A Thousand Words Thursday

May, 2008 Mother's Day, last year. My mom and her 5 grandchildren. What can I say, she and my dad have been the best grandparents ever. They know my kids like Hubby and I do, give them all the love and affection that they crave, and would do anything for them. My kids have an appreciation for my mom and dad that is undeniable. I thank my mom and dad for all their love, support, and understanding and being such powerful people in our lives. Love you guys! Happy Mother's Day mom!
Cheaper Than Therapy

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39 supporters in group:

  1. MommaD said...

    I enjoy the attempt at bunny ears. It seems the more kids you add to a picture, the more likely someone is doing something! Love the picture, hope you enjoy Mothers Day!

  2. Angela @ Nine More Months said...

    You can see the pride in her face. Happy ATWT and Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Unknown said...

    Your mom is beautiful....good gene's ya come from there Mom Jen! You can tell the kiddo's adore her because their eyes are smiling too...

  4. Keri said...

    What a beautiful moment captured! Such cute kiddos. Love the added bunny ears too. Too funny.

  5. Mrs4444 said...

    There's nothing like the love of a grandparent. I'm happy for all of you.

  6. Kristen Andrews said...

    very sweet pic and so great that everyone is smiling, that can be tricky!

  7. Anonymous said...

    awwww sweet memory and picture :-)

  8. Amy Clary said...

    I love seeing my mom as a Grandma too. She's amazing and loving. :)
    Happy mother's day to YOU!! Enjoy your day with your family.

  9. Elle said...

    Such a nice picture! I wish my parents lived closer to us. I'll actually get to see them on Mother's Day this year because they're driving out to stay for a while! That'll be my Mother's Day present.

  10. Stacy Uncorked said...

    That is such an awesome picture! Look at all those beautiful smiles! :)

  11. MamaJoss said...

    Wow...they have a few grandchildren...and your Mom looks so young! Yeah and leave it to you to snap ANOTHER perfect photo...seriously, they are ALL looking and smiling - awesome. Happy Mother's Day to you too.

  12. Proud Mommy said...

    Great pic!!!What a proud gma!! :o)

  13. Dee said...

    AWW! Happy Mother's Day Mom!!!

  14. Ginger said...

    I love your photo, since I am about to become a grandma, myself! Your mom must be so proud to have five grandchildren.

  15. Mel Fraase said...

    That is such a sweet picture! Don't forget to do another one this year!!

  16. Suzy said...

    What a great picture! Your mom and the kids are gorgeous! (ps.....that woman in the picture is a grandma of five???? No Way!!She looks awesome!)

    Grandmas and Grandpas are the greatest!

  17. Leslie said...

    That is a beautiful photo. And you are so blessed to have your mom in your life and for her to have a wonderful relationship with her grandkids. It's priceless. And it's one of the things I miss the most while I am here in Chile. My kids miss their grandparents so much. Hope you have a Happy Mother's Day!

  18. He & Me + 3 said...

    She is beautiful and so are all the grandkids. I am thankful for my parents support too.

  19. wife.mom.nurse said...

    #38, switch 2 plan B... sorry, i didn't realize that my firehubby had already linked up...oops!

  20. Martha said...

    Beautiful photograph. I too posted a mother's day photo. I will miss being with my Mom this Mother's Day!

  21. amelia bedelia said...

    that's a great picture!! You're mom looks so young.

  22. A Family Completed... said...

    That's fantastic your parent's have been such wonderful grandparents! My children have been blessed with great grandparents and great great grandparents. I can't imagine their lives without them!
    Happy ATWT

  23. Over Coffee - the green edition said...

    What a great picture! Grandparents are so special.

  24. April said...

    Oh man.....your mom looks gooooood......so that's where you got it from!

  25. Sweet Serendipity said...

    What a beautiful family!

  26. 4 Lettre Words said...

    Lovely picture!

    Happy Mother's Day!!

  27. A.V.A said...

    What a great picture. I wish my mom was around to have a picture taken with all my kids.

  28. Oscar said...

    There's a happy Grandma!

  29. Kelly said...

    Great photo!

  30. Unknown said...

    so sweet.

  31. Leslie said...

    OK, thats weird. I linked up this morning, and now that I'm checking back, it's gone. I linked again. :)

  32. Michelle said...

    Great pics!

  33. Anonymous said...

    Great Picture! TFS

  34. MoonNStarMommy said...

    Yay!! It's my first week doing it :) But I did it... Great picture, I'm doing an entry for my mom on Sunday!

  35. Angela said...

    That is awesome that your kids have such wonderful grandparents. My parents are the same way with my boys and I love them more than they could ever know. I love the bond my parents and my children have and that is the ONE reason I will never move away. I didn't live close to my grandparents. I spent summers with my father's parents. We are very close but I always wished we lived closer. This makes me cherish my parents even more! Have a great Mother's Day!

  36. Jenni said...

    Lovely picture and what a sweet tribute to your mom!!!

  37. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Oh, how sweet!

    Happy mother's day!

  38. Nicole said...

    Have a wonderful mothers day!!!!

  39. wife.mom.nurse said...

    What a beautiful way to honor your lovely mother!

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