Hold on Honey, I Need My Keys...

Birth control for men, via key fob!!!!

*photo and info from Popular Science, June, 2008.*

Can you imagine? In their recent issue, there's an article entitled, "Beyond the Male Pill." There are 3 other methods discussed, all focusing on the vas deferens, and how stopping sperm at a localized site would be much easier on the male, because hormone treatment (that women have been using for years) can affect their heart, weight, and cholesterol levels.

Really? Hmph. Wouldn't it be nice if more men could carry the burden and with little side effects? What a perfect world. Now if more of them would get pregnant like that "guy" that was on Oprah, us ladies would be sittin' pretty.

Thank you Australian scientists! And, Hubby for showing me this article.

P.S. I know that wasn't technically a "guy" on Oprah. You know what I mean.

11 supporters in group:

  1. Bahama Shores Mama said...

    My luck (and my fertile myrtle ways) we'd NEVER use the right key fob for the right job!

  2. Susie said...

    i need my keys too!
    was that guy on Oprah really preggers? I totally missed hearing anything about that!

    Oh, and it's nice to know that men don't want to monkey with anything that could affect their heart, weight, and cholesterol. Why is it woman live and average of 5-8 years longer?

  3. Sarah McBride said...

    birth control via keychain. sounds like something men would not want to do, always the woman!

    Are you and I long lost sisters separated at birth and married to the same white and nerdy guy?

  4. The Mom Jen said...

    Sarah the answer is YES. ((long lost sister-hug))

  5. Sue Wilkey said...

    Wait- I'm confused (and cracking up) - so the woman aims the remote at the guy's package?? Hold still, honey.....

  6. Anonymous said...

    It's official. I've seen it all now.

  7. Heather said...

    LOL at Bossy!

    It's about time...but will it "take?"

  8. Susiewearsthepants said...

    Don't they get to have ANY side effects? Not even a little nausea?

  9. Mr Lady said...

    Side effects, shmide effects. I carried the Burdens for 27 months and I handled all the side effects just fine. :) (Thank you, Haagen Daaz, for THAT.)

    I figure, if I can walk around with a big copper T in my girly bits for years and years, I can reasonable expect that my man should be willing to suck it up with a little electric shock. ;-)

    BTW: If I am single next week, you'll know he's read this and made a run for the border.

  10. Anonymous said...

    Dude, they'd just lose their keys in the same place they lost those condoms...

  11. Keeper Of All Things said...

    I can never find my keys and chances are I'd still get prego.....you wouldn't know to look at my hubby..........but that man has olympic swimming sperm!!!!

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