Weekly Winners 8/17-8/23

The gorgeous bag I won from MomDot!

Our new friend.

More homework!

Painted faces at Yaya & Papa's work party.

Big sister got in on it.

K WON the hula-hoop contest!!

DQ *almost* won Limbo.

Cousin T with his tenth third S'more.

Let's go surfing now....

...even Papa's learning how (with a beer, now that's talent)

This surfing is a cinch!

Batman contemplating the Joker...

Longest lashes.

Even with this effect.

Wardrobe malfunction.

For more fantastic photos check out Lotus at Sarcastic Mom!!

47 supporters in group:

  1. Kritta22 said...

    I can't believe you got your bag already! That's awesome!
    Congrats on the clarinet. I played the french horn and hubby played the tuba. Be grateful it's not those two!
    Yes go buy earplugs!!
    Awesome face paintings! You have a busy week!

  2. Anonymous said...

    These are all awesome shots, and I love the black and white with color. Looks like a whole bunch of fun was had this week!

  3. Ann Harrison said...

    Your photos get better every day Jen!
    Great work.
    (I went to the toy store with Lily and she, of course, went to the Barbie aisle. I was thinking of Bathtub Gangsta'! Nice last picture!)
    And the face painting. So beautiful! Any time we've had access to a face painter it's never turned out this well. Just so beautiful.

  4. Anonymous said...

    what fantastic shots! That face painting is amazing!

  5. MiLeT said...

    nice face paints. my daughter also love her barbie naked.

    you can see my weekly winners here! thanks.

  6. Anonymous said...

    Love them all.
    The last one really tickled my fancy!

  7. Anonymous said...

    I love all your photos! Looks like you had a fun week! And the bag is beautiful! congrats for the win:)

    My very first time to join! I hope you can drop by my post, HERE:D

  8. Tenakim said...

    those are great face paintings! I want to live in California- it looks fun!

  9. A Christian Mom said...

    Great pictures! Love the face paint. Cute bag, as well!

  10. Texasholly said...

    Great photos this week. Love the limbo picture and those surfing shots are fun! Those work parties look way better then the ones we used to go to!

  11. Anonymous said...

    First I have to say that I love House of Pain's Jump Around. I must download it now; my son will love it for his iPod Shuffle.

    Second, GREAT SHOTS! The hoola hoop, b&w w/ color, is my favorite.

  12. ComfyMom~Stacey said...

    Incredible shots! I love the wardrobe malfunction Barbie!

  13. Kristen Andrews said...

    cool picks. Tag your it, see my blog.

  14. Jenni said...

    You take such wonderful pictures! And that bag is beautiful!

  15. Anonymous said...

    Great shots! The face painting turned out beautiful!

  16. Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

    Beautiful shots! I love the clarinet the best, I think.

  17. Christina said...

    Love the face painting, and the action shots! Surfing is too funny.

  18. Rachel said...

    I absolutely adore the butterfly faces and that bag is definitely GAWGEOUS!
    I love the effects you added to the photos, it really gives them new life.
    Fantastic Weekly Winners.

  19. G said...

    looks like everyone had a great time! the tote is cute!!

  20. Julie H said...

    That is some great face painting!

    Melissa brought home a saxaphone. OMG it's LOUD.

  21. Julie H said...

    That is some great face painting!

    Melissa brought home a saxaphone. OMG it's LOUD.

  22. Anonymous said...

    What awesome pictures! I'm feeling a bit inadequate in the photo department- I need to figure out my new camera- in a hurry!

  23. Insane Mama said...

    I need a new camera... NOW these are great! I like the hula hooping one.

  24. McMommy said...

    I Love that BAG!!!

  25. Anonymous said...

    ooohh that bag is STUNNING!!

    The day looks like fun!!

  26. amelia bedelia said...

    Beautiful pics! The surfing shots, looked real.

  27. Sue Wilkey said...

    LMAO at the BG reference!!!!!!!!! She's totally his type. :)

  28. Rebecca - I'm a Canon girl! said...

    Love the bag, very pretty!

    The face painting is wonderful, they all look so cool, YAY for K winning the hula hoop event!!

    Wonderful photos as usual of your adorable kiddies Jen. :)

  29. Anonymous said...

    That is some of the coolest face painting I have ever seen. WOW. It's just beautiful.

    And the Bathtub Gangsta shout out made some Diet Dr. P. go up my nose, lol.

  30. Anonymous said...

    Such a cute bag~congrats on the win :) ♥ all the painted faces & ♥ all the beach/surfing ones~looks like everyone had a blast! And, LOL @ wardrobe malfunction~such a hoot!

  31. Susiewearsthepants said...

    That clarinet brings back middle school memories. I played for three years but I was never really good at it. Good luck to DQ in her musical endeavor!

  32. Heather B. said...

    Oh I just love the Clarinet pic!! I played it for 10 yrs!! Oh the memories! I even still have the last one my parents bought for me and play it every now and then!! I hope whom ever is playing it has a grand time. It really is a fun instrument!!!

  33. Merrie said...

    LOL at Bathtub Gangsta's ho.

    And what great face painting! Looks like you all had a good time. Where was it?

  34. Mrs4444 said...

    Great pics, as usual! Loved the surfing pics the most :) I've been having fun using Picnik to play with photo effects; very easy. If only I had the time to do more...I start work this week :(

  35. Anonymous said...

    oh, i remember that book well!

    love the photos!!!

  36. Unknown said...

    I love Papa's surfin' pic - that's totally rad dude! HA!

    The face painting is beautiful too...

  37. Kelly said...

    great shots..looks like that work party was fun.. :)

  38. Amber said...

    Great pictures! I love the bag your won.

  39. flickrlovr said...

    You're so ridiculously good at catching good shots!
    Jeez. Stop it, you're making the rest of us look bad Jen ;)

    I would pick a favorite, but I can't! I love them all.

    So fun to sneak a peek into your week :)

  40. Anonymous said...

    The bag is gorgeous! And that homework is floating around my house somewhere Ha! Same exact book except for flute.

  41. Anonymous said...

    nice bag you won!!!

    Love the pics of the family, the hula hoop one was my fav.

    barbie clearly has more than wardrobe issues. lol....

  42. Rachel said...

    I love, love, LOVE your pictures. What camera do you use and what type of editing software are you using? I'm always looking for ways to make mine better. :)

  43. Anonymous said...

    Only 1 blog friend commented on Papa's Surfin ! I have to say my favorite , as well. He's our next member of the "BEACH BOYS". He's got it - esp. with the beer ! Just glad it wasn't asparagus and shrimp !!!!!!
    Guess who ?

  44. Anonymous said...

    I played clarinet in grade school too! Love all of the surfing pictures... Totally radical, dude. :)

  45. Wendi said...

    Love the bag...so glad you won!
    Fabulous photos!

  46. Anonymous said...

    I love the bag! Is that a B's bag??

  47. OHmommy said...

    GREAT pictures. Really great!!! I love the butterflies, so pretty.

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