Celebrity Stalking.

Enjoying my Girl's Weekend in beautiful Santa Barbara.

Good food, good friends, celebrity sightings!!

Yeah, so walking down State Street yesterday I glance across the street and see this gorgeous woman.

So I stare a bit and notice her husband and kids look familiar.

And, by familiar, I mean I've seen them in People Magazine and Us Weekly!

"OMG, it's Cindy Crawford!" I scream like a tween who's just seen the Jonas Brothers.

My girlfriends and I pick up and speed-walk down to the corner to cross the street.

We follow the gorgeous family down past shops and just ogle at how Cindy looks just as stunning and beautiful as in her photos.

Not wanting to be too stalker-like, we notice they stop and glance in a shop and we pass.

Then being very-stalker/paparazzi-like we pretend we're taking a group photo, though my girlfriend Gayle zooms past and gets a fab shot of Cindy, mole and all.

We joked that we were going to go up to her and ask her if she could take OUR picture and feign we had no idea who she was, but we couldn't.

All credit for these photos goes to Gayle !

Today, we're going to head down to the beach and possibly catch maybe Oprah and Steadman walking in the sand!

23 supporters in group:

  1. Anonymous said...

    Oh my gosh, girl, you have great eagle eyes! That was so fun! I can't believe how close we were to Cindy, Randy, Presley and Kaia! That was very fun. Can't wait till the pics are posted. Love you! Heidi xoxo

  2. mom3crazygirls said...

    I take a good pix don't I? Cindy should hire me!!

  3. Ros said...

    Your friends were great actresses too, playing along to get the photo of Cindy... cool!

  4. Pam said...

    wow, you guys could totally be professional paparazzi! lol can you believe the cindy and i are the same age?? great job on the pics and celebrity stalking :0)

  5. Tasha said...

    DAMN! I am on State ALL the freaking time and I've never seen a celeb. I'm constantly looking, though! I probably would have peed my pants if Cindy strolled by. Awesome pics, too!

  6. jeanine p said...

    oh you guys are soooo on the ball !! I would have just been a pappa pappa razzi ! lol great job !

  7. Anonymous said...

    OMG!!! That is too crazy!! I have to say you really did seem to pull it off without Cindy or any of her family noticing a bit. I would have totally looked like a crazy star stunned fan. She does look pretty darn good doesnt she. Stopping by from blogfrog!!!

  8. Swirl Girl said...


    I saw her Randi and her kids at a Chuckie Cheese type kids' play place. She really is as gorgeous in real life as she is model world!

  9. Anonymous said...

    Oh WOW... is that ever cool!!!
    She does look a beautiful as ever. I heart her.

    thanks for sharing...
    Michele .

  10. Halftime Lessons said...

    HAH!! Hilarious...nice shootin, Jen!!

  11. WeaselMomma said...

    I bet that you had so much fun laughing and hanging out with friends. Celebrity photo was icing on top.

  12. Laura Marchant said...

    Ok, these are even better than asking her to pose with you! Love it.

  13. Sherri said...

    WOW! This is SO cool. Here in Wichita, KS we don't really have near this much fun....ever! haha

    Great photos! Nothing like being at the right place at the right time :)

    I have an award for you, if you want to claim it!

  14. Christine said...

    HOW COOL IS THAT!?!?! I just had to laugh how you got the picture. :o)

  15. Unknown said...

    How cool is that!!

  16. Michelle said...

    That is so awesome! I can't believe you got those shots.

    I always tell my husband that I am so clueless that a star could walk right past us and I wouldn't even notice unless someone else pointed it out.

  17. Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

    That is sooo cool!!! I love her, I think she is soo classy!!! Have a great time!

  18. Carly said...

    Great picture! I probably would not have thought quick enough to pose a fake picture. I am also impressed that you recognized her with sunglasses! Exciting!

  19. Mel Fraase said...

    How cool!! Way to not be a total stalker! They are really good shots! Glad you had a fun time!

  20. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    Wow, That is too funny and something I totally would have done too! She looks rally good!

    Glad you seem to have had a good time with your girlfriends, I truly think that is the best medicine.

  21. Mommas Soapbox said...

    stumbled upon your blog and had to stop and laugh at this post. Glad yu had fun with your friends.

  22. Anonymous said...

    I love how you got those pictures! They're great! I grew up near that area and was on State Street many, many times and never saw anyone famous. Oh, well.

  23. Momlissa said...

    I love it!

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