What? Oh Okay, Good Knowing Ya

No, really, i'm not mad, offended or bitter.

But over at MBC I started a discussion on feelings about music playing on a blog. Then another discussion on things that turn you off on other blogs. The consensus is that most people don't like blogs with automatic music players. They just don't. It's distracting. They can't think. It's hard to read and listen and sing. It's too hard to find the OFF button. And so on.

Hey, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I understand. If I go to a site with music, I often turn it off myself. Or down. Or change the song if I can. Most of the time I scan their list for a hit I may want to add to mine. No harm. No foul.

Now I don't think i've gone to a site and said, "oh no, music" and hit the X to never return. I enjoy good content regardless of the bells and whistles.

Whatever. It's all good. I'm all for making your blog your personal space. I put music on mine because I love it. I always have my site on in one window with my fave songs playing while I peruse the world wide web. Sometimes I have it loud, sometimes softer and when my computer wants to be pms-y then the speakers don't work at all.

I grew up listening to music. My brother's stuff first....Michael Schenker Group, Aerosmith, UFO....I love classic rock, hip hop, a little country, adult contemporary, all of it. It's a part of me, so it's a part of my blog.

44 supporters in group:

  1. Merrie said...

    You go girl!

    And I happen to love your collection of music.

    Welcome home -- when are we getting together? I missed you!!

  2. Lori aka A Cowboy's Wife said...

    Just thought I'd come jam to your music!!!!


    It is YOUR blog....don't worry about what others say;)

    Ummm, is that the 80's????? LOL

  3. Amy said...

    I love music too! I don't have any on my blog at the moment, but who's to say I won't one day. To each his/her own.

  4. Jenny said...

    Yeah. YEAH!!!!!!!!! You tell'em!!! Don't change for anyone who doesn't know how to hit the mute button on their 'puter! Geez!!! If I go to a blog and I start hearing music I don't wanna hear, I just...*pop*...hit the mute button. I don't spend an hour looking for the blog's playlist so I can turn it off, for God's sake.
    I didn't realize how pissed I was about this until I started typing! I'm a seething woman, here!!!
    I was surprised on some of the comments over there..."I hate it"..."I think it's annoying"...well you know what? YOU are annoying. Right Jen??? RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! "Can't find the off button"...give me a break...if you don't know how to turn off the volume on your computer, you have more to worry about than music on someone's blog.
    How can you deny "Bust a Move"?
    I gotcher back, sister.
    Ok...I'm done. :)

  5. Anonymous said...

    LOL...I was just thinking this earlier today. I for one, don't really like music to come on right when I open a new site...but I also don't base my like or dislike on that...but I really hate country music, so it does get harder...now YOURS is the first I haven't immediatly turned off the music..I love this song...

  6. Chandra said...

    Good for you for keeping yourself happy first.

    I mute the music, but I keep coming back anyway.

    So does everyone else. :)

  7. Happy Campers said...

    I find it annoying because it won't STOP. I open all my blogs in tabs, so they're all open at one time, and ALL the music plays at the SAME time! I end up muting my computer and I wish people woulc have a "push here to listen to my music" button!

  8. Tena said...

    Music doesn't bother me, mainly because I never remember to turn my speakers on, but I love me some good music, and have been known to break into dance at any given moment!

  9. PostCards said...

    Your music is part of the reason I keep coming here! (Y'know, aside from the witty repartee, cute kids and just general awesomeness!) Your ears and my ears seem to like the same things, so I keep coming here for ideas for what to listen to next. In fact, thanks to you John Mayer's Waiting on the World to Change is on heavy rotation in the car, and consequently that's what I'll be singing at my brother's birthday party on Saturday. Hope I don't suck!

    All that to say, keep the music!!

  10. Amazing_Grace said...


    You did nothing wrong about starting the discussion. I thought it was neat seeing what other people liked and didn't like on blogs.

    As for music on blogs, it's like TV or radio, if ya don't like it, turn it off. I don't see what the big deal is.

