Not the Next Food Network Star
Why on earth does doing a workout video just turn my brain off and all I can think of is Chocolate Frosted Brownies? Duh. Defeating the purpose right? For almost a week straight I can think of nothing else.Sigh.
Been catching my DVR'ed The Next Food Network Star the past few days. It's brutal. All reality TV is really. I can't stand people talking behind my back, and I don't even know that exists, but it still bothers me. Let alone judges and criticism to your face, on national tv.
I couldn't be on that show either. Chalk it up there with Fear Factor, Survivor, Big Brother, America's Top Model, and a majority of the other reality junkets.
I'm a food lover, a food enjoyer. I can make a few unique dishes that my family loves.
But, i'm not a chef or even a cook. Take tonight for instance. I found a couple of good recipes for Minestrone Soup online. I am craving something of the Olive Garden style italian hot goodness. I go to the store and forget my list as usual and try to remember what I need. Buillion cubes?! Yeah, no idea where those are.
I get home and throw together what I have and pour in my macaroni noodles. Yeah. The end-all of the dish. 2 hours later I have mush. The mush smells lovely, the zucchini is cooked to perfection, but overall it has the consistency of kindergarten paste.
I want chocolate frosted brownies for dinner.
Having lost all desire to come up with something creative, I throw corn dogs in the oven, cut up some cantelope and call it a dinner. Nobody's the wiser. My hubby loves corn dogs thank God. I hate them.
I'm eating a tortilla with butter, pretending it's a brownie.
Kaza's Place had a good meme I wanted to incorporate into my post.
What are the five most important facts about you when it comes to your food and drink in your kitchen?
1. Sugar. Sugar is good. I enjoy it in my coffee (of the Splenda variety). I cut up strawberries and sprinkle it over them. My fave Chili recipe calls for brown sugar and I tell you, it makes the sauce!!
2. Pepper and Garlic Pepper. We douse everything we make in the stuff. It's so delish. Hubby has adapted his dad's salad dressing of vinegar and oil to include tons of pepper and garlic pepper. We add it to our meats when frying them, especially to the italian chicken (our take on cacciatore) sauce. We likes our pepper.
3. Must have white wine on hand. That's a no-brainer. Not to consume with a meal, but to enjoy and enhance laughing ability when watching tv with the Hubby after dinner! Oh and to relax and help us
4. Peanut butter and tuna are staples in the pantry. We buy them at each and every store visit whether we need it or not. Hubby likes to call it our Earthquake food. Other Earthquake food includes Dinty Moore Beef Stew, Pork and Beans, and bottled water.
5. Granola Bars. We have 3 kids and luckily all three enjoy a granola bar. Costco is our source and we buy the 1 billion pack. They're everywhere, in the car, in the diaper bag, in my purse, on the bedside table. We are granola people (not the birkenstock wearing kind though).
and 6..because when someone says five, i have to be THAT person...
CHOCOLATE...holla! Any form. Frosting, ice cream, brownie, bar, sauce, syrup, candy, cookie, cake, milk, cocoa, dipped cone, mousse, facial...It's all good!
I'll tag you and YOU. You know you wanna chime in!
July 15, 2008 at 1:07 AM
Corn dogs and canteloupe are about my speed in the dinner department. Not a big fan of cooking anything. And THANKS for putting that whole brownie idea in my head.
July 15, 2008 at 3:32 AM
Chocolate frosted brownies sound YUMMY right now! LOL, we have loads of peanut butter and tuna around here too . . . we never run out!!
July 15, 2008 at 5:42 AM
Yeah...icecream has been a staple this summer for dinner. Pathetic. I like to cook, but my motivation is out the window.
Let's hand out and watch work out videos on the couch with brownies and cheese in a can!
July 15, 2008 at 5:48 AM
I often require a chocolate brownie.
Fresh bread. That is really all I need in my kitchen. Maybe a little butter and honey or a nice apricot jam. I could live on that.
July 15, 2008 at 6:03 AM
Mmmmm...chocolate! I don't have any brownies but I do have a little something for you over on my blog...
July 15, 2008 at 6:32 AM
Oh, I( can hardly cook up a decent grilled cheese sandwich, but minestrone would be something I would probably venture to try. I get so mad when I buy all that stuff then it ends up nearly inedible!
On a side note, I bought two boxes of brownie mix yesterday, and after dinner (I think hubs was going to make them for us), he informs me we have no vegetable oil. Oops.
July 15, 2008 at 6:36 AM
I am not a chocoholic or a brownie obsessed(I am more the cheeto and funyuns lover)but those frosting covered brownies sound DELISH. Mater of fact I have had buttercream frosting sitting in my fridge that would be so awesome smeared between graham crackers....mmmm...leave 'em in the fridge for a bit to get kinda soft....yumo-o.
