posting! Keep doing what your doing your inspiring lots of people!

  12. Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

    I do the same about my life, too.

    My kids crack me up - might not be the funniest to all people, but those with kids just as um, "creative" will get it!

  13. He & Me + 3 said...

    Your blog makes me laugh too. Just the other day I was cracking up while typing out one of my posts about my kids. Never a dull moment with 3 kids is there? I wouldn't have it any other way.

  14. Erica said...

    I understand the helping to remember part too much, I think about something to blog and forget half the time before I get to do it!
    Thank you for sharing your ordinary life!

  15. Jenni said...

    It's not mundane! It is REAL!

    And we all love it!

  16. Dennis and Leslie said...

    We love your stories, why else would we keep coming back? ;-)

  17. Ladybird said...

    Love your stories!

    I think that it is so funny that when I meet someone, they say the often feel like they know me, because they read the blog. It is an odd feeling that they know so much about me, but I don't know them at all. Darn lurkers! LOL!

  18. Kristen Andrews said...

    always good stuff though!

  19. Sarah @ said...

    That's one of the main reasons I started blogging. I wanted community, okay. But I also wanted to relive the moments and emotions by writing about them.

  20. Unknown said...

    You know I love your stories & seriously who would want to make up some of the stuff we blog about!

  21. Jill said...

    That's the exact reason why I started blogging in the first place...

    My family and friends wanted to know what it was like living overseas. I don't think I do much differently in India as I do in the States...

  22. Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

    It is real - that is what makes it funny and engaging. That is my life as well. You are awesome. Kids say and do the damnedest things. It is fun to share. Trust me around here lately I have heard it all as my smarties think they know how to handle unemployment and maybe loosing our house. They are so insightful. God Bless you & yours.

  23. jill jill bo bill said...

    Nothing boring about it!!! I love it!!!!

  24. Anonymous said...

    it's mundane to people who don't have kids. to us moms it's hysterical because we can say "OMG, soandso does that all.the.time!" and laugh because we're relieved to thing that our less than normal family is actually quite normal.

  25. kel said...

    That's what I love most of all about blogging.. just sharing your life with people. And I love hearing your stories.. keep it up! You rock!

  26. Mrs4444 said...

    And I'm glad you about it. Let's me know that I'm not the only crazy one... ;)

  27. LazyCrazyMama said...

    LOL! What a great post! And so true! Of course we were in the ER with my son having a high temp and my 11 year old daughter said she was bored, yep about 5 seconds after we got there. Here I thought it was because she wasn't getting any attention...a few months later we were in the ER with her having stomach pain (it was a pulled muscle) and 5 seconds after we got into the ER room "I'm Bored!"

  28. said...

    Love your stories. u tell them well")

  29. Brittany said...

    I am with you. My kids have become like my best friends and I think they are HILARIOUS and a total blast to hang out with!

  30. smilinggreenmom said...

    I am new at your blog...and it seems like a fun place for all of us mommies to gather! The mundane is really what makes life so wonderful sometimes ;) Kids are naturally hilarious and it takes a good story-teller to make others laugh...thanks!! I have two of my own (6 and 4) and can so relate to your world. As much junk as we have been through...our family (with our four-year-olds allergies and Eczema- AWFUL) they still make us smile every day, at least part of the day..till nap. Glad to report that life is getting easier now that our E is healing from taking Vidazorb probiotics. There is hope and lots more smiling at our house! Caroline *mommy of two

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