    Keep up your good work on your blog. I love reading it and listening to it as well! :)

  11. ** said...

    Just so you know.... I'm listening to your Young MC's Bust A Move. I am totally bustin' a move in my chair.

    This is why I ♥ you.

  12. jen aka mommay said...

    I didn't even realize you had music on your blog because I always have my volume muted! lol

  13. Tasina said...

    I have to admit I'm anti-music on blogs. But I don't shun anyone who has it. I generally keep my computer on mute anyway, so it's hardly an issue.

  14. Heather said...

    I have to say, I usually just turn off the music if I don't like it but I don't leave a blog beacause of it, either. Now, on to the bigger reason I'm commenting. YOUR music lady ROCKS. Your music list is totally my style and I'm browsing it now to get ideas for my Ipod. Thanks for your help :)

  15. Susiewearsthepants said...

    I say it's your blog, do whatever you want. Music playing has no impact on whether or not I read blogs. If the music is distracting, I just turn down the speakers, no biggie!

  16. Insane Mama said...

    I usually only turn the music off on blogs because it attracts my kids and that get annonying when they linger over my shoulder and shit. It's YOUR site play YOUR music

  17. Musings of a Housewife said...

    I used to HATE it when I turned on blogs with music. I would turn them off and not return if possible. That's when my computer was in the TV room. Now the computer is all alone in my office, and I enjoy the music on the blogs, as long as it's GOOD music. Which yours is, of course. :-) I'm rocking out as I type! ;-)

  18. John Deere Mom said...

    You go, girl! And anyone who has "Hot for Teacher" on their playlist is a friend in my book. ;)

  19. John Deere Mom said...

    You go, girl! And anyone who has "Hot for Teacher" on their playlist is a friend in my book. ;)

  20. Brittany said...

    Whatever Jen, don't you listen to those haters, you are a ROCK STAR, and I love your music, I sing to it every time I visit. I am loving Black Dog right now!

  21. Anonymous said...

    I'm not a huge fan of the music on blogs but it certainly doesn't keep me from reading a blog.

    My main reason for this is when I'm browsing at work on a break I don't want to call attention to the fact that I'm doing non work stuff. And I have a bit of trouble reading with music sometimes but I know both of these thing are my issues.

    I've just learned to make sure the volume is off on my computer when I read blogs and it doesn't bug me. I wouldn't ever presume to tell someone not to add it to their site cause I don't like it, that silly. Just mute your computer, how hard is that?

    Isn't crazy that the silliest things cause the most drama?

  22. Ann Harrison said...

    You're good Jen!
    You're fine!
    You have a very popular blog that I assume is very real to who you are. That's why I'm here.

    I watched the whole question/answer session wondering what you were thinking!

    (Oh, you're bad..."It's hard to find the OFF button"! Ha!)

  23. Tenakim said...

    You go girl- you want music -play music. I never want to tip off my husband to look at the computer so unless there is a video- my computer is always muted. I am also a TERRIBLE reader- can't comprehend at all if things aren't totally silent- but that's just me and my goofy hang- ups.

    I listen to music when I'm surfing short attention span sites- like at the buzz. I think it does tell a lot about a person, what kind of music they like to listen to.

  24. Pam said...

    i LURVES music, and i like em on blogs, too....i have very eclectic taste so i have all kinds of stuff on mine. music player on blogs would NOT make me never come back again if i enjoyed reading the posts, but if that turned someone off to mine, well, see ya! it's equivalent to 'it's your problem if you don't like me'. pretty sad if someone defines you by your music taste or if you have an automatic music player on your blog!

  25. Mrs4444 said...

    I HATE it; absolutely hate it and hate having to look for the player (in a different place on every blog, of course, to turn it off) but I know that I am "noise" sensitive, so I've just learned to keep the sound off on my computer. That way, you can be you, I can be me, and we can be a happy family :)

  26. Ann Harrison said...

    Did you see SITS new side bar question?!?

  27. Jill said...

    I really enjoy seeing the differences on everyone's blogs. I don't feel one way or another about music... if I like it I listen, and if I don't, I will pause it or turn it down.

