A Thousand Words Thursday

Want to join me in A Thousand Words Thursday, read HERE then grab my tag from HERE.

13 supporters in group:

  1. Brittany said...

    Wow, 8 years ago! That is insane, but she is so adorable!

  2. Bob and Jenn Peacock said...

    That is a great picture! I am going to join you in A Thousand Words Thursday...going to get your tag now. :)

  3. A Crafty Mom said...

    Would you look at that little sweetheart. Her dress and hat are precious, not to mention those eyes and that smile :-)

  4. Texasholly said...

    OMG she is cute. Really, really cute in a wow, I think she is cute and she isn't even my child kinda cute.

  5. Anonymous said...


  6. Ali said...

    Adorable! Love the little hat!

  7. flickrlovr said...

    What a little cutie she was (and still is, of course!) The big grin and little folded hands...and the hat and dress? How could you resist that!
    Too cute.

    Does DQ like looking at old photos of herself?

  8. Baby Bear Creations said...

    OMG that is the cutest photo of DQ, I love her outfit and hat - adorable!!!

    I still can't get over how much the girls looked alike back then...but they are sisters and all right. hehe

    Same with my boys, 3 peas in a pod! :P

  9. Tena said...

    they grow so fast, no more blinking for you!!

  10. Tara R. said...

    She could not get any cuter! Absolutely beautiful!

  11. Mrs4444 said...

    She's beautiful. And she's grown a ton since then, too!

  12. Clare said...

    DQ is sooo cute! Clare

  13. McMommy said...

    Wowie!! For a second, I thought I was looking at your youngest daughter!! They look so much alike!

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