A Thousand Words Thursday

June, 2006 Our 10th wedding anniversary, hubby and I stayed on the beach for the weekend and this is one of my favorite pics! Our 13th is coming up next week and it looks like a repeat performance, although we only get one night after a late baseball game, but nonetheless it will be good times!
Cheaper Than Therapy

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53 supporters in group:

  1. Mamí♥Picture said...

    Lovely Pedicure!!!!

  2. Angela @ Nine More Months said...

    Is that a tattoo I spy on your toe?

    Happy Anniversary next week!

    Also, in case Mr. Linky decides to crap out later, here's my ATWT post.

  3. Leanna said...

    Well, don't you have the cutest little feet and pretty pink toe nails!

    This only confirms what I've been telling Hubby...that I NEED a pedi!

    Hope you have a very Happy 13th Anniversary! ;D

  4. Janis @ SneakPeek said...

    Brave woman with a foot photo. Reminds me I need a Pedi. ;)

    Happy Thursday.

  5. Mrs4444 said...

    You're the best, Jen! Thanks so much for having my back! :)

    This is sweet. The Mister looks like a hulkster in the photo (which makes you ever so petite, of course! :) Happy Anniversary!!

  6. Proud Mommy said...

    LOVE this pic!!!! I see why it is one of your favorites!!!

  7. Sarah said...

    I love those beach feet pictures. I just took one of my own this weekend. So how did you get Mr. Linky working?

  8. Martha said...

    On the run today, and not sure which photo I would post. I hate missing a week, so I might post late tonight! Off to the vet with 4 pets at once oy!

  9. Anonymous said...

    wow ten years!! congrats!!

  10. 4 Lettre Words said...


    We are heading to the beach in 2 weeks!!!

  11. Kimmie said...

    That's so cool! Congrats on the upcoming anniversary! My ATWT

  12. Jingle said...

    Oh, I would kill for a day on the beach right now! That looks wonderful!

  13. Stacy Uncorked said...

    Awwwww! I LOVE that pic! And how cool is it that you get a 'repeat performance' at the beach? Happy Anniversary early! :)

  14. MommaD said...

    okay, it looks incredibly relaxing and must be wonderful to spend alone time with the hubby. but that being said, what cute toenails! did you get a pedi to celebrate? happy thursday!

  15. Suburban Hooker said...

    What a great shot. Hope you have a lovely 13th anniversary!!

  16. Sweet Serendipity said...

    Looks like heaven :D Happy Anniverasary!

  17. Kristen Andrews said...

    oh that sounds so nice, enjoy even if it is one night I wish the beach was that close for us :(

  18. It Feels Like Chaos said...

    We just went on vacation for our 10 year anniversary -- so great! Happy 13th!!

  19. Laura Marchant said...

    Do you have a tattoo on your toe or am I seeing things? If so, did it hurt?

  20. Henrietta said...

    Love your picture! It makes me feel as if I'm almost there :) Congrats on 13 years!

  21. Leslie said...

    Oh that looks just heavenly. Wish I could go to the beach!

  22. Anonymous said...

    Oooo.... looks so nice and relaxing!

  23. Colleen said...

    Happy anniversary! Enjoy...love the pic!

  24. Abby said...

    Ahhhh, that looks nice!

  25. Amy W said...

    Congrats on making it 13 years!!! Glad you are getting a night away and hope you have a wonderful time. :)

  26. A.V.A said...

    Wow so weird! I just posted a similar picture, LOL.


  27. Keri said...

    Awesome photo! You've got such cute little piggies. Just wishing I could be there right about now. So peaceful with a fantastic view.

    BTW, thanks to my idiotic computer and cable service this morning, I totally screwed up and entered my blog, Life of Logan, twice. I'm #12 & 13. Please feel free to correct my mistake. Way to go me.

  28. A Family Completed... said...

    I think this is a great shot. Reminds my of the Corona commercials

  29. MamaJoss said...

    Oh I can just hear those waves rolling on shore now....aaaahhhhh...

    You lucky bug. I'm so jealous of this photo...and I did notice no smaller footprints in the sand...no kids...whhhhaaaat! Love it. Here's to 13 years -- cheers!

  30. Mamí♥Picture said...

    Lovely Pedicure!!!

  31. Leslie said...

    Ahhh... heaven! Oh, and the pedicure is divine!

  32. Jill said...

    Beautiful photo...

  33. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    Man Jen you have some hairy legs! :)

    Cute toes, like your design! Now I sound like Tanner P from the Bachelorette. I swear I don't have a foot fetish!

  34. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    I forgot to say CONGRATS! 13 years is something to be proud of!

  35. Marla said...

    this is awesome!

  36. Bree Shaw said...

    adorable! wish i could put my toesies in the sand....

  37. Anonymous said...

    LOVE the beach! Happy almost anniversary. What day is it?

  38. He & Me + 3 said...

    Repeats and sequels are always good. Have a great time. Love that photo.

  39. Jennifer said...

    Great pic! Happy Anniversary!

  40. Swirl Girl said...

    Love the picture! I half expected to see a bottle of Corona on the horizon.

  41. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Boy...that's roughing it!

  42. Mel Fraase said...

    Love that shot! I remember that month and year, and as a matter of fact, I remember looking at my feet from that angle as well. In stirrups...pushing...thinking I wish I'd gotten a pedi ;) Happy anniversary!

  43. jo@blog-diggidy said...

    LOVE the toe nails!! ;)

  44. Anonymous said...

    Oh I'm late -- Love the picture! Beach pictures are my favorite -- I love to dig my toes in the sand.

  45. Jamie said...

    I love that pic...and I love the beach too. Sounds like a perfect place to spend an anniversary!

  46. Taryn said...

    This site is huge!

    I like your pictures- glad you had fun.

  47. Sarah @ BecomingSarah.com said...

    Great picture! Just hanging out is the best way to spend an anniversary =)

  48. Together We Save said...

    What a fun picture. Love it.

  49. Mariah said...

    Ahhh, I love it!

  50. Jenni said...

    GREAT picture!!!! I hope you have a lovely overnight anniversary getaway Jen!

  51. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    I love this, great picture. Have fun on your overnighter.

  52. Michelle said...

    Great picture! I love the beach!

  53. Anonymous said...

    Great pic!

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