The un-RAD Finale
I now pronounce them Snowboarder and wife.I feel like I've been hit by a truck. Like seriously whacked dude.
Was I having a horrible nightmare or did DeAnna really allow poor Jason to get down on his knee to only reject his love for her?
I know ABC loves to tease. The show focused on Jason way too much in the beginning. I was nervous the first hour knowing how the editing is always tricky.
Oh poor Jesse. Her dad doesn't give him much credit, her sister doesn't feel it from him. He didn't ask her father for her hand.
But, wait. The very next night at the most uncomfortable home visit ever, suddenly Jesse has a clue and nearly begs D's dad to give him his blessing to propose. He also makes points with her Yaya by doing the whole hand-bump-explosion thing. OH MY GOD is he ten years old?? Sure Yaya seemed smitten, but she already has a husband.
Ugh. I have little energy left for the rest of this post.
....ooohhhh almost forgot to mention Jeremy!! That was stalker-ish. If it would have been Graham, I totally bet she would have C-A-V-E-D! You know i'm right.
Oh and how 'bout Jesse and choosing the ring. He was ready to hack in the bushes before going in. Good choice at least, but boy anyone else's hubby nearly faint at the reality of marriage? Just wonderin'.
Cut to the "After the Final Rose" train-wreck. I could taste Jason's pain, his broken heart. Chris Harrison, can you just turn the knife he's already been stabbed in the heart with a little harder, just a little deeper. Why OH why do they subject these poor men and women to this further pain? "DeAnna, were you EVER in love with Jason?" Gulp.
I'm so sick of D's I never wanted to hurt you and make you feel like I felt when Brad dumped
COME ONNNNNNNN! The easy solution to that would have NOT to come back and do the same show again and be in the same seat Brad was....DUH the DUMPER. That was her whole job...find one, dump 24. Lead a few on through the end and then CRUSH their whole being while they kneel before you and propose.
I hardly think they'll be Trista and Ryan...but if they do get that far, i'll probably force hubby to drink a bottle or two of wine with me to watch their RAD wedding next May.
July 9, 2008 at 2:39 AM
Agreed, completely. I liked the twinkie at first, until I snuck online early and found out who's heart she dragged out (still beating) and stomped all over. On national television. As for that "After the Rose" mess, if there hadn't been a big spider in my bathroom I'd have gone and thrown up.
July 9, 2008 at 4:37 AM
I wanted to like Jason. I did. I swear. Buuut, I just can't believe he left his 3 y/o son to go on a reality show. So, that made me instantly be judgey judgey of him, no matter hot how his 5 o'clock shadow was. At the very least, Jesse seems genuine, and creepiness.
I'll get drunk with you next may!
*fist bump*
July 9, 2008 at 5:12 AM
Never. Gonna. Happen. :)
July 9, 2008 at 5:58 AM
It was painfully obvious within the first 20 minutes of the show that Jesse was a shoe in for the win. They made Jason out to be so much better, and in my opinion he is. I mean, Jesse seems like a nice guy but rather shallow. And I suppose I think Deanna is to now. It just feels like she made the wrong choice
I hope Jason is the next bachelor.
July 9, 2008 at 6:15 AM
I always feel the need to cry for the guy getting a heel shoved into his heart. Poor sap!
July 9, 2008 at 7:13 AM
My stomach is still in knots. We had tivo'd the after the rose show and we just watched it last night. It made me feel like I'd been bamboozled all over again.
I'm SO SO SO not happy. Jesse just doesn't stack up to Jason. And all that "Honey" crap. Blech.
July 9, 2008 at 7:20 AM
I am totally with you..eww jesse..I have a much as she flippin said "Brad" is she really "over" him..I think not..poor Jason..I honestly thought she was gonna choose him..he needs to be the next bachlor and find him a "good" one!
July 9, 2008 at 8:22 AM
Ha, ha, I told you so! Hee Hee - I just knew the snowboarder guy was going to get the girl!
July 9, 2008 at 8:35 AM friend and I used to watch this show faithfully, every week. We would even have a party for the final episode. I am not sure what happened, but it all ended with Byron and Mary in season 6.
