It's Raining Babies!!
Here are my 3 kiddoes at 2 months old, don't they look so much alike?
After my second two babies, I loved getting out the scrapbooks and comparing faces, expressions, and hair. My boy was bald for the first year, plus. My girls both had lots of hair that turned curly very early. My girls have always been great sleepers, My Boy, not so much. Colic defined those early months with him...*shudder.*
Pregnancy was pretty easy on me, just the run-of-the-mill all-day sickness in the early months, but hey, it comes with the territory. I was told today to go for that 4th even things out. To have my 2 older kids close in age, as well as the younger two. I don't know about that, but comments like that are frequent. I choose to live vicariously through the TLC show, John and Kate Plus EIGHT. That mom has a set of twins, and then sextuplets. She always said after her twins that she'd like to have ONE more, then had six! Yeah, maybe i'll stick with three!
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