The Rooster Call

I'm not exactly sure how it started.

Or even when it started (My Boy or DQ)...

But, during the potting training of the aforementioned older kids in the family, we taught them to use a code after they made their business.

Number 1 is easy enough. TP and wipe, then flush.

Numero Dos, a little trickier. Can you see a toddler attempting to tidy up back there on their own?

And, they always wanted privacy when doing their business, so in order to know when they were done, needing help, enter the code.

Hubby and I--Okay DQ? My Boy? child, when you're done going poop, let us know by doing this...
Then mommy or daddy will come rushing in to help you wipe, okay?
Kid--(all excited and stuff) Okay!!

It was like a dang hen house in here for YEARS before I would stop controlling and allow the kids to wipe themselves

...even now they could use...nevermind.

Now we're trying to implement this very code with K.

Me--No, Cockadoodledoo!
K--Coo Coo!
K--Mommy punny [funny]!!
Me--When you have poopoo in the potty chair call mommy okay?

It might take a while, but my little rooster will get it right!

40 supporters in group:

  1. LdybugSammi said...

    toddler trying to wipe themselves after poop always equals disaster. I've learned this recently

  2. WeaselMomma said...

    For a particularly big job they should 'Moooooo'.

  3. Deb said...

    I think I'll do that to my husband once...just to scare him.

  4. Stephanie said...

    Oh that's too cute! CooCoo might just be her thing and hey at least you know what it means...makes her stand out :) Love it!!

  5. Tracey said...

    When he's 30 and getting married...everyone should make the noise as they walk into the reception!!

  6. Mrs. Schmitty said...

    How adorable is that?!!

  7. Brittany said...

    HAHA! That is hilarious. I am dreading the wiping, but I can't wait to be rid of diapers...ahhh...a catch 22. How long do we wipe for?

  8. jill jill bo bill said...

    I love it! So much more subtle than "Moooooom! I'm through pooping!"

  9. ParentingPink said...

    OMG! I love potty talk :-) Yes, I know that makes me extremely weird, but it's so cute how kids communicate when they are trying to get the whole pee & poo thing down. I love the "number 2" call. Hmmm, have to use that one when I train my final baby!

  10. Sarah said...

    I'm curious as to why a rooster? I mean I can understand not using a lion - roaring in front of campany may send the wrong message especially in relation to poo. But a rooster?

  11. Ali said...

    So cute! So much more fun than "I'M DONE!!!!"

  12. Unknown said...

    That's too cute! I'll be standing guard with Baby Girl! No more poop in the sink for me!

    Thanks for your concern about sleep situation. We're back on schedule! PTL!

  13. Jill said...

    What a hoot! I just hear the extremely loud scream of, "mommy... I'm doooonnnneeee". Over and over and over...

  14. Tyne said...

    cock a doodle doo. I am starting potty training today with McClaine. After I finish reading through 68 posts in reader.

  15. Anonymous said...

    I may just steal this idea. Not that the boy shows any sign of cooperating by pooping on the potty. I'm just trying to think positive.

  16. TentCamper said...

    My son yells, "Dad...I pooped!"
    To the point...just not so descrete

  17. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    What a cute idea! We've got the cockadoodledoo part down; now it's just using the potty that we need!

  18. Tena said...

    OMG if one of the monkey's did this, I think I would pee my pants! This is classic!!!

  19. Ranch Girl said...

    You are hysterical!!!!!

  20. scargosun said...

    It takes time for little roosters to get their call down pat. I actually learned that recently. :)

  21. scargosun said...

    It takes time for little roosters to get their call down pat. I actually learned that recently. :)

  22. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    I never thought about a code word, pretty funny. I always heard the typical MMMMMMOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Aw...the joys of being a mom!!

  23. Susan said...

    What a fun idea! I'm sure K will be a great rooster very soon.

  24. Linda S said...

    Awwww, she calls coocoo when she cute...

  25. Anonymous said...

    What a great system I love it and will have to remember it!!

  26. Ann Harrison said...

    You're so FUNNY!
    I was never this creative with potty training. Ho Hum.

  27. Ginny said...

    That is too funny :)

  28. Sue Wilkey said...

    Aw, so cute! I still remember trying to get my daughter to say "cock-a-doodle-doo" and she'd go "dot-do!" The best.

  29. Tenakim said...

    The mom punny!

  30. Blog Stalker said...

    Love the rooster calls. Thought this post was going somewhere else when I saw the title and you started blogging about pottying.

    Great post. Good luck with little rooster.

    Have a great day!

  31. Sarah McBride said...

    ahhh the joys of potty training.
    I love the rooster attempts!

  32. Jo-Jo said...

    First of all, I know what you mean by sometimes they still need help. Geez I have a 10 year old step son! AHHH!

    Second, I am so trying that with Riley! We put a halt to the potty training when I figured out that I was putting to much pressure on myself to do all things at once but we will start again soon!

  33. Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

    LOL, that's so cute. K is right, you are funny!

  34. amelia bedelia said...

    I like the new word. coocoo. instead of poopooo. has a nice ring to it.

  35. Not Just Any Jen said...

    This is so funny! I love the code, so much better than " MOM! I POOOOOOOOPed!"

  36. Jenni said...

    That is a VERY cute idea!

    And so much better than:

    Mooooooom! Come Wiiiiiiiipe me!

  37. Wendi said...


    Can you only imagine the google searches that will be lead to your blog now?

  38. JenEverAfter said...

    Mine calls me "Silly Mommy." It's the most adorable thing in the world! Of course, it sounds more like "si-ee mom-eee." Awww!

  39. J'Ollie Primitives said...

    hysterical! Gross but hysterical.

  40. Mrs4444 said...

    OMG-that's adorable. What a little cutie!

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