July 9, 2008 at 8:50 AM
I was so upset for Jason. I wanted her to pick him! Jesse just doesn't do it for me, but to each his (or her) own I guess!
I'm glad I am not the only one who noticed how much she blinks....that sorta got on my nerves.
I can't get over how all these people go on this show and expect to not get their feelings hurt. It happens everytime!
But I love it :P
July 9, 2008 at 9:00 AM
What's funny is that I didn't have the energy to recap, either after the train wreck. I totally skipped the RAD RECAP, dude. Here's a fist bump for train wrecks! (and hopefully a televised wedding!)
July 9, 2008 at 9:22 AM
Ok...I don't watch this show. Never have. And I see why. The guy in the above photo, who I'm assuming was the UGLY. I'd rather look at a picture of my butthole than have to look at him.
July 9, 2008 at 9:29 AM
I haven't watched this show since the original, because I felt like MY heart was getting yanked out and stepped on.
July 9, 2008 at 10:02 AM
Lol at Jenny's comment. Jesse kinda looks like Sean Penn in his younger years. way too creepy, but like you said, if that had been Graham, she would have put a 'Don Not Disturb' sign on the door for sure. D just bugs..she does blink way too much and she always opens her eyes when shes making out with the guys..thats so annoying. Jesse about to fall over and collapse is not really a good sign either. I give it a month..tops..
July 9, 2008 at 10:15 AM
I have been waiting to read this review.. LOL!
I couldn't agree more... UGH, seriously I wanted to barf. Jason was the man to pick. When Jesse has no clue what to do with life post snowboarding, what to do what to do...
And I was on the same page with the picking the ring.. really does it make you almost pass out at the thought? OMG!
July 9, 2008 at 10:50 AM
Thank you Jen for the great review! I couldn't agree more! Jesse is so not cute, and an almost 30 year old who acts like he is still 17. I felt so bad for Jason in the "after the rose," why did he even come? How sad! I just wanted to cry for him. We will definitely see if there is a wedding in May...Jesse might throw up during the ceremony considering the way he acted just picking out the darn ring! Clare
July 9, 2008 at 11:30 AM
This might be the first season that I have not missed even one episode. Here's my take on the show:
1) She absolutely is not over Brad. You do not talk about someone that much that you are over.
2) Graham is so super hot and Jeremy is so creepy. No one is perfect, so I am glad that she realized the only bond was the death of their mothers.
3) My only problem with Jason was that he was willing to leave his son on a CHANCE that he would find someone. I am sure that there are single women in Seattle that are crawling all over him right now. But I think she would have been bored with him. D was too adventurous. And like her family said, she would have been fast forwarding her life five years.
4) Jesse grew on me at the end. But there are issues there that certainly would have prevented me from picking him. But I knew when her family was telling her no about him and she kept defending him. He told her that he did not know what he wanted to do after snowboarding and that he didn't care how much money he made. Well, women usually care about those things. And he told his dad he didn't know if he was ready to get married. His dad kinda convinced him that he was. I think he just had the same adventurous spirit, and his family may have reminded her of her own when her mother was alive.
Anyhoo, to wrap it up, I still want Graham. I'd take Jason. Jeremy is a stalker and Jesse is best friend material. But I don't think my husband would approve of Graham or Jason.
July 9, 2008 at 12:21 PM
can you believe I didn't even see one episode of this? I know I missed out.
July 9, 2008 at 12:37 PM
you had me at my blinky ass LOL
I hoped others were annoyed at how much she blinked her eyes. It was definitely annoying.
Nug and throw it in the air.....Jessie that was just lame. Making the grandparents do that stupid chit...Come On!
July 9, 2008 at 12:51 PM
I think I am the cheese who stands alone, I liked Jesse! I liked that he stayed true to who he was. I also thought it was endearing that he was nervous going into getting the engagement ring, showed that he was not going into this whole thing lightly. Jason was a good guy, a million times better than crazy stalker Jermery.
Now we wait for another season to come on?
Do you watch Big Brother?
