Did Someone Say Donuts?

*all pics shot with a Canon Power Shot S5IS*

Hey grab a donut and enjoy a few photos.

The color on this bulb was amazingly deep.

This is what blossomed.

The Easter Egg Dying Station

High on chocolate eggs.

This little mama just hatched her sweet babe.

I was stunned how she did not fear me. Can't wait to see if I can get her baby.

Singing to herself.

Hey coach, it's a little wiggly there by the base.

Aunt A and 7 week old baby D. My Boy was a good pacifier.

The white version of earlier said bulb.

All you dude! Nice play.

I just realized from scrolling through all the ATWT posts....I need to be in more shots with my kids.

I'm challenging myself.

We'll see how I do next week.
Need more "winners" check out Sarcastic Mom.

38 supporters in group:

  1. Bonnie said...

    That purple flower is AMAZING !!!

  2. He & Me + 3 said...

    YOu are so good with the camera and you kids are so cute. Great shots and yes, I would love a donut.

  3. Jennifer said...

    Love the photos! The egg dying station and bird pictures are amazing. Your family is adorable!

  4. A Christian Mom said...

    Great pictures! You have such beautiful children & the flowers are beautiful, as well.

  5. Laura Marchant said...

    I feel the same way...I don't have a lot of pics of me with the kids. The husband yes! Tons, but not a lot of me. I need to start passing the camera more.

  6. April said...

    I know.....I try to really take the most flattering photos of my family......and then they take completely hideous ones of me......I need to show one of my girls "my best side"......I think my best bet is my six year old......she took my profile pic!

  7. Leanna said...

    Awesome pics Jen! Yea, I agree, I would like to be in more shots with them too...but who's gonna take the pic? Like I mentioned before, MY hubby can't...lol

  8. Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

    The pics are great!!! How do you make them look soo cool....Jealous!!! We were the Mariners last year also!!! Too funny! I LOVE donuts but with my new diet I have to eat it with a piece of grilled chicken on it...doesn't sound that appealing does it???

  9. Denise said...

    Great photos! I think my favorite is High on chocolate eggs. I love her little rosey cheeks and the flower in her hair! Too cute!

  10. Carrie said...

    Who is going to take such awesome pictures, if you're not behind the camera? ;) Your pictures are beautiful, but it is nice to see that Mom was around once in awhile :)

    Great photos...that donut looks yummy!

  11. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    That bulb is great!

    And, I have to look through a month of pictures to find me in one...it's a challenge, definitely.

  12. Deb@Mommie Mayhem said...

    These photos are awesome ! Thanks for sharing. What kind of camera are you using ?

  13. PMKU said...

    You have a really great camera. Your pics are so clear. That donut makes me want to grab a snack.

  14. MoonNStarMommy said...

    Heehee.. those were great!

  15. Tara R. said...

    Fabulous shots! Your bird photos are amazing.

  16. Swirl Girl said...

    I love your photos. Your kids are gorgeous!

  17. I am Harriet said...

    Great shots!
    I love the purple bulb/flower!

  18. Leslie said...

    I need to do the same. I don't have very many with me in them. That flower is beautiful. And your kids are just the cutest ever!

  19. amelia bedelia said...

    I know I tell you this everytime, but your pics are so great!

  20. A.V.A said...

    Great pictures!

  21. Mel Fraase said...

    That bird! Oh, and we won't have Iris here for weeks!!! They've just start to come up. Can't wait to see cute you with your cute kids!!! Great shots!!

  22. Dennis and Leslie said...

    Could you please make me a dress, in the color of that bulb? I have a wedding to attend in May....thanks.

    I love the pic of K walking next to her big brother, so cute!

  23. A Family Completed... said...

    Those are beautiful pictures! I love the metallic look to the purple flower bulb!

  24. Unknown said...

    Awesome pictures, as usual.

    Is is hard for the main photographer to get photographed.

  25. Melissa said...

    Great shots of well ALL of them...now I must go get myself a donut!

  26. Amy W said...

    Wow, Jen. Those photos are gorgeous. I especially love the egg-dying station--- really nice effect in Photoshop, it looks exactly like the kind of graphic/photo that they use in the NY Times all of time. The bird ones are amazing- what size lens do you have? Could you get that close with a 200mm? Or were you using a macro, like on the flower, and just sitting on top of the bird?! And your kids.... well, I know you here this all the time, but they really are a beautiful bunch. And other people would kill for all that hair. :)

  27. Anonymous said...

    All those pictures are great. I really like the easter egg dying station one.

  28. kel said...

    You are such a great photographer! Do you have a fancy schmancy camera? I am shopping for a new one!

  29. Jeanette said...

    Oooh just love the iris!!

  30. Randomly Elly said...

    Awesome pics!!! Left you something on my Blog...

  31. Daisy said...

    Lovely photos - I especially love the flower shots. You have gorgeous kids. :) Happy Sunday!

    Weekly Winners 4/12-4/25
    Thursday 13 - edition 4

  32. Secret Mom Thoughts said...

    Love the flower shots. That bud was an amazing color. Your kids are beautiful too.

  33. Sandi said...

    I want that baby! He is a doll! as usual your photos are fabulous.

  34. Ladynred said...

    Lovely shots. love the bulb and the flower!

  35. Martha said...

    Great shots, but I wouldn't expect anything less!!!

    Have a great week!

  36. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    Somehow moms are never in the shots. I guess in our house it is totally opposite, I am in a bunch of shots and my hubby is always behind the camera adjusting his settings, playing with the flash and snapping away.

  37. Merrie said...

    Your boy looks great in his glasses!

  38. Anonymous said...

    wow that flower was amazing! How's The boy's game w/ the glasses? Love the chocolate easter egg high picture as well :-)

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