The Elephant Followed Me to BlogHer...(part 2)
Read Part One...So the first night of BlogHer, easy peasy.
Sure there were a bajillion people swarming around like bees to honey on the Expo floor, I know, those Kudos boys with hard hats and tool belts were hot!
And I do say boys, because they could be some of our sons..ahem, not mine tho, I'm young.
I handled day one.
Day 2, another story entirely.
Breakfast was fine, met up with familiar faces and took in lots of bacon to get my day started.
Listened to the intro talk from the founders of BlogHer, empowerment, all that good stuff.
Ditched a class because by the time we arrived it was full and the floor was full and we were just full of it all.
More Expo time, then I had a lunch event with McDonalds.
Yes, McD's was a huge sponsor of the event and a select 40-50 dined with the President and company dietician. (Cool beans, and the Asian Salad is yumolicious!)
More classes, then I went back to my room to get ready for my first party.
A company I reviewed for hosted an event off site, so that meant cab or walk. Cabs are $$ so I walked and it was further than I thought.
5-10 blocks, whatever, my bare feet fried, I walked in sweaty and ready for a drink!
Except it was awkward, no one really greeted us, the product was out for sampling, but no formal plan, I found a familiar face and she saved me.
We left together, with our swag bags in tow and a slight idea of where we were headed.
2600 blocks, or 5, later we found her next event.
One I wasn't invited to, but they graciously allowed me to join. My friend stayed a bit, called her husband who also had the car, and we were picked up and off to our NEXT event.
At this point, my anxiety was building. So many faces, so many events, so many people to meet and remind me of why I was attending.
We reached our next destination and I felt tightness in my chest. We got to the event, met a few ladies and my head began to spin, my heart beating a mile a minute, I was in a cold sweat. I can't stay here.
I was talking like I had run 10 miles.
Got back into the car and my ever so gracious friends dropped me off at the hotel.
Two more parties for the in my very hotel.
I ordered room service and put the TV on.
That was all I could do.
(more to come...)
August 19, 2011 at 10:53 AM
I hate when you find out it is farther than you thought!! by the time you realize it, too late. :(
August 24, 2011 at 6:52 PM
Great site! Following you via GFC.
Please stop by and follow me back at
I look forward to reading more of your posts :)
August 25, 2011 at 9:05 AM
You and I need to hang out from now on. That's it! You have no idea how ticked I am that I was always pushed, shoved, propelled in another direction and I didn't get a chance to just hang out with you. Seriously. I am very, very sad about it. We're gonna make up for it!!!
August 30, 2011 at 2:36 PM
I hope some time I can attend with you and we can keep each other company. That'd be fun AND hopefully keep you rid of anxiety. (Or at least some of it!)