Potty Talk

Holy moly.

We're buying 24 rolls of two-ply toilet paper each week!

What is going on in our bathrooms.

Charmin do you hear me!?

Okay, so we use the Target brand for economic reasons.

But, Charmin do you hear me?

Between 3 kids, 2 parents, we should have the cleanest tushes in town.

Unless the little people are using it to mummify.

Which is fun, and was a party game at DQ's last party!

BUTT, seriously.

Hubby always likes to have spare rolls.

You know, in case of a big earthquake.

He says it's his NUMBER ONE priority emergency item.

Well, that and a good shovel.

But, are we going to have to ration squares?

3 per visit.

Can you spare a square?

44 supporters in group:

  1. WeaselMomma said...

    There is obviously a gremlin sneaking into homes as we sleep and stealing the TP. We are going through !2 pack mega rolls (x4 in one roll) like toilet paper! Oh, wait.

  2. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    I can only imagine with so many potty users in one house. I've never looked at how much we use. Maybe it's better that I don't!

  3. Sass said...

    There used to be a brand that had paw prints on it, and you were supposed to tear it off at the puppy.

    I liked to complain about it not being enough, and would tell hubby I was having a "three dog night."

    I'm obnoxious like that...;)

  4. Randomly Elly said...

    I can't help but laugh!!! my hubby is forever asking the same question - but I use it at tissue to blow my nose. SOOOO - I guess I better stock up on tissue and TP!! Thanks for the giggle :)

  5. Carrie said...

    LOL! I'm bad about using more than my share! But my 5-year old girl only uses one square each time! I tell her she can use more, but "No" just one will do. I need to learn from her :)

  6. Tara R. said...

    When my college kid was still living at home, if that happened in our house I would know the problem. TPing raids on her friends. We could not keep enough paper in the house. Just a thought.

  7. A Christian Mom said...

    We go through a lot of TP, as well & we have one less person than you! I don't know what the deal is, but I wish it would stop! lol

  8. Laura Marchant said...

    We use to go through tp like mad. Then I started buying the scott brand from Costco. I swear those rolls last forever!

  9. Michelle said...

    LOL! I feel like we go through tiolet paper quickly in our house too. When my husband was in the Navy and underway on a submarine for 60 days they began rationing tiolet paper. I can just picture it, "Here is your roll, make it last."

  10. The Mother said...

    We've had to ration toilet paper for an entirely different reason.

    Our somewhat sensitive plumbing just isn't up for the WADS that the kids tend to use.

    After years of keeping plungers in every room in the house and the plumber's number on speed dial, I tried rationing.

    The downside, of course, is that SOMEONE has to be the TP Master. And that SOMEONE has better things to do, thank you very much.

    I think I put my plumber's son through college. And grad school.

  11. Former Fat Chick said...

    I hope you don't have a septic tank...

  12. Sarah said...

    I try to ration with my 4 year old. I tell her no more than 5 squares, lol.

  13. Anonymous said...

    LOL love it! We buy our toilet paper at Costco just to give you an idea.. and we don't have any kiddos using the potty yet :-P

  14. Laura said...

    Hi! I'm a lurker, but I must say: You've gone from "dumpster" to "tp" in a single 24 hour period! I think the wine is g-o-n-e!! Enjoy!

  15. Krystal said...

    I guess this doesn't mean that K started to use the potty again huh

  16. Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

    I absolutely feel your pain and only have 2 small ones. If only I had stock in Charmin...

  17. Martha said...

    LOL! What is worse in this house is running out of the flushable wipes! You know who will NOT do a "poo" (I have trouble typing these potty words - blush blush) unless there are wipes! Talk about a clean tush!

  18. Anonymous said...

    We go through the same thing. Do you have girls? I think the girls use more than more than boys.

  19. Annie said...

    Crap happens.

  20. Molly said...

    We used to go through an amazing amount of tp. I switched to Scott 1000 and don't have to by nearly as often. Seriously, the Scott last 3 or 4 times longer than any other!

    Try it, you might like it! :) Oh and it's plenty soft, not scratchy like one would think!

