On Hold

DQ's big performance is on hold until the first weekend in May. I guess the SJ Sharks hockey team won their game last night and have priority on the arena. Whatev!

With the new date though, DQ gets to practice on the field versus on the concourse and they'll perform 2 numbers, woot! So it'll be like 10 whole minutes of fame instead of a measley 3. Things change like that (snap) when you're a supahstar!

10 supporters in group:

  1. Sous Chef Mom said...

    Awesome! 10 minutes is better then 3!!

  2. Anonymous said...

    What a great blog site you have! Thanks for visiting mine, too. Did you create your own heading? It looks wonderful. Tell me about some of your features on your site, if you don't mind sharing. I was impressed!
    Maggie of magchats

  3. Susiewearsthepants said...

    Cackling...I thought I was the only one that said "supahstar".

  4. The Mom Jen said...

    Hi Maggie, yeppers I did make my header using some cool digiscrap, let me know what you have a question about, I hope I can answer it coherently ;)

  5. Tammy said...

    Hi Jen..

    I started reading your blog after Tasha(Housewife Diares)posted about you on her blog..I hope you don't mind. Just wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE your blog..you keep me laughing!


  6. The Mom Jen said...

    Hi Tammy, thanks for posting a comment! I appreciate the love and I am looking at your site right now and at first glance LOVING it! Love the layout, I think I have that scrap kit! ;)

    You saw ELLEN?!? I'm so jealous! Love her! Okay, you're so on my blogroll! ;)

  7. Tammy said...

    Thanks Jen..So sweet of you! I look forward to keeping up with your blog. Thanks again for all the laughs..keep 'em comin'!

  8. Lisa said...

    Wow - 10 whole minutes :) You definitely need that new camera to document the whole thing now :)

    PS - WAY impressed that you did your header on your own! You're good!

  9. McMommy said...

    I just found your blog and am loving it...and you!
    Here's why:
    1. You buy wines based on labels. ME TOO! Ijust found a new favorite called Big Ass Cab. It is DELISH and comeo on,with a name like that, it's got big shoes to fill. Or pants. Whatever.
    2. You have Jon & Kate and Regis & Kelly on your Tivo. ME TOO!

    3. Your posts are hilarious!!

    4. I love your header!

    Okkkk....I'll stop the list there because Grey's is about to start pretty soon. But I'll be back to add to my list! :)

  10. The Mom Jen said...

    Hey mcmommy, thanks for stopping by and saying 'hi.'

    After reading some of your blog I can tell we're a lot alike! ;)

    I was cracking up at that wedding dance video, I saw it originally on Ellen! HEE-LARRY-US!

    Thanks for all the comments, and my headers I change frequently, kinda obsessed with making them.

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