July 15, 2008 at 7:07 AM
We are the same kinda cook- is that bad? Well, my husband loves it- but I must admit he's not a discriminating eater! Everything I make has sugar in it- and if it doesn't my husband notices and doesn't like it!
July 15, 2008 at 7:32 AM
Ooohh Chocolate! Mmmm, I could eat a good hunk of it while listening to this Truly Madly Deeply, because that's how much I love it!! :) Ha! A song dedication to food...heehee!
July 15, 2008 at 7:34 AM
big chocolate HOLLA!!!
I too have been craving chocolate brownies this week. Darn period.
so today I am making cupcakes for my birthday(which isnt until sunday) and I am sure I will eat every single one of them.
July 15, 2008 at 8:01 AM
Oh you crack me up, Jen!
I will have to tag in on this one this afternoon!
And my advice to you: Find you a chocolate frosted brownie (and a white wine chaser!)
July 15, 2008 at 8:20 AM
You just had to mention brownies didn't you! And I was gonna be so good today and dust off the treadmill!
July 15, 2008 at 8:29 AM
-Must be in date (not expired)
-90% needs to be local and/or organic and usually is
-No Pudge Brownies need to be in pantry at all times
-Must have crasins and sliverd almonds for all salads
-Must have wine, you know...for cooking *snicker,snicker*
July 15, 2008 at 8:39 AM
Oh, my pantry... the area I am deeply afraid of, it's dark sticky, smelly... I never go near MY pantry!
July 15, 2008 at 10:11 AM
You forgot beer on your list. I cook with it and drink it while in the kitchen. Shrimp steamed in beer sounds really good right now. YUM!!!! :)
July 15, 2008 at 2:25 PM
I'm a Chocolate addict, I seriously have it everyday. I have to tell you I think your idea of a meal is PERFECT! That's my kind of cooking.
July 15, 2008 at 3:57 PM
Oh, I hate when a recipe doesn't work out! such a bummer. We have been having canteloupe a lot around here,too! ummmm.
Keep trying! Now when you make minestrone again, you will know and it will be delicious!
July 15, 2008 at 5:12 PM
Mmm frosted brownies certainly sound good for dinner, I would be happy with that and I think the kids would too! lol
Hey corndogs and cantalope are good - you have meat (hotdog), bread/grain (batter), fruit....good nuff right! :P
July 15, 2008 at 5:22 PM
Hey..that Little Penguin wine is actually good. We are wine people. My kids whine. So I drink more wine. And when I cook, I drink wine. And right now while I'm reading this post, I'm drinking wine. Woop Woop to be should try it. Wine is my staple. I'm done talking like a robot now. Gotta run...the kids are whining ;)
July 15, 2008 at 5:35 PM
Forget the chocolate, don't get me wrong I love it & all. But, give me my carbs. Any kind of carbs for me will do.
July 15, 2008 at 5:58 PM
OK, now I need chocolate frosted brownies.... It's just as contageous as yawning. You sound like my kind of woman, wine & chocolate, I love it already. I just stumbled on your site and will be back.
July 15, 2008 at 7:20 PM
You are making me crave some chocolate Jen! You are too funny, I know what you mean about reality TV. It is so addicting and annoying at the same time:) Xo, Clare
July 15, 2008 at 8:00 PM
Hiya! Thanks for the link and it was fun to read yours. We're white wine sistas! I've actually been drinking a LOT of Little Penguin lately, so it's funny you have that label up right now. It's one of the few affordable chards in this area actually.
And I love that you added a 6th, because I am SO that person too! My hubby makes fun of me that I never follow the rules on surveys and such, always adding more or explaining my responses rather than just choosing one. And my 6th would have been chocolate too. In fact, I was wondering late last night how I managed to get through my own list without adding it.
July 15, 2008 at 8:16 PM
I suddenly have a craving for chocolate frosted brownies.
Who knew?
Cute theme and meme!
I might have to "lift" this one.
July 15, 2008 at 8:26 PM
Hahah I hate reality tv shows. I do love chocolate covered brownies however.
July 15, 2008 at 8:31 PM
#3 is my favorite
July 15, 2008 at 10:09 PM
dang... I'm on a diet... but not I'm hungry...
July 15, 2008 at 11:08 PM
Yummmmmm. Chocolate! Frosted! Brownies! I may have to "lift" this foodie meme too, Wendi ;)
July 16, 2008 at 10:55 AM
I totally empathize.
My two girls wanted to go workout at the Y yesterday.
I dropped them off and went to the library to look at cookbooks.
What is wrong with me?