  21. Unknown said...

    LOL Jen I feel your pain!

    hey btw where on earth did you find the cute rss,twitter,technorati buttons? I have some people have them in shapes of hearts too i so want the ♥s one but cant find them

  22. Swirl Girl said...

    I was going to say "can you spare a square?" in my comment!

    you beat me to it!


  23. Anonymous said...

    Wow, seriously thought I was the only one with this issue. Single mom of two teenage boys and the toilet paper discussion happens daily, ha! I just bought a HUGE package of toilet paper, but wonder if they'll use even more now that they've seen it!

  24. He & Me + 3 said...

    I am forever changing the roll at our house and it is very annoying. Good gravy..we are a family of 5 too with a whole bunch of clean tushes. lOL

  25. Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

    Yup. Only 4 of us in the house, and we got through a 2-4 as well in no time. Not sure what's going on behind closed doors. Not sure I want to know.

  26. the mom said...

    love this...I stumbled upon you from a comment you left somewhere else. The girl in the glasses blog, maybe?

    I'll be back here.
    - a fellow Jen.

  27. John Deere Mom said...

    I think your hubby means it's his number TWO priority emergency item. Tee hee.

  28. Sarah @ BecomingSarah.com said...

    LOL this made me laugh!!! My dad still warns people about how much toilet paper they went through when we were kids =P

  29. Stesha said...

    We all need a Tissue Fairy to bring us a supply of tissue when we run out:)

    Hugs and Mocha,

  30. Unknown said...

    We ran out once & now my hubby buys it, the biggest package, everytime he goes to the grocery store!

  31. jill jill bo bill said...

    I am so with your hubby on the priority. TP, Kids, Hubby, Food, etc.

  32. Anonymous said...

    after all that i'm just wondering how many people caught that you said "butt" instead of "but". and the seinfeld reference.

    thanks for the laugh!

  33. the mama bird diaries said...

    We go through a ridiculous amount of toilet paper too. Ridiculous.

  34. Nicole said...

    LOL I can tell you where all of ours goes. I have 3 boys who like to clog the toilet with it and a hubby with irritable bowel! Yes I know, too much info, butt it's getting old.
    I feel like I'm constantly buying the stuff!

  35. Dennis and Leslie said...

    It seems to me that your 3yr old is the only one conserving TP....haha, poop joke, get it?

    Just trying to make you
    laugh ;-)

  36. PMKU said...

    We've caught our toddler using the whole roll a few times. He's a sneaky one!

  37. Brittany said...

    See, this is why I use Scott. Sure, it's not fluffy and cloud like, but it lasts a whole heck of a lot longer than the puffy quilted stuff, way more bang for your buck. My hubby has no idea how much TP is!

  38. Leah said...

    A plumber told me once that Scott tissue is the best for your pipes. And their rolls go on and on forever!

  39. ParentingPink said...

    Too funny! I was just noticing how much toilet paper we use in our house! Shesh! Feels like I'm stocking up at Costco every week!

  40. Colette S said...

    Someone's sneaking them to TP peoples homes!


  41. Tim said...

    Im sure you understand that I cant spare ANY tp at this moment. :(

    Love and Prayers,


    P.S. Thanks for the encouraging comments, they really mean allot. I know someone who has what you husband has so I understand it somewhat.

  42. Erica said...

    That's why we use the scratchy Scott, it really lasts longer! A 12 pack lasts a month in our family of 5 users (I won't count the baby)! Of course I'm sure you are much to delicate to use it ;)!

  43. Liz said...

    I've learned not to buy "regular" rolls of TP anymore. You change the roll at least once a day when you use that kind. Or at least we do! I buy a 12pk of the double rolls now & it lasts us *almost* 2 weeks usually. We have my hubby & I in one bathroom & the 3 kids in another bathroom. Of course, there's always a kid using my potty, so I guess it averages out to 2.5 people per bathroom. ha ha!

  44. Mrs4444 said...

    My mom always rationed our toilet paper--"You shouldn't need more than four squares" for a pee. Too funny. 24 rolls??? Maybe you need more or less fiber?! Sheesh. 24 rolls lasts us a month! (but we do love our wet-wipes!)

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