Did I say that?

More interesting, to say the least, keywords entered into Google that lead you to my blog....

black ants male enhancement pill
Can you imagine the size and the 'longevity' of these critters?!?

one liners for the weekend
I've always wanted to be a stand-up comic

a great friend will help you bury the body
with friends like these don't ever piss them off

bingo was her name song
I'm pretty sure those aren't the right words

stop being a people pleaser & dr. phil
I will not!

botty enhancement underwear
for all those of you who want to be BOTTYlicious

alcohol otter pops
I think they sell those at the aquarium

therapy cocktail
If they serve them, I will go

14 supporters in group:

  1. Anonymous said...

    I'll go with ya for the Therapy cocktail!

  2. Alice said...

    Most of my searches are heavily of the plantar wart variety because of a post about my son.

    But my best search to date is: "I have spackle in my ass"

  3. AnnetteK said...

    I love these - your search terms and even weirder than the ones I get! There really are some strange people out there.

  4. Corey~living and loving said...

    tee hee.....you got some funny ones.

  5. Cheryl Lage said...

    Shake your botty, Baby! I'm all for some alcohol otter pops too...
    it's hot in Virginia!

  6. Wendi said...

    I am almost scared to learn what my google search would find.

  7. Tracey said...

    How did you find out what people put in as a search to find you?

  8. Tausha said...

    don't you just love people!
    I can't believe some of the things that they want to know about!
    Are you not so glad that they aren't considered ur friends!!
    I don't know-maybe they are now?
    I promise, I found you from sits-i was poking around on a fellow blogger!!

  9. Tiffany said...

    Alcohol otter pops? Sign me up. This is such a funny list!

  10. Tena said...

    did some one say cocktails!! Count me in!
    How do you know what things bring you up in a google search?

  11. flickrlovr said...

    How do you find out what search terms lead to your blog? I've never figured it out. Probably painfully obvious, right?

    Loving the 'alcohol otter pops.' I have one before every breakfast.

  12. Frogs in my formula said...

    Therapy cocktails is so good you should trademark it!

  13. McMommy said...


  14. Scary Mommy said...

    I've been really disturbed at the things that bring randoms to me. There are some freaky people out there!

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