Ghost Host

I swear talking to my Hubby is like talking to a 3 year old sometimes!

I proposed that Hubby do a Guest Post on my blog. Just to mix it up a bit. Whatever he wants to talk about. Tools, bikes, electricity, surveying robots. Whatever.

So he says, "you want me to be a ghost host?"
Me--No, write a guest post.
Hubby--I'd rather write a ghost host post.

Am I talking to Dr. Seuss here? I mean seriously.

Me--Okay, I'll give you a topic, "10 Things that Irritate Me"
Hubby--10 things that irritate YOU?
Me--No. That's the title, you are the author, 10 things that irritate YOU!
Hubby--I think I'm irritating you right now.
Me--Ya think?

-----------------------The Heather Break-------------------------------

10 minutes later

Hubby--Why don't I write about 10 things that make me randy-baby? You didn't just say that.
Me--You didn't even know what that meant before Austin Powers came out.
Hubby--Yes, I did!
Me--No, you didn't.
Hubby--You're right.

stay tuned

5 supporters in group:

  1. Toni said...

    Ba Ha Ha, thats funny!

    you two are too cute!

  2. Sarah McBride said...

    oh Lord, welcome to my world!
    10 things that make me "randy". Thats hilarious. he is a man...what DOESNT make him randy??

  3. Merrie said...

    HA HA! I love Mr. A.

  4. Tasha said...

    Holy crap are you married to MY husband? That was a GREAT ghost host post....or whatever.

  5. Sous Chef Mom said...

    I think I am going to pee my pants... LOLOL!!!

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