    The neat part for me is trying to figure out why someone puts a certain type of music on their blog... does it fit the post, is it personal preference, something to do with that particular day.

    So rock on just a little louder! I'm not x'ing you out.

  28. Samantha S said...

    I think the bottom line is, who are you trying to please? If you blog fundamentally for yourself, as you say for your personal space, then that is part of you, your self-expression, your blog. If you're just doing it to please others, as they say, you can only please some of the people some of the time.

  29. Susie said...

    I just got Melissa Etheridge and it reminds of the sweetest college memories ever. Thanks for that!
    I will never NOT come back because you play music. It's part of who you are as a blogger, and I like what you have to say.
    You Rock!
    (now word verify? not so much for me-but if I have to!)

  30. nope said...

    Opinion... I don't care for music on blogs .. However like you said, I am there for the content. I can turn the music off.. So HAVE at it, I say. It is indeed your space and it should represent you!

  31. Ali said...

    I have to admit there's been times I turn down my speakers when I've come to your site, only because I've got itunes playing on my pc.

    But a lot of the times I have stayed longer on your site so I can finish hearing the song you're playing!

  32. Rochelle said...

    You tell 'em sistah! I like your music and often have it in the background while I'm geeking away in Quickbooks or Photoshop. Love your taste in music and I've stolen a song or two (not to mention the whole Playlist idea) myself! Thanks!

  33. Meg said...

    I have often struggled with this very thing. I put the player on and I take it off. You are right though, the majority of the people don't like it. They can look for the player and turn it off I suppose but most won't do that...instead they will quit coming to visit. Part of the problem with it is that our tastes in music vary so much in my opinion. When I have mine on my blog, it seems to slow the loading of it also...so, for now, mine is silenced...again.

    Hey...I have something for you on my blog...come get it.

  34. Mel said...

    Oh my gosh you beat me to the punch, I was going to post on this same thing. Personally, I do not like when music automatically plays because I'm usually listening to something else, but it wouldn't make me want to delete following a blog just cause of it. Great discussion!

  35. Jenny said...

    How bummed am I??? I left you this long supportive comment for this post, and it's not here. Did you get it but you hated it and didn't post it? Gosh, I hope not. I was totally saying you rock and don't you care what other people think. I said other witty and incredibly intelligent things, but I can't remember now. Oh well.

  36. Jen said...

    Ok, honestly, I'm not a huge fan of the music on blogs. But I would NEVER not return to one just because it had music. That is just plain ridiculous. See, yours has music and here I am. I guess to each his own. :)

  37. Jenny said...

    love your collection of music...i too usually turn the music down and then find a song i like to listen too.
    happy pow!

  38. Rebecca said...

    You know I have not actually heard your music on your blog (or anyone elses), I always have my speakers off.

    I am going to turn them on and enjoy your music, I like the sounds of your style girl! :)

  39. McMommy said...

    Oohh! You touched a blogosphere hotspot with that one! Interesting! I usually have my volume muted...so I guess it doesn't really affect me either way.

    I was looking at your music below...you do have some good songs on there!

  40. Queen Telling said...

    I love blogs with music. I love music myself and I like letting people know another side of me through what songs I am currently listening to.

    Great playlist!


  41. Unknown said...

    I love your music! Who cares what anybody says...it's your blog...they can always mute it if they want.

  42. Carol said...

    I always mute when I'm reading blogs but on the odd occassion I have forgotten I have jumped out of my skin.

    I think it may have added a grey hair or two.

    I can live without that, thank you!

  43. Mommy Meryl said...

    I actually really like music on blogs - but I had music on mine for 2 days and then took it off. Only because I had about 12 people email me and tell me they read my blog when they are at work and they don't want to be caught. ..kinda funny, but I took it off because of that.

  44. Anonymous said...

    Okay, was going to comment but Jenny said it for me...(4th comment from the top)I stopped reading comments after that! lol Enjoy your day and your music!

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