Confessions of a Gambler

I'm coming clean.

I've been gambling since I was 8.

The nickel-ante at my grandparent's poker games was a early lesson in cards.

I can bluff like the bigs on Texas hold-em too.

Bingo...I hang with the blue-hairs like the best of them.

I just don't carry those creepy Trolls and line them up with my cards.

I love a good slot machine.

The before-ticket kind, that you actually put money in and the jackpot would spill out the bottom.

When we vacationed in Tahoe, we were [ this close ] to Stateline.

Stateline is the gambling line.

The line that extends beyond the CA lottery, Indian Casinos, and church bingo.

The boop-boop-be-boop of the casino reels turning and chiming when you hit a 50 cent jackpot on the penny machines.

Ahh. Fun times.

I love walking in to the casino, breathing in the toxic cigarrette stench, and saying to myself, "today is my lucky day!"

Of course, everyone says that when they walk in.

But, man, hitting that {Double Diamond} {Double Diamond} {Double Diamond} across the slot machine...winning that $250,000 progressive

I can totally picture myself taking the photo with that over-sized check, then trying to shove it into the car and making the kids hunch over for the whole 5 hour ride home.

Totally gets my blood pumping.


So, this week, I'm a gambling, tv addict.

What's your vice?!

22 supporters in group:

  1. Anonymous said...

    I've been to a casino ONCE, and thought it would be fun. Just to be safe, I left my ATM card at home, and only took cash. OMG am I glad I did that. Because I could totally see myself becoming a future member of Gamblers' Anonymous. The rush of winning $3 (even knowing you spent $5 to win it) is amazing.
    Of course... the casino was in upstate NY, and we managed to get SNOWED IN for about 5 hours. Guess it was a really really good thing that I left the debit card home :)

  2. LdybugSammi said...

    watching a reality show, the trashier the better. I might be addicted :)

  3. Anonymous said...

    hehe I think I have played the lottery once.. but I think it would be fun to go to vegas and play a few games.. :-)

  4. Halftime Lessons said...

    Lets see...

    There is....










    and Poker.

    Sigh...That was fantastic.

  5. michelle said...

    Funny image of shoving the mammoth check into the car with the kids.
    No rampant vices here. They come and go. Right now, just blogging, which causes me to ignore my kids, house, empty refrigerator, sleep...

  6. Bree Shaw said...

    i used to gamble some. i hit the [triple diamond] [triple diamond] [triple diamond] on a progressive machine. i won $5800.00! it was AWESOME!!!!!! i think my mil was more excited than me b/c she dribbled in her pants and i didn't:) i haven't gambled much since then, i thought i might as well quit while i was ahead by A LOT!

  7. Unknown said...

    I am originally from MN and there are Indian casinos everywhere there, I always sucked at it, and never understood it.

    My, mainly sweets, I would rather eat ice cream for dinner any day of the week!

  8. Sincerely Iowa said...

    I am so with you on this one! I very rarely go to the casino in my area, but when we visit my mom, she always wants to go to "her" casinos. I love those penny slots!

  9. Unknown said...

    whats my vice? well last week it was farm town and the week before that it was stuffed shells...this week my vice is money but the tree is empty...

  10. Mrs4444 said...

    Well, blogging, of course! :)

  11. Keyona said...

    Reading. I can't help myself. Learning about blogs was the worst thing ever. I can't get any work done. And then on top of it I have library books. I check out 6-7 at a time because I go through 2 a week!

  12. Ranch Girl said...

    my biggest vice? FOOD!

  13. Martha said...

    You really are coming clean this week. I LOVE the sound of the slot machines too, love feeding in those coins. I won $600 at the Atlantis in the Bahamas once, I'm thinking about heading to Atlantic City for a couple hours when we visit family in Ocean City NJ in just a few short days. I never expect to win, but it sure is fun trying!

    My vice would have to be compulsive shopping, but I have control of that... well until I got thoughts of that Keurig in my I sit home and make coffee all day.... LOL, just kidding!

  14. Anonymous said...

    I know I would totally get hooked on gambling if I did it more, thats why I try to stay away. I too was playing cards (or at least watching) from a young age, going to bingo with my mom, waiting in the restaurant area of the casino while my parents gambled... As for vices...Eating, drinking, smoking, blogging, facebook, online shopping, ahhh

  15. Anonymous said...

    Too many....


    Greasy bad for you but tastes oh so good food - like pounds and pounds of melted cheese - mmmmmmm.....

    Been "quit" smoking for months - still struggle everyday with it....

    I talk too much and watch the clock too little...

    No Gambling or T.V. yet.... but I'm young there is still time!!!

  16. Mariah said...

    The slots.




    'nuff said

  17. SparkleFarkel said...

    ***singing*** And BINGO was her name-O!

    My vice? I'm addicted to Tori and Dean: Home Hweet Hollywood! (And, Yes, Candy Spelling gets on my last nerve. LOL!)

  18. 3 Bay B Chicks said...

    Great, great post!

    I think my gambling habit took shape in a way similar to what you are describing. My youth was spent playing cards with my grandparents too...Blitzie, Rummy Card, Double Solitaire, you name it, I played it.

    I was like a card shark by age 7.

    As for my other about blogging? :)


  19. Jo-Jo said...

    Went to Alantic City once....LOVED IT! But I am just not that lucky of a woman....My vice sadly is food. Sigh

  20. Khadra said...

    Tv and food. that's it. No need to be specific...I like it all lol!

  21. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    Two words... baked goods.

  22. Sandra said...

    Hi! I'm stopping by from SITS. I found your site from another SITS member. I'm from California too! East Bay. I'll be back. :0)

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