Learn to Speak K-lish, Lesson 1
Cavebaby K's Cute Words and Phrases*beware there is a TON of inappropriately used punctuation (let's not forget the terrible grammar) in this post...I'm sorry for making my friend Molly blind with the horror of it all, she's a college English instructor. I, obviously, am not.
Me (or My) Nenoll--I'm Kendall--introducing herself to anyone and everyone who'll listen, often when i'll say "good morning beauty" she'll say 'no me Nenoll'
Meen Up--Clean Up--as in 'meen up meen up ewybudy ewyweh' (Barney song) or 'meen up me mom durtee' if she's sticky/dirty/sees the wipes or the bathtub
Cuk--Stuck--as in 'mama cuk me' when her foot/arm/head/toy/diaper is stuck somewhere
Nyde Wood--Nice Word--instead of her saying "please" or "thank you" or using her "nice words" as we tell her, she says, 'nyde wood mom more baba!'
PatPat--Pat Pat the Rocket/Little Einsteins TV Show--as in 'mama PatPat?' first thing in the morning
Nah Woody--Not Working--as in 'my baba's nah woody' [nipple is plugged]
Opie--Open--no she doesn't watch The Andy Griffith Show, as in 'opie [insert anything here]' mostly pertaining to objects that cannot be opened
Wee--Slide/Swing/Playground Equipment--as in 'mama go skoo wee' [go to the school, pick up the kids and play on the playground]
Buttol--Buckle--on the carseat or stroller, 'mama my buttol yay mommy' (!)
Mohn--Phone--as the phone rings...'uh oh mohn' [runs to get it and says 'hi Yaya' everytime]
Ohmert--Homework--as in 'my ohmert' [when DQ and My Boy are doing theirs, she has crayons and paper or her big Elmo coloring book]
Got it? There's going to be a test you know, I hope you're taking notes. One of these days I'll video K during her semi-coherent story telling and YOU will have to try and decipher what she's saying.
April 17, 2008 at 12:11 PM
Buttol... is the best
Mohn is pretty good
April 17, 2008 at 2:19 PM
ROFL Don'tcha just love this age? Too cute.
April 17, 2008 at 4:03 PM
This just makes my womb do somersaults.
April 17, 2008 at 9:27 PM
Toooooooo cute!!
I miss these little toddlerisms (not the behaviors. just the words) Punkinhead used to say he wanted his nigh-nigh (blankie) and that he wanted cha-cha meeelk (chocolate milk) - that one was always accompanied by a cute little tushie cha-cha too.
April 26, 2008 at 8:39 AM
omg this might be the best post I've ever seen! I love your blog!
May 6, 2008 at 8:38 PM
Oh, I remember my daughter doing this. I wrote them down somewhere. So sweet.
May 16, 2008 at 6:15 AM
jUst wanted you to know that I'm jammin' to Get Jiggy Wit It in my cube.
July 22, 2008 at 7:08 AM
Aww how cute! My son is 4 and I can't get him to say Old McDonald. He says Ate McDonald had a farm. LOL And disappear is Jus appear. Kids are so cute. And yours is a little doll!