A Thousand Words Thursday

Um...excuse me officer, just had a quick question....




Ahh!! Okay, never mind, I'll let you get back to work. Sorry to bother you. Later!

Cheaper Than Therapy

Want to join me in A Thousand Words Thursday, read and grab my button from HERE. Then write in your name and blog addy in Mr. Linky below.

Please link only to "A Thousand Words Thursday" posts, and check out all the other participants and leave them some love!

71 supporters in group:

  1. A Family Completed... said...

    That is so cute, he got to play head officer for a minute! My ATWT involves animals too!

  2. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    OMG I am cracking up so hard. I loved this, priceless.

  3. Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

    haha, nice

  4. Mel Fraase said...

    bwahaha! This looks like a good candidate for FAILblog if you ask me!!

  5. Stacie said...

    haha - Quite the handsome police officer! =)

  6. Melissa said...

    Great capture, and I bet he didn't notice you taking his photo...just kept his eyes on his officer, just a guess.

  7. Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

    If the car was moving I would have been SOOO impressed. Scared to death, but impressed.

  8. Angela @ Nine More Months said...

    Okay, my ATWT is called Jail Time. I think we are on the same wavelength here. How random!

  9. WeaselMomma said...

    That's awesome!

  10. Unknown said...

    Thanks for starting my day off with a chuckle! Happy ATWT!

  11. Martha said...

    Great captures. When I lived in PA, there was a K9 officer and his K9 that lived next door, I loved it when he would sit in the driver's seat like that!

    Happy ATWT!

  12. Shawn said...

    hehehe, nice one.

    I hope you don't mind that I add you to my Thursday post...I'm probably not completely in the spirit of ATWT but I figure I 'do' add a lot of pics to my story.

    Let me know if you rather I didn't.

  13. Kimmie said...


  14. Kristen Andrews said...

    so darn cute, usually u don't see them in the front seat!

  15. Michelle said...

    How cute! We know who is in charge of that police car!

  16. Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

    Hahaha-love it!!

  17. Amy Clary said...

    How adorable! Alex would be so excited if he ever saw a dog "driving" a car. :)

  18. Colleen said...

    AH too funny!

  19. Dee said...

    LOL!! I love it!

  20. Anonymous said...

    LOL ohhh my goodness that is to funny!!!!!!!!

  21. Fun Things Kids said...

    I love this picture! It made me laugh so hard.

  22. Stacy Uncorked said...

    Oh that is absolutely PRICELESS!! :)

  23. Jingle said...

    That is an awesome photo! LOL! Just proves that Police dogs are still just giant puppies! My labs LOVE to sit in the driver seat! LOL!

  24. Anonymous said...

    it was his day to drive! LOL!

  25. Anonymous said...

    lol...that's funny...My dog likes to get into the driver seat when I leave him in there...it always cracks me up..sometimes I wish I could just give him the keys and let HIM drive...

  26. kel said...

    Good shots! I have a special place in my heart for police dogs!

  27. Sarah said...

    too funny! Happy ATWT!

  28. Kelly said...

    Bet it's kind of hard holding a gun without opposable thumbs :)

  29. He & Me + 3 said...

    That is too funny. Didn't you read the car? It does say stay back. LOL I don't blame you for walking away. Hee hee

  30. Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

    Very cute - he must be the "drooliest" member of the department!

  31. Sarah said...

    Free double order of donuts if he doesn't take my arm off at the window!

  32. Gena said...

    LMAO that's hilarious!

  33. Mrs4444 said...

    That's awesome. Our school district just got a drug-sniffing dog for the village this week! It's an 18-month old black lab who is still in training. I'm so excited, because I know "Raider" is going to make a difference in our school district. Those dogs are very hard working, as evidenced by your photo; he looks like he's ready for anything :)

  34. Ranch Girl said...

    I had to drag hubby away from his paper to show him that - you know us and our dog fetish!

  35. Bree Shaw said...

    that is priceless! super funny!

  36. Abby said...

    LOL! That is funny!

  37. PMKU said...

    That's priceless! Thanks for the giggle.

  38. MamaJoss said...

    That's too funny...I bet you said to yourself "I'm gonna post this puppy" when you took those photos!

  39. Anonymous said...

    Ha! Great pic!

  40. Anonymous said...

    That was too funny! TFS

  41. Unknown said...

    That's good! Real good!

  42. A Christian Mom said...

    LOL... that's hilarious!

  43. Erin said...

    That might be a wierd traffic stop.

  44. Ladynred said...

    Cool shots. look like the dogie loves to be in there!

  45. Diva Ma @ Mommy Fabulous said...

    That was cute.

  46. ExtraordinaryMommy said...

    Flippin' hilarious!! Love it!

  47. Amy W said...

    HAhaha! That was excellent. :)

  48. Suzy said...

    That Police Dog is certainly in charge! That's a funny one!

  49. Ally said...

    LOL! Nice pic :)

  50. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    Would have been better if it was parked in front of a donut shop. hahahaha

    Love that he is sitting in the driver's seat LOL

  51. Unknown said...

    hahahah, great pictures...

  52. Erica said...

    That was a funny one!

  53. Birdie said...


  54. A.V.A said...

    ROFL! This made me LOL!

  55. tara said...

    oh that is too funny! I love it!

  56. Anonymous said...

    Ha. Nice.

  57. Leslie said...

    lol! Love your pics. I have always enjoyed reading everyone's stories, but never participated. Today, I'm joining in the fun. :)

  58. Proud Mommy of 2 said...

    Hi! I'm a friend of Jamie Pearson's and I saw your blog listed as one of her faves. So, I decided to check it out! :) Hope this is okay... I enjoyed looking at your blog! :)
    I, too, find humor in the mundane... I guess it's the best way for us moms to stay sane, huh?! ;-)
    Please feel free to check out my blog sometime, if you'd like. :) You can find it on Jamie's blog.
    (Caroline and Kimberly's Corner)

  59. Unknown said...

    He looks like he needs a donut, er I mean a dog biscuit! ; ) Funny!

  60. Sarah said...

    LOL!! Great picture!!!

  61. Anonymous said...

    Bound to do as good a job as our local force!

  62. Leslie said...

    I wonder if he has trouble writing tickets?

  63. Martha said...

    Hey Jen, thanks for the comments on my photos. More evidence that the Canon S5-IS (in my case the S2-IS when i took those photos) is a great camera!!!

  64. Unknown said...

    My kind of officer.

  65. wife.mom.nurse said...


  66. annies home said...

    LOL was that a setup or was it planned that way

  67. Brittany said...


  68. Lynn C Mama to 3 said...

    My beagle is jealous. He just can't reach those pesky pedals.

  69. AmyAnne said...

    I watched a lady pull up behind a car in the parking lot that was running, but empty, except for a large doggy perched at steering wheel and honk and cuss like a sailor. Then the owner walked up, got in and drove away.

    I was laughing so hard I had tears running down my face.

  70. Gina said...

    HAAAAAAA! So funny. Love it!

  71. Leanna said...

    YIKES!! lol....... pretty little sweet doggy....

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