July 9, 2008 at 2:04 PM
Ho funny; I didn't notice the blinking at all. Then again, I teach emotionally disturbed students, so that's no shock (I tend to ignore the little quirks.) I guess that leads to an understanding of why I would have her pick Jesse, the wild card, the free spirit. I don't think he's attractive, but I knew she was going to pick him, because a) Jason was too perfect, and b) she always had a "polite" smile in her eyes when she looked at Jason; she was faking it. That said, I think he did some faking of his own; in one breath, he says "I'm in love with you," and after she dumped him, he said, "I was so ready to fall in love again." Which is it, Jesse, hmmm? Finally, if he's so dedictated to his son, why in the world would he agree to leave him again (probably much longer) to play the next Bachelor. Something is just odd about him, too. (And I don't mean the 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 o'clock shadow, either, which inspired us to nickname him "Monkeyboy." That said, I don't think Jesse and D are going to last. It just seems a little high school to me. I hope it does (incurable romantic, here), but I'm not betting the house on it. Now, Jen, where's that prize? (JK. I do need your address, though, for the lovely Consolation Prize.)
July 9, 2008 at 6:21 PM
These shows make me crazy! I didn't watch this season b/c I was so pissed off at the guy last time for not proposing to either girls! That's pretty much why I stick to HGTV...there is always a happy ending (or at least a better looking room).
July 9, 2008 at 7:11 PM
I felt horrible for poor Jason! Wanna bet he's the next bachelor? Seriously, I couldn't agree more that I was sick to death of hearing her say she never wanted anyone to feel the way Brad made her feel....she's a little dim.
July 10, 2008 at 10:04 AM
I was so diappointed!!! They are certainly opposites!!!! Ugghh...I felt the same way....what a dork.
July 10, 2008 at 11:25 AM
i completely agree!!! it just doesn't seem like a lasting relationship-- like it would have been with jason. but i don't understand why anyone would go on this show--- it narrows down your choices down to 25, when before you could pick from anybody! but i hope they last, and i am glad she is happy!
July 10, 2008 at 3:41 PM
ABC, Please stop messing with me.
The End.
July 10, 2008 at 9:02 PM
Great post. I was so pulling for Jason. I think after the talk with Chris Harrison he could have any woman in the room. Isn't it interesting how editing works. I would like to see what they didn't show.
July 10, 2008 at 10:03 PM
Wasn't it the worst? I was sick to my stomach.
July 11, 2008 at 12:22 AM
My sister and I have made a bet; she thinks they will last at least two years. I don't. I put it on the calendar for two years from now.
Just now realized that YOU are the person I was trying to remember at the post office today. Still waiting for you to send me your address! hinthint
July 11, 2008 at 3:58 AM
UUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH!!! What the heck???! So ticked off.........I mean Jesse a nice guy and all but let's see how long this lasts. Whatever. Wrong choice and oh heartbreaking after the rose....just terrible. I'm with you, if they DO get married...I'm TOOOOtally watching it. :D Thanks girl, how was vacay??
July 11, 2008 at 11:00 AM
Sorry I am just now getting around to catching up with your blog...where does the time go anyway?
I was absolutely stunned when she picked Jesse...! We were having a ball with it on Twitter. Poor, Jason...I certainly hope he finds someone who cannot live without him. He certainly deserves it. Maybe they will do a Bachelor on HIM?
I am with you in the fact that I got sick of listening to D whine about how she never wanted to hurt him. What did she THINK was going to happen?
July 14, 2008 at 7:15 PM
Hey there! Glad to have you back. I'm catching up (sloooowwwly) after a serious case of eye strain that is still giving me trouble. Anyway, I did catch the finale. You are SO right about Graham. In the end though, I saw the Jesse thing. Jason was the right choice (the one all of us already-marrieds could see was the best choice), but she clearly had more raw chemistry with Jesse.
Jason was my fave up until that night, because once he got rejected, and on the After the Rose show? I had this weird feeling that he was suddenly gunning to be the Bachelor himself! I could be wrong, but there was just something about how he was talking.
In the end I think it was better for him that she chose Jesse, because he really needs someone prepared to love him AND Ty, and few younger women are truly ready for that.
July 17, 2008 at 11:45 AM
*gulp* I was a Jesse fan from day one, but I dig the surfer/skater/snowboarder from WAY back before they discovered the earth was round.
I love Jesse, too bad he ended up with a whiner.